Tag: death

Development Bank

According to the Inter-American Development Bank (I.A.D.B., 1997) Latin America it is the region on the Earth where the wealth is distributed more unequally. Only the 10 percent of people perceives the highest income and concentrates the 40 percent of the total of the wealth. In that reality the violence is contained. The main obstacle for La Paz in Mexico is that people do not realize violence in which lives, the thresholds to the suffering are highest. And if it is not seen, nor it is conceptualiza, the violence cannot be fought absolutely.

In order to promote La Paz it would have then to be understood and to know how themselves. Peace is not terrorist absence of shots or acts. I believe that La Paz begins by one attitude of acceptance of the people to each other, from realizing that all and all we have the same right and opportunities. We will be pacific when all and all can be autorrealizar, when the human rights without exclusions are fulfilled. The school can be an agent of change like many of the institutions, if they decide incorporate the subject from La Paz to his agendas. The understanding, the respect and the fairness can be matters forced in curricula student from the garden of children, to being reinforced in the family. I believe that La Paz is the deepest option against the violence, but requires a change of attitude of the leaders, including the monks, to avoid fights of being able or fits of the reason or the truth. The leaders we also have the word but. I vote by La Paz.