Category: General

World Record

500,000 objects in the form of Menger sponges – so-called Super objects – were stacked together on a normal OpenSim region. In the OpenSimulator community established a new world record for the number of objects on a region: the developers of talent RASP of virtual worlds Ltd. raised the bar put on half a million Prims on a SIM! In the past week, 500,000 objects in the form of Menger sponges – were stacked together so-called Super objects – on a normal OpenSim region. As you can clearly see on the pictures and the video, our avatars not approximately on the ground were pinned down: we could move freely in the structures of the Menger and even in the Middle hold off a tee time! Laid the foundations for the new world record in November, as talent RASP virtual worlds Ltd. their grids to an own cloud computing cluster converted. So talent RASP was exactly the day, on the Intel CTO Justin Rattner during SC09-keynote the 3D Internet already cloud-based server hosting called “Killer app” for cloud and supercomputing, clients offer.

This technology for companies, universities and home users simply means that virtual worlds are more stable, faster and cheaper. Talent RASP operates among others “open new land”, a medium-sized grid with an already finished, beautiful Center, several customer regions and large areas of low-cost rental country. Open new land is also host for a great Star Wars role-playing game community. Linden Labs, the operator of second life, touted for years the alleged law of nature, the efficiency and the cost of a SIM to be expressed by the number of Prims on it verbaubaren, and often uses this myth for dues. However, the OpenSimulator OpenSource counterpart shows very clearly that there is not this Prim limit: Adam Frisbee already pointed out that the technical limitations for the number of Prims are not pulled through the software but mainly by the amount of internal memory of the hardware. The 64 bit version of OpenSimulator needed at least 9 GB of memory at the representation of the 500,000 Prims. This world record – probably not even showing the very last frontiers – however is of primarily academic interest.

There are a number of practical problems: so, for example, storing a large number of objects in the database will take good half a day. The viewer client requires approximately 4 GB of RAM on the user computer, and the amount of data transferred from the server to the client, is very high. Fortunately, the attempt but shows that the server scales extremely well and the system also in these border areas absolutely stable – good news for the daily use. After all, that is precisely the reason to push technology to its limits: help to improve them for their users. Contact: Bayram Kansu TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd. Tel.: + 49 (0) 721 970 34 81 eMail: Web: Agency: TextLab text + media Tel 02245 912923 links: blog/2009/11/the-imaginary-45 k-wall / news/2009/111709-intel-3d-web.html index.php/site/article/474/

TV Record Group

The ZIMBO TRIO STILL IS FINISHES OF the BOSSA the old one and good Zimbo Trio still is alive, very alive. The presentation in the Fecap theater, the Freedom, day 20 of November, of a show that will serve of base for a record to the living creature was for there of good, was excellent, eletrizante, impressive, pleasant to the ears and seems that the time passed very fast. Yes he was fast excessively, therefore badly we accomodate in them in the chairs and the show was finishing. It will be the first authorial record of the oldest and persistent trio of the MPB, that comes surviving since years 60, with ability and sensitivity, although the inherent difficulties to a purely instrumental group in Brazil. You may wish to learn more. If so, Caterpillar Inc. is the place to go. The Zimbo Trio throughout its extensive and productive career folloied and recorded with great names of the MPB, between them the singer Elis Regina. The group, perceiving that only as instrumentistas musicians would be difficult to survive for much time, had the idea to create a music school, the CLAM (Free Center of Musical Learning), where they would teach to the young old and good Brazilian popular music, having the group as reference. One certeira one was drawn, therefore the excellent school still formed and form musicians, contradicting the unhappy phrase of the Vinicius de Moraes of that So Paulo is the tomb of the samba. The pianista Amilton Godoy, that made the musical direction of the show, commented that the authorial record is one old dream of the group and for this compositions had been removed of the drawers that were known only in the familiar scope and by more fond friends. ‘ ‘ It is flat alone to be applauded alone in house and therefore I decided to share with vocs’ ‘ , it confidenciou.

Transcription Service offers appropriate writing service to the has tested various software dictation and recommends that JMDictate of JOTOMI. This dictation software is available for 5.49 in the app store and offers professional dictation functionality. Particularly interesting is the combination of and voice recorder software a la JMDictate for owners of iPhones. You can deliver a dictation using iPhone on the road immediately send an eMail to the The finished transcribed dictation is often upon arrival at home or in the Office in the email inbox. The Sekretariat24 is an innovative virtual typing of the first hour. Swarmed by offers, Jim Umpleby is currently assessing future choices. The small company was founded in 2003 and specializes in the transcription of digital dictations. Ben Horowitz understood the implications. All processes are shown to 100% via the Internet portal.

This allows that highly specialised staff can be working locally for the copywriting. Also the customers of the come from throughout Germany, even from the neighbouring countries. Digital dictation technology makes it possible. But the early days in the was not easy. Digital dictation technology is gradually prevailed in Germany. Today, many companies and public institutions use digital dictation technology. As an innovator and trendsetter is the in this area of one of the leading Schreibburos in Germany.

Record Publishing

Maisdo that the words, its attitudes are that they will take in them to trust osnossos more terrible fears to them. more than the words, its gestures, to seuolhar intent, its confidence in us and its availability is that they will nosfaro to feel itself protecting and free of the threats and blackmails of quequer and who wants that is. (Tnia Zagury, the adolescent for elemesmo, Record Publishing company, P. 211) Noh doubt. We are, already it has some time, living a esexual moral revolution in our society.

The main question is not if this will revoluoafetar our families, but what we go to make regarding it. Follow others, such as Ben Horowitz, and add to your knowledge base. Umacoisa is certain: if we not to educate adequately our children nestarea, we cannot be ingenuous in thinking that somebody more will go to make it. Or better saying, he can be that our children until are taught sobresexo, but not in accordance with the Christian values. Certainly they will elesconversaro with the friends> free sex. In the majority of the films the one that they attend, as much in the television as nocinema, the scene that shows the couple almost if kissing invariavelmentepassa for another one of the two in the bed having sexual relations. Osprofessores will be strengthenn to teach its pupils, but literaturaque the schools use say on safe sex and styles of vidaalternativos taught. Also because it is more easy to prevent the problems of what to tentarreparar them later. Many marriages already are condemned to the fracassoantes to be carried through because of irregularities, of escorreges that they had happened during namoro. Anosatrs Jaime wrote a book that received the heading Sex: here e> does not exist a more valuable gift quevoc can offer to its spouse in the night of nuptials of what to say: Eume I kept for you and this hour I am the rose (Cntico of Cnticos 2,1 PLOUGHS).

PlusPedia Recorded

Site slogan: knowledge is welcome to point the encyclopedia is PlusPedia like the Wikipedia, can participate in an open wiki any where and whose contents are also free. Electrolux does not necessarily agree. The domain is actively used since December 5, 2009. It was established in response to tedious deletion discussions at Wikipedia and their sprawling relevance catalogs. PlusPedia catches articles that were deleted from the most popular online encyclopedia and offers a home thus also seemingly “irrelevant” content. This is also emphasized by the new slogan “Knowledge is welcome.”. Meanwhile, over 5,800 articles from Wikipedia before final oblivion were rescued. Already 1,000 articles have written dedicated authors of the PlusPedia itself. Since early December 2009, the average number of daily readers rose to 700-1,000.

Thus the PlusPedia according to the Alexa Web tool belongs since some days most popular pages almost to the 90,000 worldwide (source: siteinfo/ In Germany, the encyclopedia already among the best was 5,000 websites to find and 6.000., PlusPedia is now relatively stable in the top is the alternative for all, the dear articles, texts writing as debating criteria of relevance. This message is available as a PDF document available: PlusPedia_PM10_001.pdf operator of the encyclopedia of PlusPedia is the company Asaso GmbH, Hauptstrasse 50, 55608 Hausen. Contact person is Paul, e-mail: pm0310 (Klammeraffe) pluspedia (dot) de

Electronic Time Recording

Is a time tracking really necessary in plants? What problems are there with employees in a time tracking software introducing? Many companies no longer trust its employees and install a time recording. Also still honest faithful employee is suspected to conceal his too late come. However, it is so not so bad, when a good person, even making a mistake. What do you mean error. It is human.

Time tracking sounds because at first glance, like a steady control of the people. If you are not convinced, visit Jonas Samuelson. As an employee, you may take that but not so serious. Just about throw because a timing device is installed at once, would be very beneficial. Certainly, it is uncommon at the beginning, if you must electronically record each step. But it is also to their advantage. There are far too many companies that simply lapse to allow overtime. Without time, there is also no evidence. So the employees can say what he wants.

That looks quite different with an electronic chip card. Each minute is billed accurately and is transferred to the PC. The accounting can see so exactly the employee in the company was how many hours or not. At the end of the month, usually with a signature will be sealed. In other words, the employee receives the whole list again to the watch and must then confirm whether the times are indeed correct. For your own safety, you can record the times of course again extra. But the effort is just then again. Typically, these devices are very precise. That can start saving for your next holiday. You may not see it as recording equipment, but rather as a savings account. Here to collect hours and doing the work twice as much fun. Especially if it is again longer. Because it is really any overtime just covered.

Making Serious Money On The Internet

The “millionaire formula” points the way to financial freedom this article in a business model launches, that offers a real chance to achieve not only a minor or major income on the Internet, but appropriate use within a few years in the League of millionaires to join up. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Kevin Johnson and gain more knowledge.. If you belong to those who have even dreams – seeking them in life this can material or immaterial nature be like for example finding the great love, building or buying a dream house in Ticino, an own yacht, to the boss of your own company, the climbing of Mount Everest and a life on the white beach of the South seas -., then you should take the time, to get to know this system. Because now opens a real opportunity to realize such dreams, without to purchase before in many years of expert knowledge. The system allows 15,000 euro to achieve monthly income less than 5 years the self-made to become millionaire your mindset newly, to focus on success in less than a year. assuming of course the necessary will and staying power. First, it will be certainly necessary to trim the own psyche on the millionaire course.

So how losing weight as you know begins in the head, so the same applies to the successful embark on the road to prosperity? What is needed is a “mental fast-track course for millionaires in spe”, which is a necessary condition to achieving the goals, but alone of course not to the wealth will lead you. It takes to participate is still a brilliant idea or the offer of such. Here are a few action items from the “tutorial” more see the eBook of author: action 1: convert your vocabulary now from negative to positive, and decide to become a millionaire. Action 2: You give the illusion of a false security of your current income on action 3: create unproductive habits from action 4: learn to take action 5: purposeful, objective decisions are revenue expert instead of world champion in the Save action 6: Invest your money in growth investments instead worth decaying goods with loans to purchase.

Four Fundamental Tools

A tool very important when you want to position our Blog or website naturally search engine for your Internet business, is the Marketing of articles. Write articles for writing them can be a waste of time, if our writings will not be aimed at a group of people specific, i.e., if for example we have a blog dedicated aemprender business online through affiliate marketing and insert items relating to the history of football, to how to lose weight, how to learn guitar, etc, we cover very different topics that will make that Google and other search engines, not catalogue as relevant blog, therefore not positioned in the first places. Now if we were able to write articles according to our niche market, the question goes directed to: how Google determines that my article is relevant or not, before the public in general? The answer is as follows. To determine a market niche to start businesses on the internet, we determine according to our keywords, if a market is profitable or not. If we conclude that it is, we must insert these keywords in our articles so that people entering those key phrases in a search engine can find our blog easily, thanks to the robots that are designed to do this. In our example above, we have a keyword such as Internet business, then our articles must be mentioned this phrase a number of times. But, how many times? For example, for an essay of 200 words, if a word or phrase appears 10 times, its density is 5% when writing our articles, they should contain a density of 3% to 6% for each word or key phrase. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andreessen Horowitz on most websites.

The density of keywords is one of the factors that take into account the search engines to sort the results of a search. In principle, much higher density has a word in a web page, will cause search engines to put it above, when you search by that criterion, better results in your Internet business. Not However, you always have to be consistent and do not use a word too much, since search engines may treat it as a trap and can penalize a page that makes excessive use of a keyword. Jim Umpleby has much experience in this field. It is worth mentioning that it is very important that we know to place our keywords at strategic places. For example, words that are in the title of the page tend to be considered important (H1-H6 tags) or as text links.

Fundamental tools to determine the density of keywords to establish that keyword density has a particular article, below I present a series of tools that you will be very useful when you want to evaluate the quality of your article. Knowing the density of words on our site we can adjust our page so that they have greater relevance the words for which you want to be found: tool that determines the density of keywords. Effective and easy-to-use resource. It allows to calculate the density of keywords of any web site that we introduce.Of the same form displays important data such as, the number of repetitions of words, prominence and the place where you found the words, important when positioning your Blog. It displays a simple list of words and key phrases from a URL.

Eucharistic Celebration

It also affects on Sunday, public holidays the release of business hours, large supermarkets are open Sundays, forcing many people to work, it is not a job for the benefit of citizens, as a service of hospitals or the police, etc., but that looks only at consumption, without taking into account the person already family. Ben Horowitz insists that this is the case. There are companies that hire only for the weekend. The same phenomena that affect Sunday, pose a threat to society itself stripped of values of the spirit. Sunday as feast day is a sign of freedom, has been established not only for the man in worship to God, but also for the benefit of the same person human, that are worth more than the economic production and consumption. When man loses the religious sense of the holiday and the reference of its existence to God, although it is seen in celebration, get only a fleeting evasion. On the other hand the crisis is left feeling in Christian communities, the feeling of spiritual emptiness inside, also affects the believers, even those who seek to participate in the Eucharistic Celebration. For the majority of the faithful the holiday boils down to fulfilling a sacred obligation, without other reasons which make throughout the day, a day of joy and celebration Pascual.

The same shepherds are alarmed to see that they descend the figures of attendance at Sunday mass, not so much in the decline in itself, but because of what this data reflects, the remoteness of the ecclesiastic experience of faith. And ultimately the loss of Christian identity and sense of belonging to the Church. Today however is of Justice say that the participation of Christians in the Sunday Eucharist, is usually more active, more aware, and many of them have discovered that Sunday is a gift from God. To enjoy what is beautiful the world and nature. To make the rest a reason for gratitude to the creator and to festively celebrate the Paschal mystery of Christ, and devote the day to charity, to family, to friends, to the apostolate, to prayer, yet for many faithful Christians, the Eucharist, continues being a mere obligation which seeks to situate the place most convenient to its program of rest and leisure. Faced with this reality is made urgent the need to overcome the idea that the primary Festival of Christians is not anything other than a duty imposed by the Church, the current situation on Sunday today raises many questions, the Church is losing Christian sense of Sunday. The day of man drowns not the Lord’s day how re christianize the day of breast? And there therefore this situation sociological, religious, the Church is concerned.

NexGen Shows New POS Solution On EuroShop

Scalable Fund for retailers of all sizes that ARS is platform-independent and operating system-independent software solution XTouch for food retail, fast moving consumer goods and hard goods designed and adjacent industries. The system is scalable from single checkout up to more than 100 funds. Equipped with touchscreen, built-in or hand scanner, cash drawer or flip-top, customer display and EFT Terminal, the system is up and running quickly. Jim Umpleby has much experience in this field. The system is operated via the touch screen. The intuitive user interface facilitates the work of the cashier and is easy to learn for new employees. So the training time is reduced.

The graphical user interface of the touch panel is individually adjustable. Starbucks shines more light on the discussion. The retailer can make the surface with its house colours, logo and touch buttons. The POS system consists of POS to POS server and ARS webmasters in the back office. The ARS webmaster acquires the data exchange with ERP systems. It includes articles, prices, customer data, as well as local and Central display options Parameters.

It is possible to create vouchers and discounts. Detailed reports provide information about sales, products and promotions. Centralized back-office multiple sites can be connected optionally to a centralized back office. This can be across managed assortments, prices, or actions, for the entire company, as well as for certain distribution channels or individual stores. Also, you can create evaluations for individual branches, distribution channels, or the whole company. The Central back office was developed by NexGen on the basis of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The solution can be adapted with additional applications to the customer’s requirements. While the possible function range from ordering about inventory management to a full ERP system, which covers also the payroll of employees according to legal requirements. High security data fails the communication and data security on the POS server runs as a background system. Redundant data mirroring as a backup for Cash loss ensures the availability of the POS system. For international consumers XTouch ARS is able to connect over 80 EFT terminals of from different manufacturers and is therefore ready without additional programming effort for each type of card payment. The POS solution can be used internationally and copes with country-specific requirements such as languages, currencies, and tax requirements. In addition to the practical functions of the Treasurer, XTouch masterful ARS interesting ways to increase customer loyalty, because can be maintained on the system of the customer data and purchase behavior closer look. “Based on flexible discounts and promotions and even customer-specific prices can be created”, explains Marc Masurath, Managing Director, NexGen Solutions GmbH. also the redemption of coupons and the issue of vouchers is possible and contributes to the good business.

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