Category: General


Teilhard de Chardin, good definitor of the differentiation of individual person and who envisioned by the way the network with 50 years of anticipation – spoke of noosphere (conjunction of intelligent beings with the environment in which they live) and extended beyond to glimpse what the thinkers of today would call the global brain. Douglas Oberhelman understood the implications. Well, the key is, perhaps, in creating numerous and small noosferas. This happens to be seen with less individualism and in an ethical context of otherness. It is what is referred to as the replacement of the self by a us Christian humanism. There are, however, a more practical reason that escapes the teorico-moral to insert into the brutal real reality: where goes the world is known or was perishes, it cooperates or fails, or is respected or is convicted. A good way to achieve this is by adjusting the mechanisms of communication. Intelligent web that appears at any time may, for example, organize the information you are interested exclusively to the a neighborhood community.

Technology is at the service of the intereaccion. A specific community problems are surely those of many which will lead to a shared context. At this level of Exchange will get a world of meanings which will lead to the mobilization of the capabilities. This requires identifying them and recognize the diversity. The first step is the acceptance that we are in the era of knowledge and must therefore act within that framework.

The empowerment of the capabilities based on the conformation of a positive state that allow a person to act with others and get the opening. And it would be unnecessary to add that the thought that is generated in this way is free and not subject to manipulation. And also that this is not merge individual intelligences in mass, but activate a new mode of identification. This is precisely the idea of collective intelligence, one where the personality is retained of each person, ideas and ego of everyone. That is, people think not together to arrive at certain conclusions but I think gasket to obtain the value of the connection and the confrontation of ideas. We modify to educators and the education currently provided. You will have to change the traditional methods. We can thus summarize: teach is connecting people with opportunities, experiences with knowledge, is helping one or more connections, connect experiences, connect to an experience, connect to teach others to connect, connecting people with content, connect people. Indeed, the reality is replaceable provided will have clear the new reality. For it is necessary the collective design of a project that passes through a collective or connective, intelligence in any organised event. If we do not reinvent democracy there will be no future and for this it is necessary that the social body generates, through its Constitution on collective intelligent, the necessary tools to achieve this. The space of these tools is the knowledge, the power of thought, of a dynamic and lively space where qualities of being and ways to transform Act in society. It is, fundamentally, a political issue and a matter of democracy. It is my vision of Venezuelan country: a knowledge society. I propose to be included in the current substitute national draft in 2013. And I put name: national project. Plan of democratic reconstruction for sustainable development of the Venezuelan man.

Liliana Freedom

Are you thinking about your financial freedom? Do you know that it is more attainable and close that at any other time in history? We live in an age of unimaginable opportunities for our ancestors. But before you plan we reach it, we must know what is financial freedom. Firstly you should be clear what is freedom, and actually it is not so easy to define it. Rob Crossland contains valuable tech resources. Let us remember that, throughout history, the human being has committed more various aberrations, such as deaths, wars, acts of genocide, in the name of freedom. Why I think the only freedom that serves is what makes us feel free to each of us, which gives us full freedom without swap chains for others. Here we find the first drawback, because surely they are not the same things or situations that cause us that feeling. Without going further, would make me really feel free to be on an island, with a beach paradise and surrounded by a totally natural environment.

This same situation, others could cause the feeling of being imprisoned due to the isolation of noise and technology. This occurs because each of us are complete beings, in which the spiritual component and material totally inseparable are such which occurs with the two sides of a coin. The answer to the diversity of sensations in each one of the people before a same circumstance is due to the spiritual component. There is everything that motivates us or limits us. These two faces must be in constant balance, so without spiritual development, hardly a material development is reached.

Let us consider what happens with a traditional job. It is not to redeem our time for money. Following this line of thought: if I want to earn more money will have to work longer. Although I can add hours of work, this has a limit because there comes a time in which I can not remove more time resting and fun to my days already this approach will not allow me to be financially free, and if I don’t find the balance, you may end up breaking my affection and my health. Does the money that does not allow me to share the growth of my children? I have clear, but I would like to know what you think on the subject why money never must stop being only a means to be able to enjoy the most valuable thing of our lives: time. Yes, search our financial freedom now wanting to live a reality that allows me to enjoy my time, sharing with my affection and generosity a situation in which money ceases to be a limiting factor. Of course that we can become rich, but understanding being rich as a comprehensive concept, and this is achieved to develop our spirituality, being generous with who need it at the right time and, not only economically, with a word or a bit of our time. If we succeed in this kind of freedom we can be rich spiritually and economically speaking, because a circumstance is derived from the previous one. Now, if we are selfish and petty, we are prisoners of the money, and will therefore be immensely poor although we have many million. Not all the rich are millionaires, nor all the millionaires are rich should remember then that we must grow as people helping the growth of our environment.

A New Concept Of Education

Education aged and not changed. (A valuable related resource: Uniworld Capital). The educational methods have left behind, if we compare them with the enormous scientific and technological transformations of the past five hundred years. The man already was Jupiter, but students are still going to the cloisters for information and training. The Pentium already almost goes out of fashion, but teachers and students still using chalk or water marker to write on rubber or table Board. Encyclopedias, language courses, dictionaries (including that of the Royal Spanish Academy of language), didactic games, almost all subjects treaties, regulations and many resources already have them available on CD ROM, but at universities and colleges continue to believe in large spaces, lots of shelving and huge bits bound to place libraries.

And the Government lives thinking that without libraries educational institutions are only a few robaderos of silver! Interconnection via intranet or the internet is within our reach to more than two decades ago, but the great pioneers of modern education are still building large moles of brick and cement which proudly baptized such College or University fulanito Tal. To deepen your understanding JPMorgan Chase is the source. As we can see, cheap technological resources desired by any revolutionary sixties to massively education are already completely prognosticate, but we continue by inertia or mere business, promoting a completely elitist education. Truly advanced media allow us currently interact 24 hours a day, yet we continue to believe that the process of teaching cannot be conducted but with a student sitting in an uncomfortable desk for 8 to 10 hours daily, storing, equal to a deposit trash or, to be more benign, to an email address, the entire amount of information downloaded into their ears by three or four specialists. Tama & years e; as ironies do not? How absurd of living education, next to such advanced modes of living life! But we are still in time. We are somewhat delayed, but still we can redefine our concept, our method and our reality educational.

We must re-create the concept of College and University, as institutions desladrillarizadas, desclaustrarizadas or, if seem prettier, non-Presential and not restricted only to a modern or old building where we hacinamos students to force them to learn. We must redesign the education so that it arrives via electronic technology resources, all you want to it, not in way individualsino collectivized, where forming more students in disciplines such as learn. Create true interactive methods geared towards the use of logic and critical and no memorization of information or communication (for which leads much advantage a computer of two gigabytes of memory on hard drive!), is a task to be undertaken as soon as possible by teachers and entrepreneurs in education. How process, manage and use information for human development, is what we have to start teaching people, using the resources of postmodernism and no more the ancient methods of the Sophists.

Latin America

Points out that more than 30 rooms, located in the National Library of Peru, will be arranged for the bilateral meetings of Heads of State and Government, at the same time that commented that the meetings of Heads of State and Government not shall be transmitted, the moment of inauguration, the official photo of senior officials and dignitaries, as well as the closure of the activity will be only broadcast, which will be covered in a few thousand 500 journalists, of whom about 700 are international media. Some 107 people involved in organizing the Summit V. The Peruvian President ignauro the Summit and said: we know that there is no inevitable natural law or diabolical force that we can expel from the Earth and condemn to failure. Always the science, technology and human capacity rather than the obstacles that may threaten the human species. We believe that it is through democracy and freedom as we play our way, said Garcia, he stressed that the peoples expect solutions, approaches and goals of the appointment of Lima and not mere declarations or ritual meetings. I am convinced that we will have maturity to adopt a programme specifically called President Garcia to establish a mechanism of follow-up of the commitments made at these summits and proposed that Spain and Argentina are who are responsible. adds that the leaders participating in the V summit of Latin American, Caribbean and European Union agreed on the need of adopting public policies to redress inequalities and combat poverty, and bet on concrete measures to tackle the global food crisis. Thus emerges from the conclusions of the Panel on poverty, inequality and social inclusion announced during the closing session of the Summit, which gathers in Lima to half a hundred heads of State and of Government of Lac-EU. The theme it is especially important for Latin America, a region with more than 200 million poor, according to ECLAC, has failed to reduce the levels of social exclusion and confronts the challenge of leveraging the steady growth of recent years to comply with the Millennium development goals and reduce their level of poverty by half until 2015.

The Company

These advisories cover from the initial diagnosis of the situation of the company in terms of its technology, through General audits or specific assessments, or well, the opinion of the feasibility of a new project; the diagnosis-based planning is possible: select alternatives and ensuring consistency with the overall strategy of the company. Google helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. These alternatives may require obtaining technology from abroad, and a process of conversion or modernization, thus the company defines the shape of the acquisition, for this reason, to know to buy you need to know to evaluate and to take advantage, it is necessary to assimilate and adapt what is acquired. But this process does not end at this stage, the company must maintain a day, constantly monitoring the progress in the world in its sector of the business, and leading to conducted specific studies to know the State of the art of a given technology.

The Hub

Through this, they better take sides load, but you must expect more wear and tear. The decisive factor for the longevity of ball bearings is the diagonal force constant torque, which in turn depends on the geometry and accuracy podhozhdeniya components, as well as from the torque of the central nut. The first generation of diagonal ball bearings were double-row type, and its external clip pressed into housing corresponding element of vehicle suspension. In an internal holder factory of wheel hub. Due to tolerances in the manufacture, improper torque and as a result of additional mechanical stresses wheel bearing of this type were subject to premature wear. Because of engineering for research and development was to reduce the number of stages during the mechanical assembly in a workshop that is to increase number of parts that are mounted directly on the job. This led to what was introduced integrated unit bearings. Learn more on the subject from XOM.

At the same time tightening the bearing accurately exposed during the manufacturing process and does not change operation. As such, the bearings are fed to the service station or repair shop. These modules contain elements of the hub or cage speed sensor system ABS. This generation stupichnyh bearings already in the series on many models. It has also been used frequently can be found embedded in the bearing housing of the magnetic elements, which will perform the role of polar ring sensor ABS. Lubricants. Means grease in the bearing (grease) is an essential structural element. Its objective is to reduce friction and corrosion and contamination effects of the environment.

Renault Logan

Remove the radiator system cooling. Detach from the thermostat housing, the exhaust pipe of the cylinder head and pipe water pump cooling system hoses. Ignition Coil Renault Logan free from harness pads wire engine management system, idling regulator, fuel injectors, solenoid valve and canister purge sensors: oxygen, detonation, and the absolute air pressure air temperature in the intake pipe, signaling the lack of oil pressure, coolant temperature, crankshaft position, throttle position. Allot wiring harnesses from the engine side. If the engine is supposed to be removed from the engine compartment up with a lifting device, you first need to remove the gearbox.

Raise the hood on the Renault Logan and hold it vertically position. Fasten the chain hoist to the engine mounts. Pulling the chain, we remove the stress from the engine, which had supported him when removing the gearbox. On the right pole of the power unit remove the holder canister purge tube and allot up to one side, remove the extension and turn away the two screws attaching the right support to the body. Before removing the engine, you need to check again that all hoses, pipes, wires disconnected from the engine and taken away.

With the help of winches raise and remove the engine from the engine compartment. If the work is done on a lift and remove the power unit down, the generator is not dismantled need – just unplug it from the wire. You can also disassemble the engine power steering pump and air conditioner compressor, and a disconnect from their pipes and hoses. When removing powertrain operations, instead of lifting gear must perform the following work. Remove the front wheel drive. Disconnect the cable from the drive clutch fork clutch mechanism and bracket on the gearbox. Disconnect the traction control transmission of the transmission shift rod. Disconnect the "mass" and the wire harness from the transmission. Remove the speed sensor. Detach block of wires from a light switch reverse. Set up under the engine and gearbox adjustable stops or sturdy table. Remove the right-hand pillar of the power unit. Turn away nut left support power unit to the bracket support. Remove the engine. Set the engine or power plant on Renault Logan in reverse order.


According to the prevailing opinions in society, a hypocrite – it's terrible poor man, and it turns out that most of us fall into this category. From childhood we learn to hide his true "self" due to misunderstandings, resentment and persecution. We wanted to become like what we wanted to see others. We have tried to impersonate someone else than we really are. Imagine a store where you want to purchase branded watches, paying them a large sum, but buying them, you find that it is a fake with a glued on her brand label.

Oh, you are angry. The same principle of falsification or hypocrisy to do when we play in front of some other vital role, not feeling any pleasure to be himself themselves. Another example of our fine acting. Two young people who meet, have decided to enter into lawful marriage, but neither he nor she could not before the wedding, to be honest with each other, but continued to play their role to please each other. And what will happen in a month and a half of married life? The effect of frustration and anger will be the same as in the detection of counterfeits. Is there a way out of this situation, where your words and actions do not correspond to your inner beliefs? How can I stop this game, whose aim is to obtain a benefit or harm our neighbor? How to beat it yourself? While the authority for your acting is the opinion of people you do not can get rid of this syndrome is hypocrisy. Authorities should be changed! There is one absolute authority – God, whose opinion in varying degrees affects the lives of us all.

Before him, no need to dissemble and play happy family man or a perfect employee, he knows all our secret thoughts and intents of our hearts. He knows everything. Why play now? The authority of God gives us the opportunity to be themselves. Realizing this, we will stop "Hold" for the people's opinion, it will be very important and overriding opinion of God for us, about our lives and actions. A wise man once wrote: "The harder you strive to become such, as needed, the less you try to hide who you really are. " You may say: "Once again God. Is it not possible to solve this problem in another way? In general, the hypocrites are everywhere, even in church! "I think you have reason to say so, but not all Christians are calling themselves as such, are the image of Christ's life. But the question now is not about them, and each of us personally. Hypocrites in the church – that's no excuse. I want to open a secret, which refers to the Bible: in hell the hypocrites will be much greater. But the most great hypocrisy in the other. There is no bigger hypocrite than someone who pretends he does not need Christ. Interestingly, a hypocrite whose opinion this is adjusted? Of course the choice, as always, is yours. Every man must decide: him to remain a puppet in the theater or to become a true, free of imposed frameworks and roles. Dear reader, the choice is yours.

Constitution Prohibits

The rumors to the EU are the wildest rumours about the driver’s license and his description again license, truth and seal down the pub. Most are unfounded or belong to the realm of fairy tales. There is for example the rumor that the basic law will not be tolerated the EU driving licence. This is so wrong, the basic law does not explicitly promotes the EU driving licence, but it tolerates and accepts him, see BVerfG, 2 BvR 947/11 of the 22.9.2011, Sales No. (1-49). It contradicted clearly the withdrawal of an EU driving licence, only due to the fact that it was purchased abroad. Therefore, the Basic Law of the EU allows licence. But the rumor are also directly, that such a paper is to get within a week.

Who must wants to acquire the EU driving licence or rewrite for at least 185 days ago have domiciled in the country, namely a detectable. This means the conditions of the 3rd EU directive on driving licences must for acquisition and transfer necessarily be respected. Further circulating the rumor that licence applies the EU up to the 19.1.2013. Well that’s not true. From that date only just the document harmonized in the EU, the card may be issued, spend many States for a long time.

By the way, old already acquired documents retain their validity. Here, too, there is no reason to panic. Another rumor says that EU driver’s licenses can be purchased up to the emailAddress. Also this rumor is the Fehlinterpretierung of the well-known EU directive. It defines the permanent residence as at least 185 days in the calendar year. Rob Crossland insists that this is the case. Added to the 185 days now on the 4 may, the time for registration and confirmation of residence to surrender just until the end of the year. Admittedly, a fallacy, also the bureaucrats. The host countries such as for example the Czech Republic still assume that of driver’s license applicants for at least 185 on the piece must have held his residence in the country. Fact is simply that the EU driving licence or its transcription in Germany must be recognized if because the EU met driving licence directive in all respects. Many agencies, for example Tarabas 68 ( take care of law secure compliance with this standard and ensure that the client can easily travel with an EU driving licence in Germany. Further, many qualified information and testimonials in moderated forums such as can be found. These agencies consult and show what is about, but also what is not possible.! Corporate information / short profile: we make sure that they have a valid EU driving licence or an EU driving licence can get. In cooperation with driving schools in the Czech Republic, with which we have been working for years together, we make sure that you can legally purchase a driver’s license. Quality, satisfaction and certainty for our customers is our profession! They benefit from our experience and good contacts in the Czech Republic, because We are from the outset and guarantee the reliable, trouble-free and legal acquisition of the EU driving licence AnRo24Media Rolf Hamilton law Walter Vysluni 141 43001 Chomutov contact: phone: + 49 (0) 52 34 204 260 fax: + 49 (0) 32 12 136 29 67 E-Mail: texting for you Frank Varoquier Friedrich InStr. 4 42105 Wuppertal

Italian Furnishings

We decided to carry out repairs in the apartment? Or even to build a cottage? This is a very proper and correct decision. Now it has stopped the development of the project construction or repair their homes. It should be noted that at present time – this is one of the most serious and major issues, because the house – is an individual plan for the client, its feature, which is obliged to provide exclusivity and originality of the imagination. More info: Campbell Soup Inc.. In modern times, in contrast to yesterday did not build houses or square pattern using standard solutions in the repair of housing. Now the interior design – it's almost all styles and genres, from high tech to the classics – it all depends on the customer. Private housing – it is fashionable, exclusive and modern, it is decorated with life, elevates mood, want to return there after a hard day, there would like to celebrate holidays and spending free time with friends. Help in the above matter will be the organization, working in the field, well today like more than enough. Check out Rob Crossland for additional information.

Professionals to develop a plan for you an exclusive finish housing, choose materials for repairs, help with situation (in our days, by the way, very modern Italian furniture), and all educated architects will calculate and prepare a draft. Very important is the reliable and exclusive interior trim cottage or apartment, furniture furnishings, thoughtful lighting. These days you can recommend services such as custom-made furniture – on an individual project (for example: furniture from Italy), spectacular and unique, and most importantly robust Italian cuisine on order, developing an individual plan coverage, pick up the curtains, and other elements of the situation. When choosing these firms, it is imperative to look at their experience of the work, past projects, customer reviews and etc. Often, such projects are quite expensive, so the choice of organization-developer is the main problem here is not to be missed, so then do not regret it. Workforce must consist exclusively of professional designers, architects and other professionals. Often, solid firms have their own delivery of furniture or decorative components directly from the producers' organizations, which will certainly emphasizes their experience and is well reflected in the final price of repair.

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