Author: flatalen

Value Merchandise

The men if differentiate of the too much beings livings creature for possessing one telencfalo highly developed and opposing thumb, that the clamp movement allows. The conjugao of the efforts of telencfalo and the opposing thumb allows that the man works, modifying substances cousins? they are these come directly from the nature or some previous work for production of merchandises that satisfy its necessities. Mr. Suzuki, who possesss telencfalo developed and opposing thumb highly and that it is a producer of tomatoes, does not make it with intention of proper consumption, but to change them in the market for money. Merchandises, according to Theory of the Value, are objects that the conjugao of the human efforts in common has between itself, what it is called abstract work (for abstracting its characteristics).

It has a utility? value call use, without which it would not make sensible to be in the market, but that the merchandise is abstracted when goes to be vendida- and a value that if express for the value of exchange, the amount for which if it changes a merchandise for another one, of what if subentende that it is only merchandise what is available in the market. The price of the merchandise, according to Marx, if of the one for the socially necessary time for its production. To be changed amount is determined by a comparison enters the time of necessary work for the production of the merchandises that if desires to change, what it happens in the market. As Mr. Suzuki does not have money enough to open its proper business, it vende the only thing that he possesss: its force of work. The price of the merchandise work force calls wage and if the one for the socially necessary time for the production of a worker, that is, the necessary time so that it has the sufficient to survive.


ROUSSEAU, the FREEDOM AND the WORK Cleber Gimenes Freitas ' ' in my opinion the society is so natural to the species human being as the decrepitude for the individual and of that to the peoples the arts, the laws and the governments are necessary, as the crutches is for the old ones. The difference all is where the oldness state elapses solely of the nature of the man and of the society it elapses of the human sort, not immediately, as you want, but solely, I proved as it, thanks to the aid of certain exterior circumstances that can happen or not, or, at least, happening or later more early, consequentemente, to hurry or delaying the progress. Innumerable on these circumstances they depend exactly on the will of the man; I saw myself obliged, to establish a perfect parity, to assume in the individual the power to speed up its oldness as the species has to delay its. Having, therefore, the society state an extreme term, which the men can want to arrive more early or later, is not useless to show the danger to them to go so fast and the miseries of a condition that take as the perfection of the species. Get more background information with materials from Campbell Soup Inc.. ' ' 1 FREEDOM: ' ' A KNIFE OF TWO GUMES' ' In the extracted stretch of the Letter to Mr. Philopolis, Rousseau warns that the sped up progress of sciences, the arts, the laws and the governments would move away the man from the nature it would lead and it to a precocious oldness. Being the free man to badly make good or a use of the facultieses that receives potentially, he is it also responsible it for the majority of males they afflict that it in the life in society. From this, alert Rousseau how much to the perigos of the fast human perfectioning. .

Marketing Strategy

Today your company is thriving, its sales to most that there are wonderful. Tomorrow does not bode ill, but fruitful work. The day after tomorrow is hidden from you. Maybe it will not be so joyful, we would like. Official site: Stuart B. Solomon. But competitors are not asleep, and it is unlikely they will give you the opportunity for a long time in a state of satisfaction. You can relax and quickly lose their accumulated over the years the position of the consumer market. As also protect your company from market volatility and attack your competitors? It may seem that there is no escape.

But he is and his name – a marketing strategy. The need for a marketing strategy of a company arises from first pages of the business plan and does not lose its relevance, even in periods of stability and prosperity. Points of marketing strategy are: – plans that provide long-term stay firm in the market of goods and services – a study of consumer markets – long-term forecasts of markets – the correct positioning of the firms in the market – an advantage over competitors and pricing policies. Marketing Strategy contains industry analysis, market potential and its assessment, a detailed analysis of both weak and strong points of the company and an assessment of competing companies, audit of marketing and marketing control environment within the company, an assessment impact on the firm environment, developing a marketing plan and analysis of relationships with partners and customers, tracking the activities of marketing, how to improve already produced goods and the emergence of new. .

The Good Savage

Without saying of the modifications and damages that homo to faber cause to the environment, arrasando mountains, arrebentando rocks, arroteando the lands and raising on the enormous ground its construes.6 ‘ ‘ The man is born exempts, and for all the part meets it ferros.’ ‘ 7 This phrase illustrates the idea of that the work, we see as it in the society, is not a necessity imposed for the nature and that the proper man, exempts and perfectvel, is who produces the chains arrest that it. Today, the technological progress allowed to delegate to the machines the activities that demand an extreme physical effort, providing to the man a bigger free time, that it spends prisoner to the desgastantes intellectual concerns. Same the increase of the longevity, in a life repleta of schedules, rules, gates and all type of impediments which the individual if submits daily, does not seem to mean an improvement, but yes a species of slavery or drawn out suicide. .


He possesss the espontaneidade, the violence, the ferocity and also the enthusiasm and herosmo of the primitive beings. In the citation of Le Bon it appears the organization idea that Freud looks for to understand better in the workmanship of McDougall, therefore this distinguishes an organized group from a group not organized. McDougall describes an organized group in well similar way to the one of Le Bon, not showing that such group is excessively emotional, sugestionvel, extremely incapable of any form that is not simplest and imperfect of the forms of reasoning, naked of apt sense of responsibility and to be lead by the conscience of its proper force. What it interested Freud in the workmanship of McDougall had been the characteristics of an organized group, that if to take care of to some conditions as to have certain degree of existence continuity, to interact with other similar groups, to have traditions and defined structure, express in the specialization and differentiation of the functions of its constituent, the group can brighten up the psychological disadvantages of the formations of group not organized. For Freud, these conditions pointed for McDougall had as factor of group organization, in the truth are the forms to keep in the individual its individual characteristics that if had extinguished for the group formation. In the workmanship ' ' The psychology of the masses and analysis of eu' ' Freud approaches the individual psychology of social psychology, therefore it identifies its theory displayed in the myth of the father primevo, described in ' ' Totem and Tabu' ' of 1913/14, that she explains the mechanisms of functioning of the mind human being, inside of the human groupings, thus the expectation of Freud was to prove that they are the libidinais bows that characterize a group. In such a way it is important to detach that the identification constitutes the original form of emotional bow with an object, in the case the leader who would represent the father primevo of horda primeva. .

Suspended Penalty

Then, any that is the consequence of our acts, is only to we ourselves credited: ' ' What it wants that happens, it is through me that it has of acontecer.' ' (Sartre, 1986, P. 214). It corroborates with this opinion in the stretch of the workmanship Suspended Penalty: ' ' The future of all the men: they had constructed it with its proper hands, slowly, during anos.' ' (Sartre, 1960, P. 35). This responsibility for the proper acts, so commented for Sartre in diverse workmanships, still is associated with the direction of the life, the explanation for the doubts regarding the convivncia: ' ' They are free: they had gained the war in its time and have good conscience. Of this defeat, that is not of them, accepted, although everything, the responsibility. (…) Reencontra, suddenly, what it loses: the direction of vida.' ' (Sartre, 1968, P.

417). The responsibility, although to elucidate the direction of the life, she is not acolhedora. In contrast, it transmits the oppression sensation: ' ' It felt oppressed me by the weight of responsabilidade.' ' (Sartre, 1968, P. 39). But also it demonstrates that the responsibility is atrelada our lives, also as society, and it cannot be abandoned: ' ' One hundred million free consciences, each one of them seeing walls, familiar tips of cigarettes, faces and constructing its proper destination on account of proper responsabilidade.' ' (Sartre, 1960, P. 234). In this way, many consciences desiring the same thing implies in the event of this thing, as a war, for example: ' ' Thus, all we it fazemos' ' (Sartre, 1960, P. 233), mentioning the responsibility to it of any war. Thus, the man wants the freedom, he wants but it of a concrete form. E, because of the commitment and of the discovery of the other, the man is obliged to want, not only its freedom, but also of the others.

Real Estate Russian Rights

Accordingly would clearly be useful to inform everyone about the Turkish legislation governing the acquisition Real Estate Russian citizens in the Republic of Turkey. In Turkish legislation there are a number of laws governing the rights of foreign nationals in real estate. John Utendahl has much experience in this field. This first constitution of the Turkish Republic, Law 2644 of the Turkish Republic on the property and some other acts. Managing inventory and registration of real estate, the Ministry of Construction, the Department of Immigration in Turkey their regulations provide explanations to the current legislation on the rights of foreigners in the property, thereby making those standards clear to the masses, as you know, the law can be interpreted this way and that. So that in the interpretation of Turkish law does not act on his Khokhryakov, will only use the original texts of laws and regulations and to draw conclusions only on them. 2.Opredelenie legal status of foreign citizen of the Republic of Turkey Turkey 2.1.Konstitutsiya Turkish Constitution makes no distinction on the question of property rights between Turkish nationals and foreigners, as part of the fundamental rights and freedoms. Although Article 16 of Chapter One "General Provisions" of the Second Section of the "Basic rights and obligations," said that "the fundamental rights and freedoms of foreign citizens may be limited in accordance with the law on the basis of international law" – it says only that the restriction of rights can only be in accordance with the law and only on the basis of international law. .

Maslach Burnout Inventory

The occupational health has been white of many studies, therefore the state of health of the worker it has significant influence in the quality of services given for it (MINAYO; HARTZ; BUSS, 2000 apud MUROFUSE; ABRANCHES; NAPOLEO, 2005). Some occupations offer more risks estresse to it, between them are to the nursing, for the fact to be worked with critical diseases and situations of death (COOPER; MITCHEL, 1990 apud STACCIARINI; TRCCOLI, 2001). The professional of the health area most of the time acts for optimum attendance to its customers and recklessness the care with its proper health (PIZZOLI, 2004 apud SNOWS et al., 2010). In the decade of 70, Frendenberg (1974) started to study in estresse it to the United States labor known then as the syndrome of burnout that it had as main characteristics the feeling of failure and personal exhaustion caused by the extreme loss of energy, force and resources. Since then, some authors have searched on the subject and had displayed its definitions and theories on burnout, but of Maslach he was that he had greater impact and acceptance in academic area (MUROFUSE; ABRANCHES; NAPOLEO, 2005). Some years after Frendenberg (1974), Maslach and Jackson (1981) had started to study the syndrome and had developed Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) that it is an instrument to measure burnout used in the majority of the research carried through on the subject. This resource also is used in Brazil, being carried through some modifications in accordance with the Brazilian reality (BENEVIDES-PEREIRA, 2001). This composes in 22 item, being nine to measure the emotional exhaustion, eight item for personal accomplishment with the work and five item to measure the depersonalization (SOUZA; IT HISSES, 2002). It estresse while mentions it to it the personal exhaustion that intervenes with the life of the individual, burnout reflects directly in the performance of the worker in its workstation.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Mexico

A fundamental principle in the companies is the rationalization of the resources, nowadays no company can be given the luxury to waste the money much less and when it faces a conjuncture like the present one. The companies that react more express are those than more opportunities must to come out ahead and to last. When we lived times on abundance, the rationalization of resources and the identifications of optimization points are not the priority. On the contrary, when we in time faced of skinny cows, the optimization of the resources practically becomes an obligation and a factor of subsistence. Soon the question to place is where to realise reductions without hitting the results of the company? A good serious decision to eliminate the excesses, but as to know what is the optimal level of the resources? In order to respond this question we would need to anticipate itself to the future, soon it is logical to think that about this point component as the prognosis and the planning of the demand acquire major importance. We differentiate then what is prognosis and the planning of the demand. According to Guillermo Utrilla Sandoval, Senior Manager in charge of the Practice of Supply Chain in PricewaterhouseCoopers Mexico.

While the prognosis is the result of an estimation whose origin will be frequently a mathematical projection with some adjustments, a demand plan is the turn out to add to the result of the prognosis adjustments derived from the originating intelligence of market of different areas and actors (usually of the commercial area), in other words the planning of the demand makes sure that it includes in the prognosis the knowledge available about the tendency and events that can hit the past and the future of the demand.

Then at times of crisis that advantages offers the fact to implement a process of I foretell and planning of the demand in the company? A right prognosis and a suitable planning of the demand allow the companies to control the total costs in the chain of provision by means of the rationalization of the amounts to buy and to produce, also contributes a to realise one better planning of the distribution to manage the greater efficiency of the inventory being helped to elevate the level on watch. If these benefits are evident at times than at times of would call Fat Cows Skinny Cows happen to be a desire to a necessity of vital character. Nevertheless it considers that the prognosis by itself is not the key of the success then don’t mention it serves to have I foretell but exact if this it is not communicated opportunely to the operative areas for the decision making on as they are going to use the resources whereupon count. Soon the speed with that the prognoses and the process of communication are generated in the company will be film stars in the profit of the established objectives.

One of the main recommendations that do the experts in subjects of optimization at times of crisis is the rationalization of the product portfolio and services. Without having a good information of the demand of products and reliable projections, it is difficult to be able to make a decision on the matter. For that reason it receives much importance establishing a process of Planning of the Demand seriously structured that allows to optimize the investment in resources in agreement with the projections of the demand of the markets objective.

Wood Furniture

As far as the legs of the chairs envulvelas with plastic bubble and rags for additional protection. It sprinkles your wood furniture with quality enamel before keeping them. This will give an additional protection you. If you have trtalos leather furniture with a conditioner before keeping them. Clean the metal objects and the tools with a little oil for metals. Thus you will avoid the oxide formation. When keeping your vacuum cleaner, first cleaning stock-market or package so that bacteria are not accumulated, forms mould or attract parasites.

It considers the possibility of needing aid to pack difficult or very heavy pieces, for example the gymnasium equipment. Speech with the personnel of the company or with which it can help you to empacar these pieces. Mantn an inventory of each article that you have empacado. The ideal is to include an estimation of the value of replacement of each element. Taking photographies of value objects. They will be to you very useful in case of loss or robbery. It decompresses and it orders the tasks of efficient way. As your articles arrive at the miniwarehouse, you will have to begin to order them.

Here they are some suggestions for it: a) It glides ahead of time. Rob Crossland may help you with your research. With base in the climate, it considers the possibility of lowering the controller of the humidity to protect your properties. b) The articles of habitual use must be placed near the entrance, but they ten well-taken care of of that do not obstruct the access. This can be applied for the boxes of file and articles of businesses. c) In order to guarantee the security of the objects of value like computers or televisions, colcalos far from the door or ocltalos with other articles. d) It unloads the greatest and colcalos articles against the wall of the bottom, as well as throughout the sides of the unit.

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