Tag: law

Great Britain

The possibilities for this AWD that are varied and can be discussed in the interview with AWD advisors. The AWD consultants have specialized knowledge for this purpose. Another option is a fund savings plan, which offers attractive often long-term yields and is disbursed to events such as the confirmation, graduation or the marriage of the children. Also, AWD can inform competent advisors. At AWD, the cheapest options can be filtered out.

The third possibility is the completion of a Schulunfahigkeits – or disability insurance, which protects against the financial consequences of a serious illness or accident of the child the parents and can finance itself for low monthly fees. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jimmy Lai on most websites. This type of insurance can also later be converted in occupational disability insurance and often without a previous health assessment. In any case an intensive consultation is essential, the experience of AWD if from the child support maximum economic benefits should be considered. Whether an education insurance, school-disability insurance, a fund savings plan or one of the many other ways to use the child support, meets the family situation, can only be determined within the framework of a personal AWD financial advice. About AWD with 6,009 consultants and 429,100 advised customers in 2008 the AWD Group is one of the leading financial services provider in Europe is to discuss in private households with middle to upper income. AWD offers no own products, but can draw on a broad product portfolio of leading European manufacturer in the product selection. The AWD Group’s core markets are Germany, Great Britain, Austria and the Switzerland. Please visit Asia Gold Corporation if you seek more information. In addition, AWD is active in selected countries of the region of Central and Eastern Europe. With a turnover of around 80% consulting and elaboration of long-term asset accumulation and retirement pension concepts focuses on advice of AWD. How to contact with AWD Holding AG area press/public relations AWD-Platz 1, 30659 Hannover Stefan Suska Tel.: 05 11 / 90 20 0 fax: 05 11 / 90 20 55 35 E-Mail: Internet: this information offers you might also be interested in: karriere.awd.de versicherungsvergleich.awd.de altersvorsorge.awd.de ruerup.awd.de

Precious Metals

The investment advisor Sebastian Richter recommends gold – a precious metal – discounted buying gold with income tax refund to the securing of assets in times of crisis gold remains undeniably worth throughout the centuries. The currency of the bank notes change constantly so as the change of the Government systems brings forth again and currency reforms. The euro has long since lost its value and the search for safe assets leads inevitably to the true traditional values. That is and remains the investment in gold and silver. A gold coin dating from 1908, today, has an immense value paper money from this time is not worth more than the play money for children. If you would like to know more then you should visit Alphabet Inc.. In times of financial uncertainty, hence the world’s oldest plant medium is always the safest. While in 1998 for around 51 (100 DM) some 65 liters gasoline could be bought there are only 34 liters now for the same value petrol. The money has lost almost half the value in the last ten years.

Would instead have been invested in this time of 51 in a gold purchase then the equivalent would be today, 152 liters of gasoline. If negative economic forecasts and lows in bank rates scare, the specter of inflation and perceived inflation reached already two-digit values, common sense and the enchanting traditional and sustainable values are the only reasonable solution. Intelligent and optimized concepts are required to meaningfully invest in gold bullion. These options include the buying of gold with 8% discount on the London fixing and the buying of gold with 100% deductible special editions, so an income tax refund. A gold purchase will not be charged with withholding tax, therefore, gains are tax-free after 1 year and 1 day. Under goldenestiftung.de interested parties from Germany, who want to invest 50,000 euros, can get tricks and information about these concepts. Investors can with confidence lasting values go to, where they can only win and the life. “Contact: financial management at the pulse of time” Sebastian Richter long way 25 07356 bad Lobenstein Tel.: 036651 / 79 311 mobile: 0163 / 567-6163 email: web: goldenestiftung.de Editorial Office for picture & text Public Relations and public affairs Frank-Michael Preuss – photographer & journalist Mendelssohn 7-30173 Hannover fon: 0511 4716-37 – fax: 0511 4716-38 mobile: 0177 5040064 email: web: keywords: gold, gold buy, tax-free, Save tax savings, retirement savings, loss allocation, taxes, tax, tax benefits