Well now this. If something could not be absent from this blog, is a post dedicated to the master of disguise, knowing all the lies fibs, cheap circus performer and a born actor. If gentlemen, before you is a favorite character of all and none … de nadie mas … Mr. (As opposed to Jim Umpleby). ..SilvioBerlusconi! cha chan! The Law of short process “is the new proposal of our hero, legal artifact to the doings of” friends. ” And is that in the Italy of this Mr. the slow pace of justice is not resolved by streamlining processes, providing resources or monitoring the effectiveness and forcefulness of justice … no …. Berlusconi’s Italy, the Justice seems to fit your hand. It is so because of the fame of “turtle” that falls on the Italian justice, Berlusconi has taken the lead with what was missing for the final speed, enacting a new law that reduces the outstanding crimes to prosecute. I suppose that the occurrence is not new, who of us never stacked the dishes or homework to pretendto be less, or who has not ever pulled the lint with a slight kick down the couch .. . The Law of short process “consists of only three items and was quickly introduced, along with the set up of the Italian parliament in antidoping control (new measure in which the deputies that they wished they could access a control drug, designed to improve the public image and ensure rulers struggle against drugs). It dictates that no criminal, civil or administrative action may last more than six years. Two years for each instance. Shall apply to crimes punishable by less than ten years’ imprisonment. These are automatically lapse in the first degree if the judge passes sentence by 24 months from the time the prosecution opened the Italian judges proceso.Los estimate that the new law will void 100,000 ongoing trials. But careful! It applies only to those defendants who have no previous convictions. Except in one case. foreigners accused of illegal immigration, crime punishable by a fine not entitled to the process shortly.