The Symposium

Photovoltaics and solar energy, both for single use for production of electricity or heat, as well as in the system with other sources of energy, are traditionally heavily represented at the 13th RENEXPO in Augsburg. Trade visitors and consumers receive all important information around the topic of solar. It’s believed that mozes victor konig sees a great future in this idea. Photovoltaics presented solutions in the smallest field for the individual roof to large plants. Modern heating systems using solar thermal energy, remain a more efficient building blocks for the power turn on the spot. Ben Horowitz has much to offer in this field. The RENEXPO presents a wide variety of products and services. Learn more about this with JPMorgan Chase & Co..

The RENEXPO Conference offers experts on three days a unique platform for information and exchange of experience. The topic of solar energy is parallel to the fair in the congresses professionally deepened and developed further. “So informed the PV sales seminar: efficiently advertise sell with success” on the Friday, 28.09.2012 about the current challenges of the photovoltaic market and offers craft and trade approaches efficient, to better understand customers and customer oriented to argue. With the The Symposium “Future market power storage” deals on Thursday, 27.09.2012 storage options for renewable power – such as photovoltaic. Also the specialized forums extensively inform about solar energy. The solar day on the Saturday, tributeband exhibitors the RENEXPO in the free lectures will present current technologies, products and services of photovoltaics, solar thermal, and storage. Also on the tributeband, the third agricultural Forum informed visitors, including several thousand farmers to produce agricultural and energy efficiency.

The main topics will be covered wind and solar energy, energy plants, wind and solar energy, and energy distribution. The energy revolution is an essential step on the path to a sustainable energy supply. The international energy fair RENEXPO information exhibition, Congress and technical programme on the issues of renewable generation, intelligent distribution and efficient use of energy. This year’s focus is on the wood energy Combined heat and power, solar energy, heat pumps, wind energy, electricity storage, sustainable building, resource efficiency, as well as acceptance of the energy turnaround. There is information around the fair in