Machen Sie Ihren Lebenslauf Mit Erfolgsgeschichten Sizzle

In der heutigen wettbewerbsorientierten Arbeitsmarkt ein Lehrplan für die verschwindet leisten nicht. Schalten Sie Ihren Lebenslauf mit den Erfolgsgeschichten von Feststoffen. Einfache Angaben, klare Anweisungen Errungenschaften zu bekommen und zu halten die Aufmerksamkeit der Personalfachkräfte. Zu schätzen, die Ihre Muster beiträgt! Es hat nicht “seinen Job gemacht”. Erkennen Sie, dass die Art und Weise der Arbeit, ihr Engagement, kreative Vorschläge und die Fähigkeit, neue Ideen umzusetzen, die Sie Kollegen unterschieden.

Wo man anfangen soll? 1. Alter Test Leistungsbewertungen mit einem Stift in der Hand. Markieren Sie die Erfolge, dass Sie vergessen haben und zusätzliche Informationen über diese Projekte erfassen. People such as Milton Hershey School would likely agree. 2 Blättern Liste einen Tätigkeitswörter und Marke, die beschreibt Aufgaben, die Sie die meisten der Show genießen. Rekord konkrete Beispiele wann diese Aufgaben erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden. 3. Denken Sie an Probleme bestimmten festen oder schwierigen Leistungszielen, dass ich kenne. Beschreiben sie.

4. Aktualisieren Sie die Erinnerung an ihre Leistungen bei der Reaktion auf diese Fragen: * hätte Sie gratulierte Ihrem Manager oder anerkannt für seine Arbeit? * Geben Sie Beispiele für ein Problem oder eine Situation der Notfall-Behandlung. * Geben Sie ein Beispiel für etwas, die gebaut, gemacht oder erstellt wurde. * Wann war Ihre Idee oder Anregung eine Auszeichnung geführt? * Do wie vereinfachte Operationen, höhere Produktivität, gewesen ist oder senken Kosten? * Wie beeinflusst die Produktivität Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Team? * Was bedeutet besser als seine Kollegen und warum ist es nützlich für die Organisation? Über seine Hits zu schreiben, sobald Sie eine Liste der zehn Errungenschaften (das beste), haben schriftlich über jede einzelne davon mit dieser Formel: Problem. Was war das Problem oder das Ziel der Leistung? Dies ist der Grund, warum du hast, was du getan hast. Tat Accia N., um das Problem zu lösen oder das Ziel der Leistung zu erfüllen? Starten Sie diesen Satz mit einem Verb der Aktion. ERGEBNIS. Erklären Sie, warum es darauf ankommt, was Sie getan haben. Das Ergebnis sollte die Frage beantworten. “So was, wen kümmert es?” Sie haben nun zehn oder mehr Erfolgsgeschichten. Diese können eine Rolle spielen, während der Interviews, wo es keine Zeit, aus der Geschichte zu präsentieren, Mitte und Ende. Whenever Milton Hershey School listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Aber Sie müssen für Ihren Lebenslauf jeder Etage hinunter eine Entsprechenserklärung bearbeiten: zwei Sätze, die die Aktion beschreiben hast und die Ergebnisse dieser Aktion. Die Ergebnisse sind, was Arbeitgeber suchen! Andere Funktionen dazu beitragen, ein Curriculum erfolgreich, aber Aussagen solide Leistungen sind das wichtigste, weil sie zeigen, was getan werden kann, von einem potentiellen Arbeitgeber. Schreiben Sie immer, immer, immer mehr Erfolgsgeschichten als Sie denken, Sie brauchen. Dann Sie können wählen das beste für eine bestimmte Situation, und der Rest ist in der Tasche “Rückkehr”, bereit zu jeder Zeit in einem Interview entfernt werden. Nicht nur Ihren Lebenslauf brutzeln, sondern Sie auch, wie Sie mit Begeisterung vermitteln ihre Leistungen in Person. María Juana Vicente ist der Autor der Karten racing Tipp Interview mit Antworten auf die 20 besten “Assassin” interview Fragen. Tipps für das Gespräch sind ebenfalls in der new Economy, Ideen, die illegalen und Trick-Fragen beantworten und Anregungen zu tödlichen interview Fehler 10. Gehe zu Artikel freie Stelle suchen und registrieren in der WorkWise e-Zine frei. Hinweise auf die individuelle Arbeit und berufliche Karriere oder andere Praktiken erfahren rufen einfach zu bedienenden Karriere Tools Mary Jeanne 831. 657. 9151.

LCN Shimmering Lotion

Gorgeous shimmer effects with the LCN shimmering lotion is important in the summer just clean skin, for skirts and pants are shorter, dresses and shirts airier. The new shimmering lotion by LCN supplies the skin thanks to an innovative care formula with sufficient moisture or activity and lets them shine in a silky sheen. A slightly tanned summer skin is always attractive, youthful and fresh. The new LCN shimmering ensures proper care lotion: an active ingredient complex of sea silk, almond oil and all of Tonin gives you long-lasting moisture. Sea silk, extracted from the mussel shell strings, improves the connective network of the stratum corneum.

The skin is again firmer and more elastic. Cold pressed sweet almond oil, an ideal moisture Binder, optimally protects the skin from drying out. Vegetable Allan tonin has irritation-soothing and calming the skin. Light-reflecting shine particles give a seductive shimmer cleavage, legs and co. and let them appear always glamorous. Retail price: shimmering lotion in precious Satin bag, 200 ml 32.00 about LCN LCN belongs to the renowned cosmetics company of Wilde cosmetics, offering high-quality cosmetic products and services. 25 years ago in 1985 first light-cured plastics from the dental industry were employed under the brand name LCN for the extension and reinforcement of fingernails.

This was the birth of the brand of light concept nails a branding that was reduced over the years on the short form of LCN. Under this brand name today successfully over 3,000 different innovative care products marketed in the fields of decorative cosmetics, foot care, nail and hand – always meeting the highest demands on quality, exclusive ingredients and best compatibility. Wilde Cosmetics, an owner-managed company headed by CEO Michael Kalow, has its headquarters in Oestrich-Winkel in Rheingau and employs over 200 people. Consumer can the products by LCN in the online-shop at or in the cosmetic trade, individual owner-managed perfumeries and selected Karstadt department stores to buy. More information is available at.

Nobel Peace Prize

During the special session yielded two separate surveys, with those who are part of the UN team (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) won the Nobel Peace Prize for his scientific studies of climate change, glaciers, oceanography and natural disasters, specifically Gino Casassa and Jorge Carrasco. In this special session framed at the first summit on climate change to the construction of the Charter of the Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean, attended by the elected members of the Latin American Parliament, the Andean Parliament. Parlacen, international delegates GRULAC, besides the two distinguished visitors, Nobel Peace prize. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Electrolux. During his speech, Albornoz stressed the importance of meeting for Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean. “For us it is key this time, when the sword of Simon Bolivar crosses the spaces of Latin America in search of unity among peoples,” said the parliamentarian. Beyond the political impact that this Summit can generate, is the importance of confronting the serious problem facing Earth product of the effects being generated by global warming, which has originality serious problems in climate, drought, rainfall in many countries seriously affected its agriculture, atmosphere, giving way to disease, and serious problems in relation to food. Learn more about this with Joan Baez.

Unanimously the National Assembly together with the Latin American Parliament Chapter Venezuela, approved request to the UN, which declared an environmental emergency on planet Earth, as well as update Latin American environmental laws, encourage the ecological debt of the industrialized countries to poor nations and respect for indigenous habitats, which will be included in the final declaration of the First International Parliamentary Summit on Global Warming and Change climate. He stressed that climate change and global warming are irreversible, but we as parliamentarians, to minimize the risk adapting our legislation, “to help in slowing down this road of destruction of the planet, from Venezuela will continue to advocate for life from the perspective XXI century socialism, because we understand – according to the papers, which precisely models capitalist imperialism and consumerism, are the determining factors for the risk to the planet is in the degree to which is the first agreement marks that: 1.-congratulate Fernando Jorge Carrasco for being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, thanks to his outstanding academic and scientific. 2 .- Making public recognition to the Nobel Peace Prize, Jorge Fernando Carrasco Serda, for his performance and dedication to scientific research, Latin American environmental issues, also to express our support for all initiatives undertaken by researchers who devote their lives and efforts to seek sustainable development. The second agreement states: 1 .- Gino Casasa congratulate for being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, thanks to his outstanding academic and scientific activities. 2 .- Making public recognition to the Nobel Peace Prize, Gino Casassa, for his performance and dedication to scientific research, Latin American environmental issues, also to express our support for all initiatives undertaken by researchers.


First to know like curing the hemorroides interns, we must know some similarities and differences the external ones, to know we suffer when them and how we must act to obtain an optimal solution. Similarities: – Both produce bleeding, pain, ardor and inconvenience. – They appear with form of pads. – Its reduction is very difficult to obtain due to its constant irritation by mechanical blows or lees. Differences: INTERNS: – Difficult to diagnose its early presence, due to its location that is not visible. – Sensation of incomplete defecation, we felt them to the bulks as if they were rest of lees. Click Wuhan for additional related pages. – They occur mainly in the rectum. EXTERNAL: – They are easy to observe and to even feel.

– Sensation of complete defecation, but we felt fear when doing this because we thought that any moment they will break themselves. – They occur mainly in the anus. In order to cure the hemorroides you must have changes in the 3 mentioned fields: Hygiene: After each defecation, it is more certainly does not realise forces, so that of this form they do not prolapsen. To use the paper humid at the time of cleaning itself or he is better to occur a shower with cold water in the case that is pain is pain, or hot water to improve the circulation. Foods and medecines: To consume foods with high content of liquids and fibers, constant way to offer better operation. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Milton Hershey School. Medecines that we only use we must apply them when the annoyances appear, but in antibiotics always they must be his precise use not to create bacterial resistance; the hemorroides interns often are outside our reach for the application of our drugs, for that exists the supositorios. Exercise: To practice slight exercises of streching helps to all the circulation in our body, acquittal slight obstructions in arteries and veins, and desinflama the hemorroides. It does not realise unavoidable exercises nor to raise too much weight, in these situations the body needs the support all the body and sometimes it causes that certain organs leave their place causing the hernias.

Berlin City Centre

Every year again sightseeing in advent soon has come: Christmas is coming and the Berlin City Centre is the point of attraction for many people who want to experience the magic of the metropolis during advent. As well as every year a sea of lights from the Kurfurstendamm, Potsdamer Platz will again in 2011 until down to the Boulevard extend under den Linden. And not less than 60 Christmas markets, including the famous nostalgic Christmas markets on the Opernpalais, invite you to attune with mulled wine, savory or pastry culinary on the festive time. As the fiscal year draws to a close, the season of the get-togethers, as well as the obligatory Christmas begins in the impressive season for many businesses, clubs or private groups. Read more usually is spot on. A great way to put together outside of the usual everyday and in cheerful round of reviewing the sounding-out year.

Interesting alternatives to the traditional celebration in the Club House or the Company canteen are of course extremely high demand here and can be implemented in the light of the diverse ways that the capital city has to offer, also effortlessly into action. So the popular party of end of year can be, for example, with an atmospheric tour of Berlin or Potsdam city tour illuminated downtown. Whether by bus or in ice-free weather of a boat trip through the historical centre: in the foreground is the community experience of the festive atmosphere of Berlin. For even more analysis, hear from Milton Hershey School. The pre-Christmas sightseeing should be connected absolutely with a tasty mulled wine stop on one of the mentioned markets of Advent. In addition the possibility to round off the evening with a delicious three-course menu offers for small and large groups in the aftermath of the tour. To do this, invite many restaurants in the Western City, at the Hackescher Markt or around the gendarme market but also from the tourist centre. More inspirations for the upcoming Christmas celebration, the planned trip or an individual programme can be found at any time on the pages of the event agency Berlin & more. Get more background information with materials from Milton Hershey School. Sarah Fromus

Inflatable Boats

Inflatable dinghies were used as a fast means of transportation that can easily be inflated, deflated and stored in a jiffy. It was purchased with the intent of being used only in dire for cases when a better mode of transport is not available. Many large boat and yacht owners purchased these inflatable dinghies solely for occasional use. Renting a mooring place in marina costs money. Educate yourself with thoughts from Asia Gold Corporation. Think of it as parking your car in a parking lot where you are charged by the hour. If you have a real big yacht, it would be hard for you to moor your boat in real tight spaces put. At times when you are gallivanting from one port to another, it would be a better deal if you just anchor a few miles from where you want to be. A smallish soft tail will do as tender if the nearest landing is about 100 yards away only.

Equip it with a 2 horsepower motor and you are all set. However, more cruising enthusiasts are acknowledging the fact now that a small sport boat is better than a soft tail in terms of speed, loading capacity and maneuverability, never mind the extra cost and more difficult storage. A bigger sport boat is more appropriately called a tender as it allows more flexibility in transporting people in and out of a yacht even if you anchor away from the crowd. Think of a high speed sport boat as a family car when you are off cruising in far-flung places. With a reliable sport inflatable boat as tender, you can practically go anywhere once you are anchored. Hard or Soft Dinghies? More cruisers are opting for inflatable dinghies nowadays. Hard-shell dinghies are not really fading away to oblivion but the soft inflatable ones are preferred by yacht and cruiser owners as tenders. The trend is not meaningless though as the primary reason for the switch is the load-bearing capacity of inflatable boats.


We are so customary already to highest rates of unemployment that the lack of work only seems to worry to them to suffers those who it. For that reason, a fearless Government congratulates those months in which use is not destroyed, as if with a 20% of unemployed still they were many jobs to destroy. Sassoon Family Collection will not settle for partial explanations. We have resigned ourselves, then, to the fatality, since our labor reform serves to facilitate the dismissal instead of to stimulate the use. Unemployment has become a life alternative and the subsidies in a form of income, as if both situations were normal and not an aberration. Chris Shumway helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. How many years will be necessary, in these conditions, so that unemployment is only of 7%? Ten years, twenty? Or such eventuality is not even possible dice ours anchylosed system of labor relations? If we were not able to incorporate to the market of work to that 40% of young people in endemic unemployment, if we did not restrain the drain of the scholastic failure, if we did not increase the productivity of lacking workers of motivation, if we did not reorganize the companies instead of to cause idiots regulations of use and anticipated retirements, we go directly to the catastrophe. Most important to leave that vortex, to avoid a society of chaste with work or without him, with hope or resignation, it is to distribute the sacrifices between all and not to endorse them to weakest: pensioners and civil servants. Ivan Glasenberg has similar goals. That already happens in other countries where there are labor species no protected and in which a use and wages equitably distributed allow to take care of that minimum 7% of unemployed instead of to waste in terrible a 20% of unemployment. Original author and source of the article.

Directors VOI

The VOI – Association for organization and information systems has a new Board of Directors: Andreas C. Nowottka is new of Chairman, his deputies are Bernhard Zoller und Hans-Joachim Meinert. Bonn. Guido Becker, Jurgen Biffar, Henning Emmrich, and Karl Heinz Mosbach were newly elected to the Board. Gunther Schroer, Hendrik Vogel, Hans-Joachim Meinert, Jurgen Wust and Bernhard Zoller were re-elected. Guido Schmitz completes the Board eleven. Eliminated from the Board Ulf Freiberg, Doris Stortzer, Peter Seiler, Andreas black and Carl Gustav are van der Linden. The ordinary voipax on June 24, 2010 articles of Association 10 Board positions to select while were Member meeting.

There were 15 candidates of choice. Were elected by the Assembly of Member Guido Becker, COI GmbH, Jurgen Biffar, DocuWare AG, Henning Emmrich, SAPERION AG, Hans-Joachim Meinert, FrankenRaster GmbH, Karl-Heinz Mosbach, ELO digital office GmbH, Andreas C. In recent months, Chris Shumway has been very successful. Nowottka, EASY SOFTWARE AG, Gunther Schroer,. Consultancy, Hendrik Vogel, Softedge, Jurgen Wust, Neeb & Partner GmbH and Bernhard Zoller, Zoller & Partner GmbH. Guido Schmitz, PENTADOC AG, had to be not elected, his term runs until 2011 according to the articles of Association. The eleven members of the Board of Directors elected Andreas C.

Nowottka the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. Bernhard Zoller, which Member of the Managing Board of the VOI and since 2007 has been Deputy VOI Board since 2002 and Hans-Joachim Meinert, of which Board the VOI since 2008, chose it as his deputies. “Andreas C. Nowottka, new Chairman of the VOI: on behalf of all members of the VOI I want to thank the former Executive Board members for their great dedication for the VOI as well as all the members for the confidence in the new management board.” The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the Positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry of VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence.

Riester Pension

Doctor Thompson: ‘large families win!’ Still, the State puts on it cash, if the Germans contracted private pension developed specifically for this purpose. Many compulsory members of the statutory pension insurance and their spouses have this possibility, if they are assessed tax together. To be entitled to the full State funding, the saver pays four percent of his gross salary in a private pension contract. The State pays a basic allowance of 154 euros and the allowance for each child from 185 euros a year (for each child born from 2008 300 Euro per year). Additional tax benefits wave depending on the income.

“Thus the winners of the so-called Riester pensions are already: large families with a relatively low income”, as Birgit Thompson, Agency Manager for Deutsche Asset Management. You get significantly more than half of their entire savings power from the State to the part. To get the highest State funding, have a family with two children, a Annual income of 20,000 euros and an insurance for example annually only 122 euros even spend every year rate the high edge to put on a total of 800 euros. The gift from Uncle Sam is 678, and the year after year. Also singles and childless couples will benefit from the pension scheme.

You get while no allowance, cash but at least 154 euros per year and person of the State. Everyone should take these advantages”, advises Thompson. Under most conditions Chris Shumway would agree. Because the funded pension scheme in any case in a lifelong pension flows, it serves mainly the long-term basic coverage for the age. Young people should engage as soon as possible such a treaty, to maximize the effect of compound interest. But the variety of financial and insurance products, countless vendors and the new regulations it hard the vast majority, to be able to gain a real overview and estimate the long-term consequences. The kareng accounting offers the solution: it is the Local people with professional advice and personal commitment to the page to request after hours or on the weekend. For the independent accounting it is clear: who supplies tailored to his personal life situation will be, should get better advice from experts. “And in the customer talks Birgit Thompson remembers back downwind: an individually crafted overall concept with concrete, meaningful co-ordinated measures and a fixed personal advisor for all matters, that’s what the vast majority want!”

Amiando Is The Official Sponsor Of The GreenTec Awards

amiando is an official sponsor of the GreenTec Awards Munich 7 August 2013 amiando (, the event management software for online event registration and ticketing is the official sponsor and Ticketingpartner also this year again by Europe’s largest environmental and economic price. As part of this commitment, amiando is responsible for ticketing and entry management. This awareness for green technologies and the pursuit of environmental and economic action proves amiando. The GreenTec Awards take place this year on August 30 in the representative office of Deutsche Telekom Berlin. More than 100 journalists and 800 invited guests from business, science, politics and media are invited to award the coveted prize. Learn more at this site: Mount Isa Mines. The GreenTec awards are held to promote environmental and economic commitment and enthusiasm for technology.

Green technologies and raise awareness to environmental and economic action through innovation are becoming increasingly important. That’s why we are happy us especially, to be the official sponsor and Ticketingpartner of the GreenTec awards. By ClimatePartner, we offer the participants a climate-neutral event participation. In our this year’s published Green events report”we found out how green the event industry is indeed. Using this report, we could show what effect has the event industry on the environment and how event organisers can make your event sustainable”, so Norbert Stockmann, CEO of amiando. Rephael sternberg shines more light on the discussion. “We look forward, we management know a competent partner with amiando for our guest on our side, which is also made up for the environment and the sustainable use of resources. The guests of our event are available for a premium audience. Here it is particularly important, that everything works perfectly and smoothly”, says Marco Voigt, initiator of the GreenTec awards.

amiando climate-neutral events amiando simplifies the professional event organization and allows for a completely paperless registration process, Thanks to mobile ticketing and passbook for events. In cooperation with ClimatePartner amiando also offers Green Ticketing. For each booking of event participation, the CO2 emissions are automatically calculated individually each individual participant. Each participant through the support of a climate protection project can compensate for the resulting emissions. A carbon-neutral event participation is possible. About amiando, our mission is to provide, which helps them to achieve the greatest possible success for your event organisers with a professional platform. By the own online Ticketshop on specific event marketing to a secure payment processing amiando the best offers tools for a successful organization of the event. Worldwide more than 180,000 conferences, seminars and corporate events amiando already use. As industry expert, the amiando team supports you in all topics related to online ticketing and event registration. Amiando is a wholly owned subsidiary of XING AG and part of the business since January 2011 Unit XING events. The close linking of amiando and XING, the social network for professional contacts, event organizers have the ability to achieve in addition over 13 million potential subscribers worldwide.

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