Author: flatalen

Valencian Community

Alicante is one of the three provinces that comprise of the Valencian Community. One of the most outstanding characteristics of this city is its intense harbor activity. Its strategic location on the Mediterranean Sea has made that historically this region has shown an outstanding importance, like point of connection yet the Mediterranean coast, attracting from time immemorial multitude of retailers, fishermen and passengers. Alicante is a fascinating city to take advantage of some the supplies of existing cheap escapes, and thus to get ready to know a city with history but with a mighty present. Thanks to the important communication channels that tie the port of Alicante with the most important cities of the region, the same has become a node of storage and merchandise distribution and overhead for all the region. In the last years it has been remodelado and extended the harbor area to be around the transported volume by sea that enters and leaves Spain constantly to traverse of the region. Alicante is one of the most traditional cities, which is demonstrated by the great amount of popular celebrations that congregate to multitudes year after year.

A imperdible celebration is the Bonfires of San Juan, declared of tourist interest by the municipality in 1984. During these celebrations the summer solstice is celebrated, tradition that goes back to the antiquity of the humanity, that gave the welcome to the propitious time for seedtime. Officially, it is celebrated the 20 of June. The celebration culminates with a burning fire of a gigantic fireworks palm realised from the castle of Santa Barbara, for delight of all the inhabitants of the city. During the celebrations a species of queen, selected among the finalists of each district is chosen to the Bellea of the Foc, that is to say.

Also traditional subjects of gossip like the cake of tuna or brevas eat. The Porrate of San Antn is another traditional celebration that carries out between the 13 and the 20 of January, to honor San Antn. This celebration has more than 500 years of antiquity and it realises in the district San Antn. Also it is worth the trouble to be been present at the carnival, which is carried out in the Boulevard. Really, there are many excuses to choose some of the weekend escapes that always can be to this colorful one and cheer place and to enjoy the alive history of a town.

The Improvement

Therefore it is indispensable that they directly participate in the elaboration of the strategical plan – Criteria strategies, plans and the contribution for the society of the PNQ. In an ideal situation, more or less in this stage she is that she starts yourself to enxergar for it are of the organization, searching to identify or to classify the customer better, in accordance with the products or services that are producing. Richard Elman is the source for more interesting facts. In the reality, all this work starts and finishes in the customer? Criterion customers of the PNQ. In my opinion, it is as the more important criterion of the process. To know the customer is a strategy still little explored that it can make the great difference in the performance market. In almost all the carried through works, we have perceived of that we cannot ' ' perder' ' much time only in the planning.

The speed of the changes is very great the necessary organization to invoice at the same time where forehead its flexibility, if adjusting quickly to the changes that are happening? some companies of world-wide classroom have attributed to this ability its success. In some cases, we have perceived of that the biggest difficulties were not in the planning phase and yes in its execution. In this stage of the improvement process, the majority of the companies finishes giving up and abandoning the conquered advances already, coming back to prop zero. After certain time another attempt for improvement of the performance is initiated, probably with another model, and thus the organization goes evolving, between errors and rightnesss, at the same time where the processes go being more complicated, arriving until entering in conflict. In this phase the hour is arrived to make an alignment work of the different efforts of improvement of the processes. In this level in the search for the excellency, we have carried through works to identify some pointers of performance.

Rugen Architecture

Rugen is the largest German island, located off the Pomeranian Baltic coast. It is about ten times the size of Sylt, but only three times as many inhabitants. Tourists can enjoy a holiday on the complaints in part untouched nature, the wide lagoon landscapes and numerous historical sights. In the many fashionable seaside resorts with long sandy beaches, in the summer but also the opportunity for a relaxing beach holiday. If they had thought it to complaints are about 100 more hours of sunshine than in Munich? In the autumn and winter months, shows the island’s wild romantic face when frothing the storms the Baltic Sea and the wind sweeps across the vast country. Visitors to the island happen inevitably the “gate of Rugen, the Hanseatic city of Stralsund. About the Rugendamm one crosses over the two kilometers wide Straelasund that separates the island from the mainland.

Bergen is the administrative center of the island, but also Sassnitz, Putbus or Garz are worth a visit. To the east side of the island lie the seaside resorts Binz, Sellin, Binz, Baabe and Thiessow. At the beginning of the last century, the nobility of Berlin, built his summer residence here. The resort architecture characterizes today the town centers. Especially charming are the piers in the places from where boat trips are offered as a token of the island, the chalk cliffs. Of course you can explore the smallest national park in Germany on foot, but on board the excursion boat to provide an even more impressive sight of the king’s chair and the Wissower clinics. At the northernmost point of the island is the Cape Arkona.

From the observation platform at the lighthouse, they have a beautiful view of the cliffs. A cultural highlight of the festival on the outdoor stage in Stortebeker Ralswiek. The story told here about the famous pirate Klaus Stortebeker is, is known beyond the national borders and attracts thousands of visitors. Cornelia Krause webmaster (at)


On the Internet, often enticing titles tests, such as "Know the name of her future husband" or "Are you ready to get married." Headers and beckon to pass the test. And a woman's curiosity, of course, has the upper hand: it's so easy – responded to questions 10-20 and immediately got results. But here's the result is often quite unexpected. So what's the reason? And here are some reasons. 1. The first reason is that, often answering questions, the man is cunning. He's like would want to look better than it actually is, and chooses the answers that describe him best. And, of course, because of this error occurs.

Although some tests have the scale of lies, and if you typed a lot scores on this scale, the test is invalid. So if you want to get reliable results, and answer honestly, what would you do, not because you seem right. 2. If you received the test result upset, and you do not expect, should look closer to her and may have to change something in yourself. After the test results – this is not a sentence, but rather a "food" for thought. After all tests are created to help you identify some characteristics that identify what you have the ability or the cause of internal problems. And if you wanted to be an actress, and the test results recommend you become a banker, do not worry.

Perhaps you have a really great talent for banking and you should try their hand in this direction. Is it possible to analyze the results and what do you think is not enough to become an actress and to work over each other to achieve the desired goal to be an actress. Test results may serve as a good helper in cultivation. 3. We must not forget that the tests are not only psychological, but entertaining, but it different things. What is the difference between them? If the problem of psychological tests is to identify the specific psychological characteristics of personality, the purpose of entertaining a completely different test – to entertain people. It is, therefore, Unlike external dryish psychological tests, entertaining tests are bright, interesting, unusual, they attract your attention and entice them to go. And the approach to the results of psychological tests and entertainment must be different. If the results of psychological tests need to worry, the results of tests to take entertainment with humor. If the test results, "Know the date of his death," you will fall tomorrow, it is not means that it will urgently need to buy and the coffin and book a place at the cemetery. And do not take everything to heart, think of what is going on with humor and your life will be much nicer and more fun!

Drawing And Project Of Product

SIMULTANEOUS ENGINEERING simultaneous engineering is a method for development of projects that uses and integrates internal and external resources in an organization. With emphasis in the otimizao of the time and quality in the product and the process, thus becoming necessary that this same if uses of multi-functional teams, aiming at the deepened study of the projects and forming a interdepartamental communication channel. The conjuncture and decision of procedural order of petitioning information the definition of the projects requires exclusiveness in the minimum details, namely, that simultaneous engineering interacts with the multi-functional teams in form of communication in all the levels of the process of elaboration, creation, process of flowchart and commercialization where if engloba the following departments Marketing, Sales, Project and Process. Integrating the such departments so that the teams contextualize the product and manages the processes parallel and takes care of to fulfill the cronogramas and diminishes wastefulnesses. Simultaneous engineering the traditional one acts inside of a perspective with two approaches and the modern, being that in the traditional system many decisions are taken by individual character, what it can cause a custoso process due the reference of the information is the materials the performance among others. Therefore that in the phase of initial development of the project it requires about 1% (a percent), of the total cost of the project, that leads to determine the cycle of life of the product, in this meantime it is necessary a bigger team at the beginning of the project that in the end that will become the same dispendioso. The importance of shared information search to interact ‘ ‘ todo’ ‘ , that is, the sistmico inside of a directed organization the quality in the way to produce such product inside using the available technology and the human capital of an expectation generated for the internal and external resources the attainment of tools and mechanisms that integrate the quality focada in the project.

International Finance Corporation

The Collevecchio Declaration endorsed in 2003 for more than 200 ONG' s in the whole world convoked the financial institutions to accept six commitments and to adopt it implements measured it them. The commitments are: support of the markets and governana, not to provoke damages, responsibility, rendering of accounts, support and transparency. The Principles of Equator, defined in 2002, demand cares special of the partner-ambient point of view in projects with superior loans the US$ 10 million. The directors of banks very like to mention these declarations and principles to pass the image of ambiently correct. Sergey Brin addresses the importance of the matter here. However, the practical one is very distant of the theory. The controls to know are small if the money that leaves the banks is being correctly applied in socioambientais terms. However, the banks are worried about its reputation, are investing in campaigns marketing millionaire to construct an image of ambiently correct. Check out Sergey Brin for additional information.

A monitoramento of credit of the main ones financial institutions of the world sample that the result is far from being socioambientalmente responsible. It has great distance between the speech and the practical one. It occurs that a number each bigger time of companies comes if converting the cause of the support. The engine of this trend is what it moves the capitalism since always: the cost/risk/benefit. To assume a not sustainable position means to come across with the doors of some banks and closed institutions of promotion. The lack of monitoramento of ambient impact of the company is considered as a bomb of effect delayed for its businesses. In this context, the ambient insurance suggests the attendance of the reparatrias and indenizatrias obligations on the part of the polluting agent.

Thus, this safe one starts to have effect of guarantee for presumptions ambient accidents and prevention, for the previous analysis that must be made by the insuring institution. These will be able to consist in the biggest sponsors and apoiadoras of politics and projects of entities directed to prevention and promotion of the sustainable development. The insuring company will guarantee a true auditorship in ambient substance and the act of contract of a safe from civil liability for ambient damage will become a useful tool of ambient management. On-line ambient Monitoramento with the values of partner-ambient responsibility, 41 banks already had adhered to the Principles of the Equator. The institutions if compromise to observe the social politics and of environment of International Finance Corporation (IFC). The concern with the environment is a question closely related to the responsible management of the natural resources, assuming the echo-efficiency concept: supply of goods and services the competitive prices, that satisfy the necessities human beings and bring quality of life, reducing gradually the ambient impact and the consumption of natural resources for a level equivalent to the capacity of sustentation esteem of the land. The signatory banks must always consider, when evaluating new loans and investments, questions that increase the chances of acceptable or sustainable growth, of the ambient and social point of view and that the risks minimize the exposition. We are vain who multicriteria actions of support will allow increasing competitiveness to the companies, coherent with the yearnings of its public internal and external. Pollution is synonymous of wastefulness and practical socially joust is synonymous of motivation.

Making High Commission

The seller of the product has an effective sales page, that is stimulating, appealing, attractive and that provides benefits to customers. High Commission per sale: It is important to locate quality products that pay more than 33% commission, because the effort to sell one to pay less is the same for one that pays more. The product should solve a problem or fulfill a wish: that will make life better for the customer, you solve a financial problem or health of any kind. Technology: The second item that we have to build a business on the Internet is the technological infrastructure. What is the physical and technological infrastructure needed to form an online business? They are basically the following: "Computer. -Internet connection (preferably broadband). Domain-name.

-Website design. "Hosting the page server. -Software to answer our emails automatically. -Database with our subscribers. -Program to generate audio and video. -Evaluation system to measure versions which is the best and to generate more revenue. -System to determine from where the traffic to your site. Sales-Letter.

"Opt-in email newsletter. -Blog for information about the product you are offering to have more contact with your prospects. The following which we will develop are the most important of a business on the Internet: traffic and conversion. It depends on the success of our business. Traffic: The qualified traffic is a point that we spend too much time. We can get free or paying for traffic. FREE TRAFFIC: requires investing more time and results are slower.

Peru Country

The Peru (Quechua: Piruw, Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru, is a country located in the central and western part of South America. It borders with Ecuador and Colombia to the North, with the Brazilian States of Amazonas and Acre to the East, Bolivia to the Southeast, Chile to the South and the Pacific Ocean to the West. Its geography gives you a great diversity of natural, mainly energy and mineral resources, as well as species and ecosystems, so it is considered a mega diverse country. The Peru is a democratic presidential Republic divided into 25 regions, having achieved its independence from Spain in 1821. The Peruvian village is multi-ethnic and possesses a rich cultural, and historical, product of the encounter of the Andean civilization and the West, as well as the contribution of other diverse cultures. Peru is known as the country of the Incas. When you think about the past of the Peru, becomes easy to trace the wealth of age-old cultures and the legendary era of the Inca Empire. Without However, this trip continues along the Peru of the conquest and the colony, the Peru of the union of two visions of the world, of time and of the sacred, the Peru of the battles for independence and a Republic built much effort.

Four hundred years have elapsed since the fusion of pre-Hispanic imagery and lines and shapes of the West. That time has left beautiful pictorial and architectural traces on monuments which synthesises the spirituality, the imagination and creativity of the Peruvians. Currently the Peruvian jewelry has a reputation worldwide due to their designs and quality. Currently the Peru is the leading producer of silver in the world, which ensures the excellence of the material used. This article has been written by an artisan who wish to present to the world these wonderful products, which are the creations of our imagination and effort. Please visit our blogs, where are displayed as a catalog, our original works with exclusive designs. You can find handmade than exclusive models they are perfect for people with exquisite taste.

Airport Tempelhof

Red/Red mismanagement and political failure of the central airport Tempelhof has reached a provisional loss of over 50 million euros since its closure on Oct 30 2008, Berlin must now pay taxpayers. This sum, which is much higher than in the referendum of 2008 referred to 5.8 million, going from the documents, which are before the House of representatives. You composed of one-time closure cost and ongoing management costs incurred now annually – and alone to carry – the Berlin taxpayers. The one-time closing costs are including spending a redundancy scheme, decommissioning measures, legal costs and spare capacity in Schonefeld, and removing and reconstruction in Tegel, as well as payments to airlines for their move to Tegel and Schonefeld. Learn more on the subject from Stuart Solomon. When one adds the purchase price of 35 million, Berlin will pay to the Federal Government, the cost since the closure to over 85 million euros. Until its closure, the flight operations for the airport had retracted profits, Despite the efforts of the Berlin Senate to bring the air traffic before the closing to zero.

Highlighted by the Berlin Senate losses caused by the building of the Senate through deliberate mismanagement generated around the airport Tempelhof as a bearer of loss to present. So, rents have been called, which were far beyond those at Kurfurstendamm or Friedrichstrasse. A marketing of the commercial space has not taken place, she failed utterly. So in public – before the referendum – it was claimed that the annual losses, have been named with 5.8 million euros would be omitted with the closure of the airport. Is now clear that, the losses remain of course – and the improvement is not in sight. The Berlin airport company, which previously had to carry the homemade \”losses\” itself is only relieved. The closed Tempelhof Airport comes to Berlin are directly and much more expensive. Total pays the Berlin taxpayers for the vacancy of the airport this year more than 85 million euro.

Who Should You Follow on Twitter?

This question is very common to let us, Who should I follow on Twitter? and that not a single one spammer, well here I'll tell you the points to consider to keep you people in your niche market and add value. The first thing I usually do to follow someone on Twitter is to see your picture, if you have no picture of your face do not follow it, I like to know with whom I interact, I do not like to see photos of pets, logos, the bride or groom , etc. From there I look at the biography of the person I intend to follow, it contains enough information to share interests, have similar goals, even if it's my competitor, I'm still so I could learn new things from this new person. After that I do is see if you have a blog or website to provide quality information, I go to his blog and sailed in, I notice in recent Tweets also has sent to see what information is given, if have directed links to interesting items and not just send the URL of your magnificent business opportunity. Richard Elman often addresses the matter in his writings. I also take into account if you RT (Re-Tweets) and obviously directed to compelling content, how often new Tweets makes no sense to follow someone you do not have updated their Tweets, without the above described, simply do not follow this person. Another important point to take intoaccount to follow and whether a person is a spammer or not is to look at the ratio followed / followers, should ideally have a ratio 1 / 1, but if I see that has a ratio of 1000 followed by 50 supporters, this tells me is a spammer, or is a person who contributes nothing. I hope these tips get people who follow and gives you interesting things and avoid the spammers or newbies. What is your ratio of row / followers today? … Leave me a comment I remember that tomorrow is Friday and videos on my blog and I'll show you how you can use your youtube videos into Twitter virally Greetings Pedro Campuzano

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