Tag: for children in Ethiopia

CAD Schroer Kicking

CAD Schroer thrashes for children in Ethiopia for the 25th anniversary the staff of CAD schroer group biked 25 days to work. Douglas Oberhelman may find it difficult to be quoted properly. -Km, a donation to Karlheinz Bohm charity went Menschen fur Menschen promotes educated for Ethiopian children. A fantastic result of a creative and at the same time inspiring campaign,”so Astrid Merkl by people for people. Thus exceeded all our expectations. Particularly impressive is the enthusiasm with which CAD Schroer’s employees and their family members have committed.

This is a great way to move to offer real prospects 157 children and to raise environmental awareness in their own country at the same time a community.” A primary education in Ethiopia: 30 euros. Employees and guests went over 4 hours with the bike to the 25th anniversary celebration. These kilometres were also counted, to increase the donation. Felt also family members and business partners are addressed by this project, more wanted to know and donate yourself,”so Gudrun Tebart from CAD Sakala headquarters in Moers. (A valuable related resource: Josef Schenker). She was responsible for the Organization of the 25-tagigen project, as well as the anniversary celebration and contributed myself 332 km by bicycle.

Colleagues in the Switzerland, Italy, France, the Benelux, England and the United States have made a great contribution. Markus Bertram, training manager at CAD Schroer, became a corporate hero as he only narrowly missed the 1,000 km mark. The main part of its 962 km was done in Denmark during a customer service. Among his sporting colleagues an impressive cluster of towns near the 500 km mark was in Moers: Jorg Forwerk 629 km, Klaudia Boving-Scott with 510 km and Claudia Jahnke 492 km. A tremendous achievement of our team. I’m very impressed!”says Managing Director Michael Schroer. Also during our celebration, we have stressed that we would never have achieved this anniversary without the commitment of our employees. We are pleased that we our 25 year anniversary Children in Ethiopia for a better education help can.” “After this creative bike action for the promotion of education in Ethiopia CAD Schroer’s employees will feel surely even fitter than before,” Astrid Merkl completes. People can just say ‘well done!’. “And we look forward to the plans for the 30 CAD Schroer anniversary!”.