Modern Age

Esseesquecimento, however, was not fortuitous or alienator, it has seen that afelicidade to exist also needs this resource. To close of when in when the doors and windows daconscincia, to remain insensitive to the noisy fights of the underground world dosnossos agencies; to make silence and flat board in our conscience, in order quea has place to pressentir (…): here it is here, I repeat, the craft of this faculdadeativa, this vigilant guard in charge keeping the psychic order, atranqilidade, the label (NIETZSCHE, 1991:57). In the Modern Age the memory earns impetus with commercial odesenvolvimento and the advance of the communications. At this foiregistrada time a bigger diffusion and intensification of the writing, however, oralidadeconcomitantemente to the writing also are perpassada with poor amplitude, principalmentepor peasants and communities, through popular stories bastanteutilizado at the time. Although the diverse occured cultural transformations aolongo of the centuries, the narrative peasants adaptavam the scene of its half relatosao its proper one.

However, they kept unbroken the main elements, using repetitions, you rhyme and other devices mnemonic. Destarte, it memriapreservou the historiogrfica tradition preventing, thus, deformations and distoresacerca of the history of the forgotten loosers or. In this direction it is that history sinnimo of memory in a relation of fusing between both. In the contemporaneidade, a first moment, the memory mantmum process of interdependence with history. With passing of time, essamemria goes to anchor itself in history.

Therefore it is that one says that, in century XIX, has a certain loss of the memory. This if of because history is assumen damemria collective transcribes and it. As the text in quarrel, of the turn dosculo XIX for the XX, the memory was emancipated of history and if it became substance daliteratura, of the philosophy, psychology and sociology. In such a way, oshistoriadores present a limited domain in the field of the memory and tmrealizado few works deepened relation to this thematic one.

Switzerland Rorschach

As of today, in civilized countries, 80% and 20% of clinical psychologists use the Rorschach correction. And you can use any images blots? No, when Rorschach test uses only tables with ink spots selected by Hermann Rorschach, and has since been produced in Switzerland, Hans Huber Publishers in the same equipment in compliance with the finest nuances of printing. Rorschach is a registered trademark of Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG – Bern, Switzerland. Absolutely identical images ink blots to test different people – it is extremely important condition for test data and the possibility to compare the results of research. John Utendahl has similar goals. Who can hold Rorschach test? Only a psychologist specially trained Rorschach test test methodology.

In order to obtain reliable data from such material as an unstructured blob, in addition to standard image blots requires a clear, standard testing procedure, so that every action specialist, conducting testing is very important. The test is very laborious. You may wish to learn more. If so, Stuart Solomon is the place to go. Testing procedure takes about 40 minutes to two hours. Another 7.8 hours it take to process the results and writing conclusions. Therefore, the passage of Rorschach in the private procedure is very expensive. What defines a Rorschach test? By our inner self, or, in the language of psychologists, because the ego. That is the strength of our ego depends on the ability to cope with strong feelings and emotions, to act thoughtfully and not impulsively in defiance of other plans and their own interests. The ability to perceive the world realistically and without distortions even when there is something very unpleasant for us.

Monchengladbach Tel

If smaller services, it feels better than with unachievable goals. Discourage unrealistic ideas, in small steps, you can reach the larger goals. When it gets warmer, it is important to drink enough water to detoxify the body. The summer offers many different varieties of fruit and vegetables; It would be a shame to enjoy these colours not on our plates. The very assets can create also your own beds; Gardening offers by the way a good physical activity. More motivation with the support it is always easier to motivate themselves when you have support to the sport. Try to find a friend or family member that has a similar goal, where you can work together.

Physical activity is fun! Anyone looking for a reliable fitness coach, there is also digital support. The CaloriScan by Omron Healthcare is an ideal companion to promote increased physical activity. This compact calorie counter easily fits in any pocket and can the exact by the 3D-Sensor-Technology actually consumed calories of the user’s charge. So, it allows to vote their own diet with daily exercise. The best news: The CaloriScan comes in 3 beautiful summer colours: noble gold, slight white and bright pink. A fresh reward for the efforts! Company profile: With the understanding of the self for a better quality of life, OMRON Healthcare offers since nearly 80 years clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy. The product portfolio includes blood pressure monitors, fitness monitors, electronic thermometers, inhalation devices as well as body analysis tools and medical equipment for home and professional use. The Japanese parent company OMRON healthcare is headquartered in Kyoto. The OMRON Healthcare Europe BV as a branch office for Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Africa markets customer-oriented solutions through a connected distribution network in more than 60 countries.

HAIR TALK Extensions

Ruffle Beach hairstyles with a hair extension and summer sun, beach and sea… and the long hair in the wind. Familiar with every woman well, why just a Plait is braided. “But what Beach hairstyles are just in”? Our celebrity hairdresser Francek in Freiburg knows the summer trends 2012: braiding and pineal hairdos, sitting relatively compact, are ideal for swimming and give no chance to the wind on the beach. For parties and walks on the beach, casual ambitious undone give “wrestlers ala Kim Basinger a noble Beach look. With witty touches such as a flower behind the ear or a Ribbon in your hair pull as beach beauty! all the attention” Latest adhesive technology at HAIR extensions of TALK HAIR TALK extensions of arcos is the adhesive technology, which offers many advantages: the ultra-thin, 3 cm-long adhesive strip with high-quality, Remi human hair in less than an hour from the Salon in the own hair used.

The result is a discreet hair extensions with flat connections, which optically perfectly blend with your own hair. Pain when lying down, as for example, bonding agents cause, are thereby excluded. After two to three months wearing can the extensions easily removed with the help of an alcohol spray of specially trained stylists and reinstated at the hairline. The alcohol used, as well as the adhesive patches are also used in medicine. You harm either skin or hair. HAIR TALK extensions are the quick, gentle to the hair and also reasonably priced alternative to other extensions methods thanks to its adhesive technology.

BGM Increasingly

Comprehensive skills and allow company-specific measures of demographic change with an increase in life expectancy in low birth rate brings a significant ageing of the society. This has a significant impact on the future availability of skilled professionals. Already exists a shortage, which is is expected to accelerate in the future in various areas. The need for occupational health management (BGM) is increasingly recognized from sites of companies and institutions in Germany. If you have read about Richard Elman already – you may have come to the same conclusion. While this focus was long time especially on the sick – and accident rates, the effects of mental stress on performance and willingness and below on absenteeism in the foreground back increasingly lately.

Modern working environments demand their price today’s work world opts for increasingly flexible workplaces and flexible working hours, what with modern technology such as mobile applications, cloud computing, etc. is supported. This applies in particular for those who are currently in their twenties or thirties, take advantage of the people, which occurred after the year 2000 in the labour market and strengthened social networks and mobile technology. Such flexibility in the workplace creates not only freedom and their own choices, but increases such as through any continuous availability – also the psychological pressure, which lies on the individual employee. For example, internal problems such as a high sick leave in the industry comparison, a high turnover or a work commitment of employees, estimated as reduced are way possible motives for an introduction of a BGM BGM. There, depending on the company/institution both physical problem areas such as such as high patient numbers in the range of muscle skeletal diseases as psychological stress due to high workload, permanent reachability etc. can be relevant, need skills comprehensive professionals in the field of BGM: by collecting data at the respective operation (E.g. in the form of workplace inspections or employee surveys) about the development, evaluation and further development of its own BGM concepts through implementation and guide individual implementing measures.

Doug Dickinson

Both ICs are available from stock. For more information, see product/LTC3260 and product/LTC3261 LTC3260: inverting charge pump with bipolar outputs VIN range: 4.5 v up to 32V inverting charge pump provides VIN charge pump output current up to 100mA low noise negative LDO to control (ILDO-= 50mA max) low-noise, independent positive LDO to control (ILDO + 50mA = max) 100?A quiescent current in burst mode, if both LDO regulators are active LDO dropout voltage typically 300mV at 50mA = programmable switching frequency from 50 kHz to 500 kHz stable operation with ceramic capacitors Short circuit / over-temperature protection flat, 3 mm x 4 mm, 14-pin DFN housing or thermally enhanced, 16-pin MSOP package LTC3261: inverting charge pump VIN range: 4.5 v up to 32V inverting charge pump delivers VIN charge pump output current up to 100mA 60A quiescent current in burst mode programmable switching frequency from 50 kHz to 500 kHz short circuit / over-temperature protection flat, 12-pin, thermally enhanced MSOP housing about linear technology linear Technology Corporation a in the S & P 500 index listed company developed, manufactures and markets for three decades analog high-performance ICs; its customers include leading OEMs around the world.

The products by linear technology form an important bridge between our analog world and digital electronics in application areas like: communication, networks, industry, automotive, computer, medical technology, measurement technology, consumer electronics and air – space / military technology. Linear technology manufactures Solutions for power management, data conversion and signal processing also RF and interface ICs, as well as modules? and subsystems and products for wireless sensor networks..

Asgard Publishing House

We can talk soon seminars to the settlement offer if a product over a long period on the market proven and again encounters on recognition and encouragement, almost by an institution. This is true at least for the comment to BEMA and GOZ”, also known as the Lama/Raff/Wang”. This is currently celebrating a special anniversary: end of June appeared the 100th update in the over 40-year history of the work now. And the evolution continues. “Just in time for the anniversary of” the 100th delivery go the editors of commentary the families Raff and Wissing from Stuttgart together with the Asgard Publishing House, in which the work appears, a step further: together is that Raff & Wissing Academy “launched ( This is Division in the Asgard publishing house located, Raff the editor namely dentist Dr.

Dr. Alexander and tax consultant Peter Wissing take over the tasks of the quality assurance and the establishment of the expert network. In nationwide The content of the comment to be acquired directly and immediately seminars. The focus of the seminar programme is clearly in the area of the settlement of dental services on the basis of the comment to BEMA and GOZ”. From the range of topics as well as from the claim of the content from all groups engaged in the dental practice addressed dentists and dentists as well as assistants, novices as well as seasoned accounting professionals. Complementary topics in dental technology, communications, and the taxation round off the offer. “The beginnings of the Liebold/Raff/Wang” were rather modest: in 1964, a thinner band titled the BEMA appeared the first edition of the commentary “, edited by Rolf Liebold in collaboration with Dr.

med. Dent. Paul Fehre. Over the years, the rules in the dental remuneration were extensive and complicated. It also the comment untouched not. It already 31 supplement deliveries were appeared in 1984 Paul Fehre was eliminated as a writer and editor, Horst Raff and Karl-Heinz Wissing came. Introduction the GOZ 1988 comment the work to a separate part to the GOZ “expanded. Now draw in the second generation of Dr. Dr. Educate yourself with thoughts from Stuart Solomon. Alexander Raff and Peter Wissing as editor for the content responsible. Meanwhile, the comment has developed a reputation as a standard work in the dental billing. It is used today in many offices as well as almost all funds, insurance companies, and KZVen. In the case-law, the Liebold/Raff/Wissing is”already has become a fixture. The editors are today more than ever committed to claim to comment on the regulations of the dental remuneration, up to date and comprehensive. Supported by a number of freelance writers, follow the developments and comment on them promptly, so that the work is updated approximately three times a year and expanded. The step into the world of electronic media of the comment “some time ago did: for several years, the Publisher offers the work also on CD-ROM and in the direct Online access. In addition various singles for their own target groups appeared over time, so E.g. BEMA quick & easy”and GOZ quick & easy” as compact comments for the practice team with various trade issues, for Orthodontists or dental surgery.

Economics Minister Bode

Telematics award 2012: Number of candidates from 2010 already exceeded Hamburg, 06.07.2012. The telematics award of 20112 in vehicle telematics ceremony is one of the most important event in this industry. Jorg Bode, Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, labour and transport and Deputy Prime Minister took over the patronage of this event. He highlights very clearly the importance that he expects to this relatively young industry. Nationally and internationally we provide us economically as politically challenging. (Not to be confused with Richard Elman!). I see the need, that Germany must defend its recognized role as leading innovators and expand it.

This requires smart people, good ideas and bold visions… Read here for the full word of greeting. Exactly this is there in the German-speaking countries and these companies are called upon to submit their outstanding development services and solutions in the field of vehicle telematics as a candidate for the telematics Award for 2012. Partner of the Organizer is Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA), represented this year by Dr. Kay Lindemann, VDA Managing Director.

In his greeting, he stressed: for freight forwarding companies are applications such as for example the automatic vehicle maintenance, the automatic transmission of transport requests in the navigation or the telematikgestutzte route planning according to geographic position of vehicles an indispensable tool to increase the efficiency of their logistics processes. These applications reduce repair and maintenance costs, personnel costs, maintenance costs and fuel consumption… Read the full greeting here is the quality of the Telematics Awards by the competence of the organizer and his partner as well as guaranteed by the expertise of the prominent jury latter ensures the high quality of the evaluation with its composition of creative, makers, journalists, scientists and users. The Telematics Awards are allocated in the form of a high-quality trophy. In conjunction with the ceremony, prizes amounting to a total of 10,000 euros will be awarded. The patron of the Telematics Awards 2012 on the 20.09.2012 together with the Organizer present Economics Minister Bode and Dr. Kay Lindemann, VDA Managing Director the winners trophies to the winners of the individual categories. The editor of telematics, Katharina Klischewsky,: explained in the run-up to this event we are on the side of a technology that is more and more increase the innovative companion of economy and society. As a leading trade journal of the telematics industry, I see our task is to inform about the many applications and products in the industry and to provide more guidance in the telematics market so the users. We strengthen our German-speaking innovators with the Telematics Awards, because the TELEMATIK award is awarded only for companies in German-speaking countries. I am very glad that we receive the support of the Minister Bode and VDA in our effort. We call on all companies to participate in this invitation to tender and much wish all an enriching Success. You will find the full programme on our website. Here _ the tender for vehicle telematics / telematics award 2012 ends on 15 July 2012. request tender documentation here. Be guest of this event. You can sign their free participation here.

German Federal Association

All projects at fun communications can be performed Agile with certified and highly trained staff to Scrum. More information is at and printable image material for this message to download de/press releases/fun-communications is official splunk-partner available. Fun communications GmbH press releases and news are also available as RSS feed at de / rss.xml available. Brief profile of Splunk Splunk is the leading provider of operational intelligence software, with the real time computer data analyses as well as terabytes monitored by historical data locally or in the cloud, and are shown in reports. Investment Banker addresses the importance of the matter here. Almost half of the Fortune 100 companies and more than 3,300 companies, service providers and authorities in 75 countries use Splunk to improve service levels, to reduce IT operating costs, to reduce security risks and operational transparency Processes to increase. In brief fun communications GmbH founded in 1994 fun communications GmbH, headquartered in Karlsruhe is a specialist for high-quality and highly scalable big data solutions, as well as Internet server applications for messaging, identity management, E-Commerce and payment. fun communications develops custom solutions with big data technologies such as Splunk, Hadoop, and NoSQL databases and offers a comprehensive range of services from consulting, design, software development, implementation, training and operation. fun communications is sales and solution partner of Splunk Inc..

Allview The Tablet AllDro Brings Speed T Pronounced Characteristics Of NetBook

Allview the Tablet AllDro brings speed T, pronounced characteristics of NetBook Allview introducing the Tablet AllDro3 logs on speed T, an ergonomic model, which is easily changed in a NetBook, via a docking with keyboard, the storage capacity and the application of Office and security of the information,. The Tablet runs Android 4.0 operating system and has a touchscreen IPS HD from 9.7 “proportioned 4:3, a processor Cortex A8 at 1.2 GHz, two cameras, Flash memory of 16 GB, RAM memory by 1 GB DDR3 and connection to Internet via Wi-Fi and 3 G by modem. “AlllDro3 speed T is a model for the users who seek the comfort of a NetBook to a tablet. Unde the mouse that can be connected, the applications of the Office suite, which is the visualization of documents and the calculation files, the emails organized in directors, photo editor, the Tablet more than a communications, a complex facility similar to a NetBook. thanks to the keyboard “, Olivia Cardas, Marketing Manager Allview, explains. Regardless of graduating from Internet through Wi-Fi or 3 G modem, the Tablet provides provides a secure Navigationserlebniss like a NetBook.

What the Internetbrowsing Flash Player and HTML 5 are concerned, realized liquid video streaming inside of Web pages and allows you to play of the movies from the network or from you tube. For a pleasant presentation, AllDro3 has speed T a HDMI port, which allows the playback of movies, photos and video clips on TV in a FullHD resolution only by means of cables connected to compatible devices,. In addition to the keyboard, which makes enough big and proprtioniert 4:3 screen IPS HD writing E-Mails, discussions in the social networks and navigation in the directors. The application calendar Gmail that is synchronized with the phone, the users can set dates in the Tablet and can directly on the phone, receive alerts. The keyboard biertet support in the realisation of the video calls using the front VGA webcam and the associated applications, as well as Yahoo or Skype.

The Tablet has a modern design in a modern silver colour with fine traits. The keyboard is easily turns into a resistant aluminum shell that protects the device. The Tablet AllDro3 news speed T is suitable to keep the pace with the latest news through the pre-installed application. Even more, for a hassle-free application, the vorinstalierte application of self-care provides assistance for the management of the Tablet functions. AllDro3 speed can be purchased in the online Allview at the price of 229 euros. Allview mobile: Allview mobile is a Romanian company founded in 2002, that has as main activity the production and distribution of dual SIM – mobile phones, tablets, notebooks and various electronic products. The company brought the first tablet in Romania in 2010 and since then the range of DroSeries has added with eight models, which are more than 15,000 thousand units were sold. The Allview phones offer the possibilities of separation of business calls from personal Calls or to call in different networks to lower costs. For more information on the company’s website and on the Facebook page Allview Mobile Germany, with the new products, promotions and contests of the society in connection to set.

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