According to doctrine, the terceirizao consists of ‘ ‘ trilateral relation between worker, intermediador of man power (apparent, formal or dissimulated employer) and the borrower of services (real or natural employer), characterized for not the coincidence of the real employer with formal’ ‘. Among others item of the debate are the fact of Statement 331 of the TST, to foresee that the company (public or private) cannot terceirizar its activity-end, but only the activities-half. Therefore, as they show some authors, it is extremely difficult for the Judiciary one to define with precision which the activity-end and which the activity-half in each in case that concrete, generating discrepancies between a judgment and another one. The analysis of the jurisprudence showed to an enormous subjectivity in the decisions, generating with this the legal unreliability of the same ones. Under the shade of such type of act of contract, the activity-end of the Administration gradually is repassed the specialized companies, with economy of resources, supporting itself, supposedly, in the beginning of the efficiency. However, such procedure violates the too much principles constitutional, notadamente, burlando to the meritrio system of the public competition. A time is concluded that defaulted the working incubencies on the part of the companies contracted for the public administration, such debits could not be imputed to this, but yes to the proper lender of services, who is the real employer. The writing of the article is clear and objective, giving I do not try the contrary interpretations. Finally, it is perceived, an evident evolution with absolution of new forms of act of contract of workmanship hand, that finish for if perfazerem by means of Abridgement 331 of the TST, which uniformizou the agreement on the terceirizao, receiving the allowed supply of workmanship hand when configured the existence of relation of pessoalidade and direct subordination it does not enter the borrower of services and the terceirizado employee.
Author: flatalen
Lapa Quality
The paper of the standardization in the management is to get control of the situation. ‘ ‘ Control without padronizao’ does not exist; ‘ (JURAN, 1990, P. 12). For Lapa, (1998, p.5): Observing the execution of tasks, normally we notice that diverse actions do not mean work directly productive that is, do not add value. Such unproductive actions involve manuscript, transport of objects, look for of some item, locomotion, choice of some thing, request of something, position change, amongst others. Certainly, in these situations, the anomalies caused for the mentioned movements of wastefulness, do not contribute stop that the people if concentrate in the execution of the service, beyond meaning loss of time.
Finally, it is understood that the success of the implementation of a standardization system is desirable, therefore of this elapses the control of the results of the standardized processes, generating a conditioning previsibility of the quality as a whole, after all, if the process generates products or services of quality, is necessary to guarantee the consumer that such products or services will withhold, at least, the same qualitative standard in the next chance that this if disponibilize to consume the result of the process, either this consumer external intern or. 2.2 The importance of the standardization the standardization becomes all the most easy one, as much for who consumes as for who it produces. Who produces can reaproveitar maquinrio and packings for some products, facilitating the production and the transport. The consumer has the advantage of being able to choose between finer products and with a minimum of guaranteed quality already. In this way, to standardize is to take any task that is being executed of satisfactory form and to transform it into a working standard. Therefore, any service that is made in its standardized form will not be able to never go down of the call ‘ ‘ Padro’ goal; ‘..
Shaw Problems
According to Lighter; Garci’a (2010), the organizacional culture allows to understand the reasons of the conflicts and the impacts, appeared in the enterprise environment, where the effective and terceirizados employees work together, or where contracting and terceirizadas companies work in interdependence. Many of these conflicts derive from the problems of interpersonal relationship between workers with varied categories of working bonds, or from the proper relationship between companies in net. In accordance with Naldler; Gerstein; Shaw (1999) is necessary, to create new solutions in the structure and management of the company. The terceirizados employees, however, do not feel part of the teams formed for the staff, this because, at any time, these people can be excused. The success of a management is in the detailed study of predominant the organizacional culture.
From its understanding, one becomes possible to construct better forms of management of the human resources. The implantation of projects, resources, and models that they aim at to improve the performance of the human resources, can generate problems that, normally, are invisible during the change processes. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out John Utendahl. These invisible problems emerge when falls in the productivity are evidenced, financial damage or, many times, loss of the good employees (SCHEIN, 2001). 1,5 AREA OF HUMAN RESOURCES As Ribeiro (2005) the area of Human resources passed for transformations, throughout the history of the country. Until the third decade of century XX, in the age Vargas, they did not exist, for example, politics of Human resources. the conduction of the area was, normally, in charge of a lawyer, given the approach in the legal questions of the relation with the employees. But the transformations politics, social and economic occured in the country, from this decade, had brought as consequence the beginning of industrialization process, with the creation of a great number of private and governmental organizations. Of this it forms the work relations if they had become complex more, with the sprouting of new activities, commercial, industrial and of services.
Industrial Revolution
Readers. We saw in periodicals the problem of the enslaved work in the workshops that terceirizam the production for great grife, its workers were displayed the long hours of working and to one pssima remuneration beyond you denounce of register of ' ' vales' ' for ' ' adiantamentos' ' that many times made with that these workers earned well less than the minimum wage. Follow others, such as Richard Elman, and add to your knowledge base. This situation shocked all the opinion publishes, therefore a condition thus in full century XXI is inadmissible, where all yearn for freedom dignity and justice. The Ministry of the Work fiscalized and this acting to decide the problem caused for people who want to explore the human being in vulnerability condition as the immigrants found in these ' ' oficinas' ' , not of century XXI, but of century XIX time of the Industrial Revolution where if it very paid little for the o human work and extensive hours of working without right nor for the necessities was charged in time human beings what it will say for the leisure. In the case of the workshops he was paid in some cases but R$ 0,07 cents for part, a nonsense! We would be being also enslaved? Slaves of the work. I make this question not because we work in companies who explore in them or have practise that they are not recommendable, but because the human being this if becoming each enslaved time of having and the fondness, forgetting the quality life. On behalf of an exaggerated consumption we are consuming the planet, removing of its viscera substances cousins who delay years to be bred and this compromises all the support of the planet and the beings that live in it.
The work must be seen as an activity capable to bring pleasure, balance and personal satisfaction and not as something that we have that to make to only gain money. When I speak in balance I am wanting to say that the human being this each time working more and having each time little quality of life, intense heat, rains in abundance, earthquakes and tidal waves beyond ' ' doenas' ' created for the society as the violence, escape of the reality through the drugs or alcohol and even though the attachment when having stops but to be in fashion, they are making with that although the improvement of the standard of living (quality and amount of available goods and services to a person) in feels each time to them more unhappy. We go now from thinking if really valley the penalty if tronar enslaved of the work making double hours of working having two or more jobs to feed this standard of living. Quality of life involves the physicist, mental, psychological and emotional, time for the social relationships well, as family and friends and a time to take care of of the health, proportionate education for a good reading or even though time to seat in front of a window and to see the life to pass. If it does not become a slave of the work leg to have a good standard of living, because all enslaved he lives in absolute subjection to one gentleman and this Sir (the sped up rhythm of life) can very soon give chibatada to it. We go to reflect on this! (Peter Pablo Galindo Morales is Technologist in Management, Postgraduate in Controladoria, Technician in Contabilidade and Blogueiro, ).
The Dependence
An example of this behavior is the employer who always asks for to the employee who remakes its work, repetidamente, without no objective reason, but with objective to humiliate it. Or the employer who always makes humilhantes commentaries in relation to its collaborator. 7. ESTRESSE IN in agreement WORK Chiavenato estresse: ' ' it is a set of physical, chemical and mental reactions of a decurrent person of stimulatons or estressores that exist in ambiente.' ' Some factors can lead estresse to it: the authoritarianism of the head, the pressure of the requirements, collections, fulfilment of the working hours, the lack of perspective of professional progress, personal insatisfao, among others reasons. It estresse unhappyly it can also lead to the dependence of the alcohol, and abuse of the drugs, as a form to try to run away of the problems. It estresse it in the work provokes serious consequncias, not only for the employee, but also to the company. Details can be found by clicking Noble Group or emailing the administrator. The consequncias estresse of it include gastric anxiety, depression, riots, migraines, muscular tension, nervousness and accidents.
The company also is affected negative, she estresse therefore it intervenes with the quality of life of the work, increasing the absenteeism and rotation of the employees. Chiavenato (2004, P. 435) describes some ways estresse to reduce it in the work: Not to try to get more than what each one can make; Cooperative and pleasant relations with the colleagues; To understand the problems of the head and to help it to understand it its; It is not much time dealing with ackward problems; It makes a relation of preoccupying subjects. It lists with priority problems and steps on each one so that it is not going up to around its memory. Regular exercises contribute for the physical health and help estresse to reduce it; 8. QUALITY OF LIFE IN In agreement WORK definition of the World-wide Organization of the Health, Quality of Life is ' ' a set of individual perceptions of life in the context of the systems of culture and values where they live, and in relation its goals, expectations, standards and preocupaes.' ' Quality of life in the work can be understood in the following way: Quality of Life in the Work is the set of actions of a company that involve the managemental and technological implantation of improvements and innovations in the work environment.
Brazil More
The professional with the specialized formation appeared then. Today them organizations to be competitive will have that to produce more, to generate new prescriptions and to define expenses. The trend then is to reduce the personnels and to demand more produtividades of that to remain employed. But facing moments of greaters or minors conflicts in relations between used and employers, the challenge of the administration of the human resources and to keep the man power of the integrated, motivated and produced company. We will be able to cite with more details when they had been the periods of the management of the RH in Brazil: 1930 WORKING PRE-JURIDICO: economic depression, absence of legislation, simple tasks and instrumental elementary school; 1930/1950, BUREAUCRATIC: creation of labor law, routines of staff, notes, franquesia, payments wages; 1950/1960, TECNISISTA: industrial, textile, siderurgical, chemical development, first steps for the donation of routines of RH (R& H.
training); 1960/1980, SISTEMISTA: first positions of you manage in RH, emphasis in the program of training supported by the government, PAT, SESMT, first you practise of management participativas-CCO? s, shy programs of performance evaluation; 1980/1990, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ENTEGRADAS: syndical pressures, formation of leadership, models of management DOWSIZING REENGENHARIA; 1990 DEEP STRUCTURAL REFORMS: valuation of the human talentos, high speed, productivity, continuous learning, management of the information, knowledge, enterprise excellency, fusing of the organizations. CHIAVENATO (2003) appraises the RH as an area to interdisciplinar that it has the capacity of involves innumerable deriving concepts of some areas. For dealing directly with the human being, that is, individuals with different personalities or that it requires of any specialist in the area of human resources good experiences and a good volume of knowledge in different areas. IT HISSES (2002, p, 224), affirms that, the main managemental interest is to motivate the employees to reach the organizacionais objectives in an efficient and efficient way.
Maranho Town
The ESPANTALHO In the time where the south region of Par was still almost that total covered for exuberant forest, consisting of a great variety of leafy trees, and not of this rasteiro green of capim of grass of the great small farms that today substitute roas of long ago, in the small lots of land demarcated in the way them bushes, when the land was of who first arrived, was that compadre Bald, recently fond of the town of Is Domingos of the Araguaia, attracted by the perspective of working autonomous worker, in its proper land, without being aggregate, master for ordering to it, as it was its life in the hinterland will cear of it in the year of 1960, started to work in its proper land, fighting against all the difficulties that threatened to bar it its optimistical perspectives. It adjusted accounts with the owner of the farm where it worked as foreman, it joined the cacarecos, the woman, the three children, and in woods of it ploughs had made trip until the city of Empress, in the Maranho. Of there, they had continued of boat until the o town of Apinags, in Par, concluding the trip on lombos of donkeys, for a narrow and muddy bite, shaded for the cold and festejada bush I sing with it of the birds and the gorgos, what the eyes and the ears of a encantamento never seen in the Cear of caatingas and of a direful estiagem fulled them. The invitation of relatives decides to make this change its, already per some years established in the region, on account proper, without being ordered woods, ' ' proper owners of focinhos' ' ; Good, rich land, sufficiently water, much rain, much hunting, much fish, a paradise in sight the dryness of the hinterland of where it came. Arriving at the town of They are sundays, started to raise it soon its housing; A barraco of straws of babau, equal the majority of the houses of that town, with all the taken off material of the nature; The straw eyes, that if were taken off in the certain moon, would last per some years. .
The Exterior
It has many other facts of exploration and animal slaughter that ratify this. is not alone one has left oppressed of the humanity and the fauna of the planet who suffer with the dispensable or replaceable necessities from the average human being. The environment suffers to horrors with the effect ‘ ‘ ecocncer’ ‘ that it unchains. Add to your understanding with James Joseph Truchard. Increasing necessities of the populations human beings, allied to the lack of ecological zeal, consume entire forests, exaurem rivers, lakes and until interior seas, they take to the extinguishing hundreds of species of fauna, flora and fungos to each year. Some specific cases are emblematic in the question, as the case of giant multinationals of agronegcio that got (or still they get) soy of stolen lands (deforested) of the Amaznia, however to produce soy oils however to supply fodder plant of cattle in Brazil and the exterior, and the proper production of meat, whose devastadoramente degradantes effect in the nature go of consumption of much water (thousand of liters for each msero kilo of meat, in the case of bovines) and exhaustion of immense areas of grass to the pollution and emission of gase-greenhouse to cease the consumption of products of origin animal and/or tested in animals all and the boycotting the come products of industries or adoptive countries of working perversities. These are some of the few alternatives that will guarantee the removal of the beings jammed for the foundation of ‘ ‘ building of the life normal’ ‘. How much to the question of the man as one ‘ ‘ ecocncer’ ‘ through measures caretakers as water economy, to cease the consumption of meat and moderation in the use of cars, beyond having necessity of the debates on solutions of ambient management of industries and sustainable handling of raw material sources they will continue with force. Of the work, but it is necessary to sweat so that let us leave at last of living to the base of abuses, sufferings, unnecessary cruelties and deaths and in them let us become a species of more ethical and compassionate intelligent life.. .
Little Pigs
The girls, since small, grow hearing the estria of the Cinderela. The Cinderela nothing more is of what a young woman very prendada, who because of a stepmother me, is responsible for all the tasks of the house, and private of all and any social conviviality. Stuart Solomon often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The end of the estria all we know of color, and when I say end, I want to attempt against for the purpose of the estria: Cinderela is married the prince and both live ' ' happy forever ' '. For the boys, the counted estria is of the 3 little pigs, that constrem 3 different houses, and that even so they have different destinations (2 casinhas badly constructed are destroyed by the wolf and only the house of bricks resists), they pass the message of the man that the house constructs, the man supplier. When they grow, the girls leave in a search without end for the Magic Prince and ' ' happy forever ' '. If they will be prendadas better, but if they will not be, they will have that to give account of the house and its work in the same way, facing a double hours of working that if she transforms into triple day with the arrival of the children. The boys they grow with the orientation to choose a good profession, of preference that gives money sufficiently, therefore will be the great suppliers of the family. Both the estrias say of overcoming and victory – mottos that always must be remembered and be longed for, therefore the Cinderela surpasses its stepmother me, and the 3 together little pigs win the wolf bad. But what they do not count for the girls he is that ' ' happy forever ' ' it is not a passive state, and yes, a state that must be constructed, day the day, that demand an activity, and not a passivity. The boys who play of stand and grow behind money, find great difficulty in relation to its parents, if, when choosing its profession, not only chooses a profession is of the medical triangle, engineer, lawyer (said professions traditional), as they choose an artistic profession, poet for example. In the current days, we must teach to our children who the life is very bigger of what the history of the Cinderela and the 3 little pigs, and that all to coexist well when adult, the Cinderela cannot be nor good-looking borralheira and nor madame, and that the magic prince can until existing, but that real man, who has conflicts, loves, suffers and cries, are much more interesting.
Graphical Option
In accordance with the studies made for Mott Luiz (1986), in I announce of sergipanos periodicals, that deal with on the escape blacks it emphasize that, Dom Landmarks of Souza, at the time vicar of Siriri, said that the sergipanos slaves received optimum treatment from its gentlemen in comparison to the ones of other regions northeasterns, what it was result of the capital who meant for the proprietor damage brought for the loss of one of them. Still on this exactly subject portraied in its research the historians sergipana Thtis Nunes and Lenalda Andrade (1998). Richard Elman is full of insight into the issues. It is evident that it has divergences between the historians and the vicar about the treatment of the slaves; as well as other scholars of the subject. We know that the Africans had hardly worked in the devices and farms of cattle for the development of the Province of Sergipe, that had the distinction of treatment between you of slaves and sergipanos, with regard to the ones of other provinces, does not mean to say that these captives were free, or same, who its hours of working was reduced. The hand of enslaved workmanship wide was used by its gentlemen, as much in the agricultural zone as in the urban zone