
The city is an oven. Only when we arrive somewhere that has air conditioning we realize the many benefits that these products bring to our lives. Now that summer is over, it is the ideal time for repairs to maintenance of your air conditioner LG in Mendoza. When we observe carefully how it works an air-conditioning unit we realize the wonder of its operation, and that a small volume may contain as many different parts that combine to give the fresh breeze that relieves us when the temperature rises as a result. A basic air conditioning has a compressor, expansion valve, an outlet and an air vent, two fans and a control unit. True responsible for that cool air is a refrigerant called freon.

The compressor is located in the outdoor unit installed outside the environment we want to weatherize. This device will compress to freon, giving it increased pressure and temperature. This hottest freon reaches the condenser, place where the gas is blend and loses temperature. But not completes the route of the gas, responsible for our sense of relief. This colder gas passes through the valve hand, losing pressure and warming up. Here it enters the evaporator, place where finally cools the air that we feel about our. Whole mechanism is completely reversible, i.e., changing the controls, can be that you hot air instead of cooling it.

They really are very complete devices, because with a single investment we get to give the ideal climate, both in summer and in winter a friendly. In addition, the placement of the air conditioning Split is extremely simple, and don’t need to break walls, as with traditional models of window. The constant use of the air conditioner exhausts freon refrigerant gas, so it is necessary to perform a periodic recharging so as to maintain its ability to control the weather. In addition the air passes through various filters that necessarily will tend to get dirty with running of the time. The purchase of an air-conditioning unit is not one minor investment, so it is necessary to leave the maintenance repairs must be carried out each year to maintain its operation as the first day that was installed in trained hands. For this reason, it will be necessary to find an LG service in Mendoza who may be able to perform these tasks in an efficient and professional manner.