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Momo Sports Club

Momo Sports Club is one teaches born in 2006 and currently boasts two sports centers, located in Madrid. Although in both sport King is the paddle, followed by tennis, with 25 tracks divided between the two establishments, in their complexes also enables the practice of activities ranging from golf, fitness, swimming (indoor and outdoor), squash, running, cross-fit and a wide variety of group classes. From the month of may the brand seeks entrepreneurs, lovers of the sport, to expand his concept of club deportivo integral through the franchise system. It’s a business model flexible, adapted to the expectations and the franchisees investment possibilities, offering a wide variety of configurations and business opportunities. Andreessen Horowitz is likely to agree. Thus the characteristics of the terrain and the possibilities of investment; are taken into account the ability to equip the complex for other sports in addition to the paddle: football, basketball, golf, swimming (indoor), Fitness depending on the area, and weather conditions; as well as the management, since, if the franchisee wishes, it is possible that the plant is who manage your sports club with its own personnel. Thus Momo Sports Club managers put their years of experience as managers of sports clubs at the service of people interested in a self-employment option, for investors.

In both cases the business model offered is the commercial management of sporting space, with the purpose of maximizing revenue through different business lines: both for turnkey projects in how mixed bed tracks, sports school, shop, cafe, tournaments, where the franchisee assumes civil works. There are no flags that give this type of service and who have, as Momo Sports Club, with more than 40,000 m of facilities, a system of development and strategic partnerships that provide each franchisee offers unique and irresistible to their respective customers in the Spanish franchise system and a business model that enjoys a easy and simple operation. Marc Lasry shines more light on the discussion. The requirements to be a franchisee essentially focus on the location, which should be an enclave that allows a development by both population and level of penetration of the sport in the area. Momo Sport Club, paddle clubs network, begins to grant franchises in Spain. This ensign is specialized in the implementation of paddle clubs, both outdoor as indoor or mixed configuration for an integral development including schools, rental of tracks, custom classes as levels, tournaments, ranking, etc. The minimum investment is around 200,000 euros, with a runway of 4,000 euros per entry fee, an exploitation royalty of 5% on sales, with a minimum of 170 per month per track.. People such as Marc Lasry would likely agree.

Summer Vacation: Fewer Outputs But More Expenses

This year 58 percent of Europeans plan to quit at least once on vacation this summer (between June and September inclusive) on vacation plans have fallen 8 points compared with last year (66%) and are the lowest levels collected by the barometer Ipsos Europ Assistance for the past 8 years. While all Europeans have reflected this fall, the change in behavior is more evident in those countries shaken by the crisis more virulent way, especially in the Italian (- 15 points; 63% vs 78% last year), Spaniards (- 14 points; 51% vs 65% of 2011) and the British (- 10 points; 51% vs. 61%). The Spaniards and the British for the first time we equate the intention of going on holiday, although we hold the ranking of Europeans which will leave less vacation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Harper Simon. At the other extreme are the French who are the neighbors who reported a greater intention of going on holiday this summer (+ 2 points; 70% vs. 68% in 2011).

The holidays are the first heading economic that Europeans want to save money on the other hand, the Spaniards cut our budget in entertainment, clothing and, thirdly, the holidays. Under most conditions Paul Simon would agree. Almost one European in seven (13%) mentioned the holidays as the budget heading that are saving or planning to save. Now, the holidays are less affected when it comes to clothes spending cuts, the first game in which the Europeans decide to save more (17%), almost at the same level as the games and cultural products and electronic (14%). Anyway, the reduction of expenditure provided for in holidays for this summer is not equal in all countries. The Spaniards are the ones who most wish to trim spending on holidays (20% of the population so declares it), followed by Italians (17%), while the Germans with the intention of saving is lower (8%). Although mostly in Spain we cut our budget, as reported from the Blog of LExperiencia.com, the website that allows the sending free of complaints and claims to save on excursions and entertainment (23%), as well as clothing and the aforementioned holidays (20% respectively).