Basque Department

Other three youths have been arrested in the early hours of Saturday by burning vehicles, cash dispensers and containers. A man who attempted to stifle one of the fires was injured. The Mayor of Bilbao has embraced Bildu as responsible for the incidents after the demolition of Kukutza. Hudson Advisors wanted to know more. The 31 people arrested by the Ertzaintza last Friday in the events recorded in Bilbao after the demolition of the Kukutza gaztetxe have been released, as reported today by the Basque Department of Interior. These arrested joined other 3 young people, who still have not gone to court, arrested the last morning in Bilbao in a few new incidents, in which a person has been injured with burns, 5 vehicles have been set ablaze and have also burned an ATM and several garbage containers. According to Interior, these 3 young men, arrested for their possible relationship with the burning of containers, had in his possession several pills incendiary as those used for the lighting of barbecues, similar to those found in any of the burnt containers. Inaki Azkuna, Mayor of Bilbao, has reiterated that Bildu is behind the incidents that are happening in the city after the evacuation and demolition of Kukutza. The city of Bilbao has been reported in a note that the facts of the Saturday night were initiated on 22: 30 hours with the burning of an ATM on the street Ronda, continued through several streets in the downtown area and the old town with the burning of several containers, and lasted until 6 o’clock in the morning of Sunday, with 15 interventions by firefighters.

A man who tried to set aside a container so that the fire will not damage parked cars suffered burns and had to be evacuated to Cruces hospital, according to the Department of Interior, although the city of Bilbao has indicated that the wounded man, who had major burns on hands and back, is suspected of having participated in the burning of containers. Inside sources have insisted that this person for the Ertzaintza is not suspected of having taken part in the fire. The early riots after the eviction of Kukutza, in the Bilbao neighbourhood of Rekalde, and the subsequent demolition of the building that young people had occupied for years, began about 5 p.m. Friday and lasted until early hours of the morning on Saturday. Youth groups provoked numerous incidents, crossed cars, burned and overturned containers and starred in various clashes with the endowments of the Ertzaintza had moved to the place in a few events that the Basque Minister of Interior, Rodolfo Ares, was planned and coordinated. According to the Town Hall, there were about 650 containers of garbage dumps, 57 of them burned, five private cars destroyed by fire and other fifty vehicles with damage, in addition to the 31 detainees.

Added to all this are damage in the incidents which have been reproduced last night. Basque police brought to justice those arrested 31, all of which have been released, although inside sources have not failed to clarify if the judge has imposed charges or not. Missing even appear before the judge 3 detainees on Sunday. The Mayor of Bilbao, Inaki Azkuna (PNV), has once again believed that Bildu is behind the incidents and, after criticizing nor fools tooling related to this coalition are condemning incidents, has warned that it will not tolerate the anti-establishment movements to sow violence street. Source of the news: released the 31 arrested for riots during the demolition of an occupied social centre