Tag: Sports Schools

House Roller Construct

Recently, the program "Vesti" reported that in Stavropol for more than 10 years into the debate about the construction of the Ice Palace, which costs should amount to more than 2 billion rubles. By itself, this problem is clear – the lack of ice training is a scourge of child and youth hockey from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Coaching kids on the asphalt on roller skates – this everyday form of training for future players. Only a huge passion and love for This masculine sport allows these children, their parents and coaches do not give in and go through clenched teeth, forward to victory. Involuntarily start to think, and what would have turned them from the stars, if their passion for the game to reinforce good hockey venue. We say that because in every house and school had its own ice rink? Unrealistic? Global experience suggests that REALLY! I suggest to get acquainted with one of the solutions for the training of ice, which successfully is used by hundreds of clubs, sessions and hockey schools in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe. It is a synthetic hockey venues.

Synthetic ice has been known for several decades, including in Russia, where there are some places there synthetic ice rinks and playgrounds. However, only appearance in the late 90's the new technology of synthetic ice, and radically new solutions to installation, designed by American firm Global Synthetic Ice, allowed begin to ice rinks synthetic equipment meet the requirements of the NHL. GSI firm first and to date only one who can and almost started to extra-large equipment rollers with synthetic ice. Having won a recent tender for the equipments, or rather to replace the artificial ice to its synthetic surface, more than 1,700 sqm in the sports complex in the Canadian province of Alberta, GSI than the title of pioneer in open hardware full-size rinks and the NHL added the title of pioneer in hardware synthetic ice covered objects. Hear from experts in the field like Marc Lasry for a more varied view.