Month: October 2014


All listed items odinakavo important. Your ability to survive is directly zavisimostiot number agressorov. against two attackers relatively more simple than that against the three. How to add these people? Maybe you're lucky and you will have a choice, with some of the enemy to start. Is there anyone else out there attacking weapons, he represents the greatest threat to you. How attackers raspredelilisvokrug you, too, determines your options.

If the two of them and both are in front of you, it Gorazde better than if an attacker was in front, and the other from behind (remember that in this case would not be as vznachay move so that both were in front of you). We must also take into account any forward . All this determines which of the attackers is more dangerous for you- short-or long. 3. There are a few basic rules, following which increases the chances to get the whole situation from a collision with two or more napalayuschimi. Yes. Do not use those techniques that make you go down to land. If as a result of the reception you were on the ground, it your chances.

If you are knocked to the ground, a different matter. Then you have to fight back in this position (and you already are studying warfare lying?) No Use no seizures and painful methods on the ground. This effectively with one opponent, but disadvantage if the second attacker still stoitna foot. b. By all possible means to protect one attacking from the other.

Language Skills

In addition to manufacturing companies, translators working in publishing houses, where they engaged in literary translations of foreign works. For this scope of work, of course, one, even excellent, language skills are not enough. To translate text as close as possible to how it was written the author himself must be part writer, understand and feel that the author wanted to convey the nuances of the text and translate these nuances into the Russian language so that the message sent to the author, survived. This is perhaps the only area of translation, in which humanitarian or linguistic education not only be superfluous, but also very rewarding. So if you are interested in literature, and you want to work with a professional translator of books – language universities for you.

Scope of interpretations is divided into consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. As successive translators and interpreters are engaged in translation various meetings and negotiations, but a feature of interpreters is that they have to translate it simultaneously with the speaker. This is a very difficult job and it pays well. If you feel a potential and commitment to this work, you must obtain the appropriate education, because even in language universities simultaneous interpreters are separate from other professionals. If you are more attracted measured consecutive interpretation, then, as is the case with translation, special education is not so necessary.

Your employer will be much more important than your ability to properly convey a message technical or economic characteristics of the new product than your "crust". And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: hiker / iloveyou.html – During a trip abroad, you've met her (him), and only unique, and do not know how to express their feelings in the language of love? Then the resource – for you. The expression "I love you" in many different languages – here! Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Generic methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

The Autonomy

It is that the autonomy is not a definition of the characteristics of the individuals, but the way with that these if constitute of the form of if relating. (2002, P. 197). When we affirm that somebody possesss autonomy or is independent, we imagine that this possesss an absolute freedom almost that to act or to develop definitive task or activity. We associate its form of being to somebody that possesss ' ' poder' ' thus to proceed or to be. A citizen capable to move different obstacles that if present for its potentialities or qualities of one determined function that occupies. This conception ' ' absoluta' ' , ' ' idealista' ' of autonomy, when in the real and concrete dimension of the relations with the world and the people not effective.

The autonomy does not have to see with the inquebrantvel of the conditions and the absence of unreliabilities, but with the chance and the desire in such a way to consider the certainties how much to the unreliabilities in substance of professional work, facing them and problematizando them. To recognize them, to understand them and to understand to we ourselves between them are not possible without other perspectives, other colleagues, other people. (CONTRERAS, 2002, P. 211). Absolute autonomy is not possible, whenever we will be to speak in autonomy we have that to consider it relative. In accordance with Cassol (2006), the autonomy cannot be considered absolute, nor neither full. Of this form one would be contradicting the present dialectic of the existence human being and, therefore, in its relations and interactions with the way. It is not possible to plenificar the citizen with a period of training of full autonomy, nor permanent. The proper fact of the individual to conquer the citizen condition condition that for the proper essence will not leave to never escape if constitutes in relative autonomy.

Freyre Formation

The first registered data of tupi date in writing of the beginning of century XVIII, but in 1575 already they had been produced the first texts religious of Father-Ours, the Hail mary and the Creed, translated for the Tupinamb, probably fruit of the work Jesuit missionary, reproduced from an aboriginal informer catequizado by the Frenchman Andres Thevet. After that, one another Frenchman, Jean de Lery, protestant shepherd, published a text where if it tried to reproduce typical colloquies of the indians with the Europeans. Its importance is to demonstrate as a Brazilian language was spoken for the natives. Gilbert Freyre, in Great House & Senzala, book published in 1931 in Portugal and 1933 in Brazil, workmanship that was commented in 1944 by Lobato Hunter, reedited with preface of Darcy Ribeiro in 1977 e, currently, with preface of former-president Fernando Enrique Cardoso published in 2006, it deals with the formation of the Brazilian family under the regimen of the patriarcal economy and the characteristics of the Portuguese settling of Brazil, based on an agrarian escravocrata, incorporation and hybrid. In as the chapter of this workmanship, Freyre detaches the aboriginal in the formation of the Brazilian family: ‘ ‘ Indians and mamelucos had formed the moving, alive wall, that he was allargando in occidental direction the colonial borders of Brazil at the same time that they had defended in the sugar region the agrarian establishments of the attacks of foreign pirates. Each device of sugar in centuries XVI and XVIII needed to keep in foot of war its hundreds or at least sets of ten of ready men to defend against savages or privateers the house of living and the wealth accumulated in the warehouses: these men had been in its almost totality indians or caboclos of arc and flecha’ ‘.


The Determinismo, thought that guided the scientists until little before the theory of the quantum physics, was created by Rene Discardings and affirmed that the universe was as a gigantic mechanism of jewelry store, a time rank in movement, all its history was definitive for the law of cause and effect. In the center of the revolution that the quantum physics caused was the beginning of the Uncertainty of Heinsenberg, that it affirms that some things cannot, absolutely to be known with total exactness. Werner Heisenberg was a classic example of the young scientific genius. With only 22 years of age, it formulated mathematical a theory called of Matrical Mechanics (theory that it described as the quantum jumps occurred). However, in the period of one year, a rival theory called Mechanics the Ondulatria that was presented by Erwin Schdinger and for a moment the theory of Heisenberg seemed to have been dimmed. Times later, were demonstrated that the two theories were equivalents. In this height, Heisenberg was to work in the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Compenhague with Niels Bohr.

After many debates with Schdinger, Niels discovered that the Ondulatria Mechanics failed in completely predicting the movement of electrons. Then Heisenberg if pledged all for the winter of 1926 and 1927, to produce a new theory complete of the quantum mechanics that explained the movement of atoms and electrons. After much research and Heisenberg reflection it concluded that possible things can only be explained to be observed in an experiment, and no experience can never mostar the accurate position and the necessary speed of an electron (or any another particle) at the same time. This is the beginning of the Uncertainty: ' ' The more it needs will be the determination of the position, more inexact it will be the measurement of the speed at this vice-versa.&#039 moment and; ' Booom It is the end of the theory of the Determinismo, in the truth nor is the conclusion is made a mistake, but yes the premise. We never can know the gift with enough exactness, therefore never we will be able to affirm the future. The posterior career of Heisenberg was one as much how much conturbada. Heisenberg lived in Germany, still at the time of nazism (although the SS to consider the quantum physics a Jewish perversion). It became involved itself in nuclear research, with objective to construct a reactor, but he made little progress.

Amaral Maria

It deals with the theater of inanimate, umteatro where the focus of attention is directed for an object and actor does not stop the servivo/, that is, inanimate it is everything what he coexists the man, but destitudo of rational movement. When receiving the energy from the actor, through demovimentos, creates in the substance the life illusion, and, pparently, it acquired proper will transfers itself to abide the impression to have, reasoning. The alive being has a deequilbrio and pensante center, where it makes with that it can transfer life one objetosimulando to think, to feel, to want, to deduce, to represent. Ana Amaral Maria says: The theater of not express animation through the body of the actor, much little porpalavras, but, yes, through forms, images, metaphors and symbols. Algoinvisvel penetrates visible and if the manifest one. It is the language of the form and domovimento. Of the form of the substance, natural or elaborated. of the emotional movimentointencional and, given for the actor.

(AMARAL, 1996, p.18) In the animation theater to podemosencontrar masks, dolls and objects. Each one separate one characterizes a gneroteatral, but when mixed, they acquire proper characteristics and constituemo theater of livened up forms. This form is the materialization of an idea. Essasformas can be dolls and masks, as well as can be natural objects eou inside constructed for the man and with functions of the always on animation aomovimento. The movement is the base for the animation, therefore she is necessary to have the illusion deao executed during the teatral act. In the generality, the theater of formasanimadas is a junction of the theater of dolls, masks and objects.


I have tried to write a pair of ideas, but I have not been able to shape nothing concrete. It will be that I do not have inspiration some, or that I cannot unite two words satisfactorily. Itself tried to say something important, but the superfluous letters exceed. What I can tell you of tonight? Perhaps that is one night like any other. I believe that there is nothing outside the common thing, except because this one time I want to listen to your voice saying: Hello, that so. Yes, it would enchant to me that you made sound my telephone.

While I write I can imaginarte, there you lie seated reading without reason some to me, although I perhaps requested it to you or I urged to you to you did that it. Nevertheless, never I have tried that you read to me. For serte sincere, never I have waited for nothing of you and even so, you end up giving things me that I did not hope, that I did not ask but that it needed although it did not say it. I have been asking to me, How it is possible that you are thus? It is that it surprises your small-great details to me that always make the difference. I was reviewing the chapters of my life, does relatively just a short time, and always it has been labeled to me to be somebody such-and-such. But I do not know why reason now, I would like to know how you to me see. On the other hand, You would like to really know how I am? It interests to know to you which are my nieras? Or to know my firmness when one is seriousness? Of my part, I do not know much of you either, I believe that we are in the same situation.

Projects Education

9 – Waited results: – Change of behaviors of the involved ones in the Project, with the search of the ambient quality. – Reinforcement of the image of the Institution with partner of the society in the dissemination of sustainable practical knowledge and. – The valuation and recognition to interdisciplinar. – Awareness and performance of the regional community, in favor of the environment, through the stages developed for the Project in focus. 10 – Proposal of action: Considering minute done study and search of basement of the premises of this work, after documentary and comments all made, one becomes necessary and pertinent that are presented actions that allow a possible change of this real picture of the surrounding flora.

For this, it is considered: – Survey of the ambient profile of E.E. ‘ ‘ Rousset’ professor; ‘ (if he possesss green area, horta, separation of garbage, etc.); – Survey of the Projects that already they had been developed in the schools; – Mobilization of all the pertaining to school community for the implantation of activities that acquire knowledge on the ambient questions; – Accomplishment of educative campaigns using the available medias (the said press and writing, regional TV, pamphlet distribution, folders, posters), in order to inform and to stimulate the population in relation to the problematic pertaining to school flora/; – To work excessively You discipline of the School, involving them in the awareness process and ambient action, proposals in this Project; – To promote the integration between School, community and the organizations that work in the diverse dimensions of the ambient question (Polices To militate, Body of Firemen, Sanitary Monitoring, IAP, ONGs etc.), with the objective to extend the knowledge and to accomplish the implementation of the cited Project. 11 – Methodology: The Project adopts as reference the method used for the Government of Minas Gerais for the ambient management sustainable in its units, that have as premise the education and the mobilization of its servers. Also interdisciplinares considers action that they aim at exits for problems of the disciplinaridade. Based on this method and the diagnosis of the ambient quality of the School, the qualitative research will be used, with photographic documentation, interviews with the involved ones, comment of the studied area and disgnostic data-collecting, in all the stages of implantation and implementation of the Project.

Basic Education

In fact, the meaning to evaluate to improve is one in such a way desirable one considering that distanciamento between private and private and public public and exists due to politics that articulate the education system. The goal educational quality to be implemented in the vision of the CONAE, is constituted inside of proposals that also take care of the education of articulated form and considering the especificidades of each reality. To implement articulated politics of similar education to diminish the inaqualities in quality term is challenging has seen the data of the IDEB (Index Development of the Basic Education) to show given that they favor inside to the reflections regarding quality of a system. The document of the PDE (Plan of Development of the Education), detaches the clamorous differences between the indices of development of basic education IDEB. The difference between nets varies of 1 the 6,8 and between schools 0,7 the 8,5 ratifying the complexity of one organic and systemize politics in what it diminishes these disparidades. The PDE when trying to develop one organic and systemize politics as for distribution of financial, pedagogical, technological resources and makes it to others considering six basic pillars: sistmica vision of the education, territoriality, development, regimen of contribution, responsabilizao and social mobilization. In this perspective the development of an education plan will have to be directly entailed to others nuances of the process as for example, interlocution dialectic between governments and subsystems of education. In the axle in quarrel, quality of the education, democratic management and evaluation, more than what joint, is necessary doses of criticidade on the part of all the members of the society, creating itself relation of dialogue between models politicians and practical pertaining to school. Axle III – Democratization of the access, Permanence and Pertaining to school Success Luiz Antonio Wedge in Education, State and Democracy in Brazil, the chapter Restricted Democracy, Exculpatory School detaches the term democracy in the vision of Bobbio a minimum definition of democracy recognizes as such the regimen where &#039 existed one; ' set of rules of procedure for the formation of collective decisions, where it is foreseen and facilitated the possible participation amplest of the interested parties.

Italian Economist

In this article the principle of Pareto, or the rule of the 80/20 is explained. According to this Italian economist of century XIX, 20% of the causes cause 80% of the results, and vice versa. This can be applied to the distribution of resources, benefits, clients, sales of products, time This one is a rule against intuitive, because normally we hoped that there is an equal proportion between causes and results. Not always one is fulfilled, it must have in addition a clear relation between causes and results, between the output data and input data. In addition, sometimes the proportion varies to 70/30, 90/10 or 95/5.No is even applicable to everything, but he is useful like model to learn to focus basically and to eliminate the superfluous thing. As we can use this rule to help our management of the time? For it we must be concentrated in more valuable 20%. We must first analyze different aspects from our life and identify what causes cause what results, doing to us questions like: what 20% of the tasks and activities that I do are in 80% of my wished results and my happiness? What 20% of the causes are causing 80% of my problems and my infelicidad? What or who causes an out of proportion stress to me while I dedicate to him? Once we have the answers to these questions, preferably in writing, we must select and eliminate the ineffective thing, which brings about the worse results.

If it seems to us too drastic to eliminate 80% less cash, we can at the moment concentrate in 20% less cash of the total. Either using principle of 50/5 (similarity at the beginning of Pareto), that says that 50% of the resources or causes cause only 5% of the results, we can look for this 50% and center our efforts in eliminating it. Thus at least we would be concentrating in undoing to us of less efficient. Although it is preferable and easier simply to concentrate in better 20% and to harness it. In theory, using this principle could be gotten to increase between a 300% and 400% the productivity, if we quintupled 20% more productive than it causes 80% of the results. Nevertheless, probably it is not thus in the reality, because as we harnessed this more productive minimum, the results are diluted. Since I have commented before not always is applied is rule or principle, but that is simply a useful model to consider and to apply it when we see that a situation of this type can occur. spacoacher-gestiondeltiempo.blogspot.

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