Category: General

Development Bank

According to the Inter-American Development Bank (I.A.D.B., 1997) Latin America it is the region on the Earth where the wealth is distributed more unequally. Only the 10 percent of people perceives the highest income and concentrates the 40 percent of the total of the wealth. In that reality the violence is contained. The main obstacle for La Paz in Mexico is that people do not realize violence in which lives, the thresholds to the suffering are highest. And if it is not seen, nor it is conceptualiza, the violence cannot be fought absolutely.

In order to promote La Paz it would have then to be understood and to know how themselves. Peace is not terrorist absence of shots or acts. I believe that La Paz begins by one attitude of acceptance of the people to each other, from realizing that all and all we have the same right and opportunities. We will be pacific when all and all can be autorrealizar, when the human rights without exclusions are fulfilled. The school can be an agent of change like many of the institutions, if they decide incorporate the subject from La Paz to his agendas. The understanding, the respect and the fairness can be matters forced in curricula student from the garden of children, to being reinforced in the family. I believe that La Paz is the deepest option against the violence, but requires a change of attitude of the leaders, including the monks, to avoid fights of being able or fits of the reason or the truth. The leaders we also have the word but. I vote by La Paz.

Studied Education

Skills such as planning, management, control, finance, accounting, marketing, etc. There are many areas that we can choose to obtain a university degree, among which there are administration, economics, international trade, etc. It is very important that you choose one that is to your liking and that, moreover, feel confident to finish. It is not, either, simply spend or win the studied materials, it is rather, to learn all the steps to creating a business process, and learn them well. But, let’s go back to what was said at the beginning. Many entrepreneurs have not had the opportunity for an adequate education that serves as support for the development of their businesses, however, have been and are successful in what they chose to do.

In fact, there are many which fall into this category and I’m sure that the reader knows of many of them. Many entrepreneurs, in fact, started from scratch, and have had and developed highly profitable businesses. With this we conclude that, perhaps, is not only an education or training in business. In addition to education, it must have some qualities and characteristics of an entrepreneur, such as leadership, creativity, innovative, decided to take risks and, very important, persevering. Without these and other similar qualities, even with appropriate education, it is difficult to be successful as an entrepreneur.

From the above we can conclude that education or training and the qualities that we have been talking about, are not mutually exclusive, work hand in hand and can produce entrepreneurs successful. Therefore, if you can have one and another, should take advantage of. You must use the knowledge acquired in the education to improve the development of our business. However; This should not discourage those who lack a college degree. There are entrepreneurs that they possess all the qualities required by an entrepreneur, must only obtain the best possible knowledge, even without a formal education.

Child Consumption

CHILD consumption what white takes the skirt the girl who goes to sea! Oh girl, no squid ink spot it you! Rafael Alberti. Exchange of a product by money the consumerist attitudes of the early years, between 6 and 10 years, unfolds according to advertising and the decisions of their parents. However, from that age, the environment of consumption are wide and are also influence by those who believe and have friends. At the same time increases the interest of children to manage money, non-existent in the first years of childhood. Clothing is one of the first territories in which the kids act independently on his election and pressuring parents when choosing brands. His great goal becomes to get always suspicious paternal Pocket what they want: this and that brand which also has her friend or friend. None of them seeks the quality of garments, just care them labels. Here is where the first children’s blackmail.

If the adults buy them clothes that they have not chosen or dislike, threaten parents with no wear. Learn more on the subject from Kevin Johnson. As for other purchases, the most common relate to domestic issues. The traditional messages where children begin to develop a consumer education through observation. The same thing happens, when they go with their parents to make food purchases, pressuring the elderly buy the foods of their choice, leaving lead by advertising, wrappers and fashions. From ten years, money, something that initially has no interest for children, becomes a necessity. Revenue sources are varied, from tips for doing some work at home, economic rewards for those approved, the money received for the birthday, the weekly pay that can oscillate between six and ten euros, amount that does not include the trickle of money which means the purchase of buns for lunch or cinemas for the father. The most normal thing is that children devote their regular income, when they are small, candy, stickers and toys of little value.

From ten years this money goes to burgers or pizzas, the favorite dishes of children. More substantial extraordinary income, devoted it to purchases more expensive, such as video games. In some families, extraordinary income of children are placed in a booklet of savings. For parents consumer desire of small relates objects that are on the market, so you detect a lack of imagination of his sons. In addition, they manifest the influence of advertising is total when it comes to eating. Their clothing, toys and other products are elected by small based on advertising. In short, for children consuming is exchanging a product for money and repeat endlessly, so hated phrase of: want that!. Some parents will say as the poet: as one who hears rain / you was listening so much / that you could not understand. Francisco Arias Solis at Christmas, peace and freedom. XIII Festival poetry for peace and liberty dedicated to Mario Benedetti. URL: Original author and source of the article.

Network Marketing

If you’ve been certain period working in Network Marketing you know how difficult that is sometimes allowing things to work in your business. Ben Horowitz may help you with your research. They constitute different challenges that you have to accomplish, however between the most relevant should be: the generation of leaders, the generation of relations, addressing, closures and of course the multiplication. Since you have to become a guru in all areas previous if you want to achieve success in your Network Marketing activity. They are times, in which if you take enough fortune and hit a couple of triumphant people who build some considerable line, the 5 previous components under any circumstances will make any limitations. But clear, that this passes you, would be just like if you play the lottery. Put feet located in the Earth and put hands into action so that you can become a guru in this areas. Obtaining leaders lacking leaders, your Network Marketing effort is totally dead. Truly become the foundation of your business.

Lacking relevant exchanges shalt thou of them at any moment, at any instant prospectaras and still not close to several potential leaders around your business. Without them, while you’re overly well in multiple areas you will never advance and your staff under any circumstances will grow exorbitant way. How can you achieve leaders face your team? Mainly with traffic generation. Creation of contacts you must meditate that your contacts are still not affiliating to your staff, until even they do not have the certainty that you are the leader which they are considering, which would achieve them help since it will take them hand in the early days in this exciting issue of Network Marketing. This stage starts by the hand of your autoresponder who will do the work for you automatically. Address address comes to be fundamentally achieve your leaders or persons wish to join your business. What you get by distributing articles with them, so that you enfatices the painful the setbacks that are currently taking become. You should know the parties involved to take decisions on the basis of face a couple of details: the longing and pain.

In this case, it’s that you focus your message from the panoramic view of the pain which may be suffering from prospects. The closure would need excellent position is determined by your side and the appropriate place. You must tell your referrals that join your staff located in suitable case and suitable way. Many networkers want to become experts establishing contacts in just three months. But three months still isn’t enough time to become a guru in the areas which I am commenting on this post. I’m going to tell a mystery that many successful people know. The secret is condensed in this formula: time + money x tools = success. In regards to the tools, not all provide the same fruits. I suggest that you use one that is giving me super fabulous successes. If you want to analyze what is and How would achieve you routing, access my training on my blog. The author is a Networker committed to teach their knowledge of MLM (Network Marketing) to all those who wish to improve their performance in this industry. You can access the full article the fundamentals of networks marketing and of course a contained valuable marketing networks.

New Year

Yes, it is striking in its execution, an exotic and unique, by definition, in fact, this leather is perfect suitable for the unusual and, at the same time, practical gift. Indeed, in all honesty, we can all admit they are tired of the dusty shelves cluttered various souvenirs and trinkets small that and throw a pity and remember about them until the day of general cleaning. But here, almost the same money, you can buy not only useful and necessary gift that will not immediately put off to a distant corner or peredaren a week, but also to achieve more that endows a person thought about you several times a day. These unusual gifts are ideal for both men and women. They will be the way on any occasion, whether birthday or New Year, March 8 or 14 February, Railroad Day or First Friday in the week. Again, such an exotic gift is easy to emphasize his warm feelings to my mother, sister or friend, a respectful attitude to the terrible boss or an official and simply to express sympathy friendly friend or colleague. In general, it is a universal gift.

As already noted, it is not just an unusual and original gift, but also a very practical gift. Practical gifts are often daryatsya men, because they tend more than women in the present value of its usefulness. While women in the present more important is its beauty and "that the same did not have a girlfriend." Both, just, and is present in these great products and individuality – a calling card, the inevitable "side effect" of exotic leather goods, because their production is only natural leather of reptiles, but in nature there is no two identical animals.

Social Media and Business

Do questions about the media you want to do, or just want to ask about social marketing? This was the question asked you a group of more than 1350 people, who are committed to doing business on Facebook and other social media as a source of traffic to your sales, and here we select 10 questions frequently asked about the social media marketing or social marketing. 1. How can I measure the return on investment of my time and money in social media? Main traders what they want to know is how to perform the monitoring and development of your investment in the media. We have here some samples of how to vary the consultations: How can I produce a convincing report to business owners about the return on investment in social media? What are the key indicators to continue to measure the profitability of an investment, in terms of satisfaction of the customer, revenue and brand loyalty? What so effective are social media? does against the resources invested, as creating information and hiring an employee in time complete to energize the community? Are there any parameters of industry, social communication, enabling tracking the impact of social marketing? 2. What are the best social media marketing campaigns? The next question most frequent in the minds of traders of the sample I could summarize as: what is working?. Other questions in this category are: How can I assure that my message will receive the care they need, and it will be not ignored amid all the other rumors? How many channels of social media marketers need to use? What are the two best means of marketing and not work individually on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn? What is the most effective way of managing my business in social media without reaching the spam? How do make a message viral message? Keep in mind that these questions are aimed to reveal the most urgent concern which people, which makes social marketing, you want to find answers.

Associates Management

In addition, and a very important issue; This allows an involvement of the company in its management, they are partakers of the facts, we work jointly proposing to take them to understand the basic principles of accounting and taxation as well as business management. The accounting can be boring but we take it otherwise always there are other ways to approach the same question. Our issue is the game and the implication, because having fun working, is the most important thing. I hope that that journey in simplicity, may have opened new prospects to carry the management of his company, desire to innovate, change, to break the routine of day to day. The newspapers mentioned Jim Umpleby not as a source, but as a related topic. Without forgetting that we sometimes seek answers to our doubts complicating us life and wasting time when solutions are ahead of us, we simply forget open eyes. I remember a phrase I read in a book, that today has caught all its sense in my mind, if it can not be the first, must seek other ways to be. Dublino y asociados S.L., we have no claim to be the first but we are simply different, because the first are our customers. I am of course available to who have doubts or need any concrete reply. Mick Quevauvillers technical accounting (Dublino and Associates) original author and source of the article.

Facebook Sites

This article is intended to you that already have a blog and want to begin to generate traffic toward him and if you don’t have it, don’t wait a second longer and begins to build one already!. To address this issue a major question which is the next arises what the RSS technology? Speaking of RSS, I want to focus on your value to generate traffic. I don’t want to get nienredarme involved in explaining its technical specifications but yes I will tell you that a family is web font that is encoded in a language called XML formats. But this is not what we really want for our main objective. Learn more about this with Caterpillar Inc.. The case is that with this powerful tool you can provide visitors who subscribe to your web site, through your RSS link information up-to-date and automatically. Let’s see, Let’s clarify a bit more. I will take the example of Google Reader, which is the Google RSS reader, to give a clearer example of the panorama.Enabling an account to access this service of Google you can subscribe to web sites that offer you the possibility of subscribe via RSS and view various updates of the mentioned sites within this account. I.e.

If site A and B, are interested in you but also the C, D and F, you would mean a considerable loss of time go to visit each one of them in search of new publications in your areas of interest, and with the risk of not find new information in more than one of these sites. Then what is the advantage it will give you the RSS?So that you can see if there are updates on multiple sites from a single location, so you have 1, 5, 10 or 15 sites. All from a single location. Then you save an immense time amount, especially when you are still to many sites. But that is only a part. What you just mentioned is the RSS from the point of view of the common user who want to save time, but let’s see now what we can do from the point of view of content publishers, i.e., from ours. Today the concept of Web 2.0 is widely known and their technological complexity It’s even greater that that of the RSS, which is an element of this, so without going into details, I will mention that social networks like Facebook, Twitter, among others, are part of this great new world, then if we associate the possibilities of these two tools can build an information empire. How? I already explain how.

Suppose you post an article on your blog and this article is automatically published at once on Facebook, on Twitter and on another blog, at the same time tea sounds interesting? Clear that Yes! Can you imagine the power that has and the scope that you will manage when users of Twitter, Facebook and other blogs of your own followers, have access to an article that you have posted on your main blog? If you get the idea and applying it you’ve managed to expand your content throughout the network and with an immense potential to generate confidence and posiconarte in the market as an expert in your specific area of knowledge. I hope you serve much this contribution. Best regards, Rolando Rodas.

British English

Example, if pronounced as read: window, car, pants, Word, etc. Clear that we must keep in mind that the English language like all Latin languages is influenced by French and Spanish also. Then when you need to read a word in English most likely, you have to pronounce as written differently and have a 97% chance to hit. Warning This is the secret that insists that you should learn English when you were a little boy but has never been explained. Each language is within a certain range of sound frequencies and has a particular intonation pattern. An ear accustomed to a certain linguistic environment may experience difficulty in accurately capturing the sounds of another language. More information is housed here: Starbucks. The human ear can theoretically capture a wide frequency range (20 to 16.000 Hz) and discern an infinite number of rhythms. However, over the years, the ear gets used to efficiently process the frequencies and rhythms used only in the language.

If the ear does not capture the sounds, the voice can not play. In addition, each language has a time of self-specific control (the time required for the ear to control the emission vocal). That is why some languages are faster than others, for example, a French-speaking British English should listen and talk even faster than in their language, while emitting rare phonemes in their native language. Reade Griffith does not necessarily agree. Speaking another language is used in another way the small muscles of the ear and the neural circuits that are associated complexes. At each step in the process of assimilating other languages, is the ear that controls the voice, influencing the thinking and language structures. For this report involves the use of the entire nervous system.

So we could say that we are talking about genetically predestined to speak a certain language, that of our parents and in general of all the people who live around us, so that the mere fact of going to study at a school can not guarantee that communicate in English, learn something grammar but need a few words to capture words auditory training on another frequency sound, since Spanish is between 125 and 500Hz while English is between 2,000 and 12000Hz are completely opposite. – Now I understand why he could speak and understand with my friends when I studied English in school but when watching a movie or listen to a song and things were not the same.


In addition to its historical monuments, its delicious gastronomy, its incredible beaches, its excellent riads, its abundant culture and its hospitable people, Morocco also boasts an impressive and varied nature that will delight those visitors who are looking for scenery and incomparable views. Morocco is a country extremely varied, with more than 3700 kilometers of coastline, several mountain ranges, deserts with precious oasis and many other amazing natural wonders. The caves of Hercules Hercules caves or caves of Africa are the natural symbol of Tangier and a spectacular natural heritage that shows the shape of the African continent. According to legend, this cave, located about 14 kilometers to the West of Tangier, was the place chosen by Hercules to rest after finishing his twelve labours. The entrances to the caves overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and at high tide the water comes in spades. When the sea level rises, sprout huge waves and flooded the caves. Apparently, the caves have been used as homes for centuries and there are several quarries and corridors between them. According to popular belief, the caves were excavated and built by any ancient culture to be able to take refuge in its interior.

But, in fact, its existence and genesis remain a mystery. It is known, moreover, that the last known use of this cave was how brothel in first half of century XX. Another legend surrounding the caves of Hercules is communicating, through a mysterious and unexplored system of tunnels and galleries, with the caves of San Miguel in Gibraltar. However, the impressive view of the Strait of Gibraltar is not no legend, with incredible tones of deep blue of the sea and the sky creating a fascinating contrast. To get to the cave you can take a bus without number coming from Grand Socco, but departures are infrequent. Moreover, they can negotiate a taxi or travel in your own vehicle from the city.

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