Category: General

ALVECON Will Be Germany

ALVECON: With TOP STAR full cost control for life insurance Frankfurt, October 2008 ALVECON with TOP STAR, the NET-policy concept, a revolution in the unit-linked life insurance market heralds. Until now, conventional insurance policies combine the premium of customer with the commissions for the broker. Therefore, investors have no optimal overview of their financial burdens. TOP STAR separates this process with a separate compensation agreement so get ALVECON investors with TOP STAR full cost transparency after taking out insurance. Transparency in insurance costs as well as an intensive consultation and enlightenment for the customers of ALVECON with its net policies concept TOP STAR reacts to the changes in the market and introduces Germany’s first broker NET policy concept. Keith McLoughlin may not feel the same. The TOP STAR net-policies-concept combines all on the market common and proven options of a modern police.

Traditional insurance policies usually the premium of customer connect the commissions of the intermediary. As a result, Customers have no exact cost control. TOP STAR, the new concept of ALVECON, allows an exact overview of all costs its customers by concluding a separate agreement of payment. These compensation arrangements are multiple BGH confirmed and thus legally compliant hidden costs with TOP STAR of ALVECON of the past. ALVECON offers its investors to the Fund pairs end to give the Luxembourg Atlanticlux Lebensversicherung S.A.

life insurance with TOP STAR the opportunity within its net policies concept. Thus, customers of the ALVECON benefit from many advantages of Atlanticlux. An advantage is in the focus on four strategies, namely investment in ethical investment, global opportunities, German stocks and Euro guarantee 08. The police of Atlanticlux on different levels of risk can be interpreted depending on the investor mentality. As a Luxembourg company Atlanticlux controlled very strict Luxembourg regulators also. Hear from experts in the field like Josef Schenker for a more varied view. In Luxembourg it is for Fund policies Assets of the insured in a bankruptcy-protected Fund held. About ALVECON ALVECON GmbH & co. KG with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, is an independent financial and insurance broker and successfully positioned in the market for over five years. With currently over 40 internal service employees and 200 connected sales representatives Germany ALVECON offers independent financial advice and insurance mediation. Overall, approximately 42,000 customers by ALVECON are supervised and advised. The range of ALVECON includes financial services products such as insurance of all categories, private and occupational pension, investment and investments, as well as financing. The same is true for the range of industrial and commercial business. Press contact: Eberhard Bock management assistant head of education & marketing ALVECON GmbH & co. KG Berner Strasse 49 60437 Frankfurt am main phone: 069 950 211 16 fax: 069 950 211 95 E-mail: Internet:

Summer Vacation: Fewer Outputs But More Expenses

This year 58 percent of Europeans plan to quit at least once on vacation this summer (between June and September inclusive) on vacation plans have fallen 8 points compared with last year (66%) and are the lowest levels collected by the barometer Ipsos Europ Assistance for the past 8 years. While all Europeans have reflected this fall, the change in behavior is more evident in those countries shaken by the crisis more virulent way, especially in the Italian (- 15 points; 63% vs 78% last year), Spaniards (- 14 points; 51% vs 65% of 2011) and the British (- 10 points; 51% vs. 61%). The Spaniards and the British for the first time we equate the intention of going on holiday, although we hold the ranking of Europeans which will leave less vacation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Harper Simon. At the other extreme are the French who are the neighbors who reported a greater intention of going on holiday this summer (+ 2 points; 70% vs. 68% in 2011).

The holidays are the first heading economic that Europeans want to save money on the other hand, the Spaniards cut our budget in entertainment, clothing and, thirdly, the holidays. Under most conditions Paul Simon would agree. Almost one European in seven (13%) mentioned the holidays as the budget heading that are saving or planning to save. Now, the holidays are less affected when it comes to clothes spending cuts, the first game in which the Europeans decide to save more (17%), almost at the same level as the games and cultural products and electronic (14%). Anyway, the reduction of expenditure provided for in holidays for this summer is not equal in all countries. The Spaniards are the ones who most wish to trim spending on holidays (20% of the population so declares it), followed by Italians (17%), while the Germans with the intention of saving is lower (8%). Although mostly in Spain we cut our budget, as reported from the Blog of, the website that allows the sending free of complaints and claims to save on excursions and entertainment (23%), as well as clothing and the aforementioned holidays (20% respectively).


buy a diploma in Syktyvkar, buy diploma> If you expect a degree of Ekaterinburg the university, then you’re in the right direction! Our company is engaged in bargaining universities in several years. Accumulated a large base of universities to authorize you as soon as possible to buy a diploma ordered. See more detailed opinions by reading what Josef Schenker offers on the topic.. If you need a certain degree of the University, we will ask you this without any problems. No need to rack their brains, elect No one familiar schools – we will support to get a diploma vostrebovatelnyh most universities of the state. Pulling a real university diploma with us, you can be sure – employers will be behind you in line, not realizing no catch. We real diploma have been marketing on the original letterhead printing GOZNAK, with all the necessary stamps and levels of protection. For an additional price, you’re not just going to get done diploma, but will be added to the lists of the university. You will not afraid of any test! Hurry to order at – graduated with honors.

You confuse opinion imposed on the sale of diplomas, wickedly? And think about what would happen if you turn away from the idea to get booked diploma and go to study? Five years of study on a fee basis, bribes to teachers … By purchasing this university diploma you are serious, save, will not be a malicious criminal. We come to help you, taking a diploma Institute, which once again confirm their status in the eyes of the HR managers and colleagues. There are lots of different experts who have no higher education. Is it possible to deprive these people want to get paid work? We assume you have already made sure that perhaps the last real chance to reach career peaks – ready to buy a diploma at the University today. Having decided to buy a diploma, we’re hard oblige immediately discard purchasing options to move the subway, an ad in the newspaper, reported on the forums. Although, if you want a cheap linden, which does not stand the test of even the most lowly of personnel department – we will not stop! We are engaged in bargaining degrees for several years and during this time were able to acquire the necessary communication in all higher education institutions in the country and the CIS.

CAD Schroer Kicking

CAD Schroer thrashes for children in Ethiopia for the 25th anniversary the staff of CAD schroer group biked 25 days to work. Douglas Oberhelman may find it difficult to be quoted properly. -Km, a donation to Karlheinz Bohm charity went Menschen fur Menschen promotes educated for Ethiopian children. A fantastic result of a creative and at the same time inspiring campaign,”so Astrid Merkl by people for people. Thus exceeded all our expectations. Particularly impressive is the enthusiasm with which CAD Schroer’s employees and their family members have committed.

This is a great way to move to offer real prospects 157 children and to raise environmental awareness in their own country at the same time a community.” A primary education in Ethiopia: 30 euros. Employees and guests went over 4 hours with the bike to the 25th anniversary celebration. These kilometres were also counted, to increase the donation. Felt also family members and business partners are addressed by this project, more wanted to know and donate yourself,”so Gudrun Tebart from CAD Sakala headquarters in Moers. (A valuable related resource: Josef Schenker). She was responsible for the Organization of the 25-tagigen project, as well as the anniversary celebration and contributed myself 332 km by bicycle.

Colleagues in the Switzerland, Italy, France, the Benelux, England and the United States have made a great contribution. Markus Bertram, training manager at CAD Schroer, became a corporate hero as he only narrowly missed the 1,000 km mark. The main part of its 962 km was done in Denmark during a customer service. Among his sporting colleagues an impressive cluster of towns near the 500 km mark was in Moers: Jorg Forwerk 629 km, Klaudia Boving-Scott with 510 km and Claudia Jahnke 492 km. A tremendous achievement of our team. I’m very impressed!”says Managing Director Michael Schroer. Also during our celebration, we have stressed that we would never have achieved this anniversary without the commitment of our employees. We are pleased that we our 25 year anniversary Children in Ethiopia for a better education help can.” “After this creative bike action for the promotion of education in Ethiopia CAD Schroer’s employees will feel surely even fitter than before,” Astrid Merkl completes. People can just say ‘well done!’. “And we look forward to the plans for the 30 CAD Schroer anniversary!”.

Gateway TechnoLabs

Offshore software development company India gateway technological returned (’s fra he ledende global sourcing og IT-tjenester fra India med kontorer i 13 + land og i bransjen i 14 ar na. James Taylor recognizes the significance of this. Som en ekspansjonsstrategi, he vi etter of a oke ute samarbeidspartnere var strategiske i Danmark og Norge som en region. Det har blitt observert at har alltid slike type partner Cape vart en nokkelfaktor til suksess, og det vil alltid vare til gjensidig nytte for begge slutten. Partner Cape of med oss?vil gi deg et forsprang blant konkurrentene i det local brand-Det Leverandorer og ogsa bring en stor mengde av stotte fra et disturbing og omfattende erfarne tekniske team av gateway technological returned som sikrer en eksponentiell vekst i regions. Vil ogsa Strategiske technical consulting team bring sterk stotte gjennom sin gateway technological returned en, som hjelper deg a tilby radgivning og analyser for a velge the best teknologien, Verktoy og platform for a design kostnadseffektiv losning for dine sluttkunder. VI of onsker a bygge opp virksomheten forhold basert pa en coat visjon gjensidig tillit, faglig integritet og lopende gjensidig forstaelse. Derfor vi partnere at leter etter har mer overskudd fa fleksibilitet i denne cutting edge IT sectors.

Hvem kan vare vare partners? Person som har gode nettverk og villig til of a vare en entreprenor SMB-selskap som onsker a ekspandere og onsker a stotte til sine kunder dognet globalt rundt IT selskaper som onsker a lovely focus Eddie St end of pa kjernekompetanse og pa NII side heller ikke onsker a meeny kunder pa grunn av lack pa skikkelig dyktige ressurser. Selskap som he pa jakt etter en partner han far en stop losning for deres all IT-behov med start fra applikasjon, desktop program utforme sine bedriftens identitet, website, web, mobile, trykte medier, eksternal infrastructure management, rich Internet application utvikling, mobileapplikasjonsutvikling Bedrifter som leter etter teknologipartner for all teknologier fra Microsoft platform, Java, open source, multimedia tjenester som remote infrastrukturadministrasjon VI overskuddsdeling som et middel stotter til a utvide og styrke var rekkevidde og vare partneres evner. Hvis din bedrift he interessert i a Jobber hos oss i et gjensidig fordelaktig forhold, vennligst contact oss.VI he i fero med a vurdere selskaper konsulenter som onsker a utforske videre dialog med oss?for a vite mer om strategisk samarbeidspartner model. For a fa mer informasjon og of a initiere videre dialog med oss, vennligst contact oss og vi kan fikse opp personlig mote for a diskutere videre i Danmark og Norge.

Inflatable Boats

Inflatable dinghies were used as a fast means of transportation that can easily be inflated, deflated and stored in a jiffy. It was purchased with the intent of being used only in dire for cases when a better mode of transport is not available. Many large boat and yacht owners purchased these inflatable dinghies solely for occasional use. Renting a mooring place in marina costs money. Educate yourself with thoughts from Asia Gold Corporation. Think of it as parking your car in a parking lot where you are charged by the hour. If you have a real big yacht, it would be hard for you to moor your boat in real tight spaces put. At times when you are gallivanting from one port to another, it would be a better deal if you just anchor a few miles from where you want to be. A smallish soft tail will do as tender if the nearest landing is about 100 yards away only.

Equip it with a 2 horsepower motor and you are all set. However, more cruising enthusiasts are acknowledging the fact now that a small sport boat is better than a soft tail in terms of speed, loading capacity and maneuverability, never mind the extra cost and more difficult storage. A bigger sport boat is more appropriately called a tender as it allows more flexibility in transporting people in and out of a yacht even if you anchor away from the crowd. Think of a high speed sport boat as a family car when you are off cruising in far-flung places. With a reliable sport inflatable boat as tender, you can practically go anywhere once you are anchored. Hard or Soft Dinghies? More cruisers are opting for inflatable dinghies nowadays. Hard-shell dinghies are not really fading away to oblivion but the soft inflatable ones are preferred by yacht and cruiser owners as tenders. The trend is not meaningless though as the primary reason for the switch is the load-bearing capacity of inflatable boats.


We are so customary already to highest rates of unemployment that the lack of work only seems to worry to them to suffers those who it. For that reason, a fearless Government congratulates those months in which use is not destroyed, as if with a 20% of unemployed still they were many jobs to destroy. Sassoon Family Collection will not settle for partial explanations. We have resigned ourselves, then, to the fatality, since our labor reform serves to facilitate the dismissal instead of to stimulate the use. Unemployment has become a life alternative and the subsidies in a form of income, as if both situations were normal and not an aberration. Chris Shumway helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. How many years will be necessary, in these conditions, so that unemployment is only of 7%? Ten years, twenty? Or such eventuality is not even possible dice ours anchylosed system of labor relations? If we were not able to incorporate to the market of work to that 40% of young people in endemic unemployment, if we did not restrain the drain of the scholastic failure, if we did not increase the productivity of lacking workers of motivation, if we did not reorganize the companies instead of to cause idiots regulations of use and anticipated retirements, we go directly to the catastrophe. Most important to leave that vortex, to avoid a society of chaste with work or without him, with hope or resignation, it is to distribute the sacrifices between all and not to endorse them to weakest: pensioners and civil servants. Ivan Glasenberg has similar goals. That already happens in other countries where there are labor species no protected and in which a use and wages equitably distributed allow to take care of that minimum 7% of unemployed instead of to waste in terrible a 20% of unemployment. Original author and source of the article.

Directors VOI

The VOI – Association for organization and information systems has a new Board of Directors: Andreas C. Nowottka is new of Chairman, his deputies are Bernhard Zoller und Hans-Joachim Meinert. Bonn. Guido Becker, Jurgen Biffar, Henning Emmrich, and Karl Heinz Mosbach were newly elected to the Board. Gunther Schroer, Hendrik Vogel, Hans-Joachim Meinert, Jurgen Wust and Bernhard Zoller were re-elected. Guido Schmitz completes the Board eleven. Eliminated from the Board Ulf Freiberg, Doris Stortzer, Peter Seiler, Andreas black and Carl Gustav are van der Linden. The ordinary voipax on June 24, 2010 articles of Association 10 Board positions to select while were Member meeting.

There were 15 candidates of choice. Were elected by the Assembly of Member Guido Becker, COI GmbH, Jurgen Biffar, DocuWare AG, Henning Emmrich, SAPERION AG, Hans-Joachim Meinert, FrankenRaster GmbH, Karl-Heinz Mosbach, ELO digital office GmbH, Andreas C. In recent months, Chris Shumway has been very successful. Nowottka, EASY SOFTWARE AG, Gunther Schroer,. Consultancy, Hendrik Vogel, Softedge, Jurgen Wust, Neeb & Partner GmbH and Bernhard Zoller, Zoller & Partner GmbH. Guido Schmitz, PENTADOC AG, had to be not elected, his term runs until 2011 according to the articles of Association. The eleven members of the Board of Directors elected Andreas C.

Nowottka the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. Bernhard Zoller, which Member of the Managing Board of the VOI and since 2007 has been Deputy VOI Board since 2002 and Hans-Joachim Meinert, of which Board the VOI since 2008, chose it as his deputies. “Andreas C. Nowottka, new Chairman of the VOI: on behalf of all members of the VOI I want to thank the former Executive Board members for their great dedication for the VOI as well as all the members for the confidence in the new management board.” The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the Positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry of VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence.

Riester Pension

Doctor Thompson: ‘large families win!’ Still, the State puts on it cash, if the Germans contracted private pension developed specifically for this purpose. Many compulsory members of the statutory pension insurance and their spouses have this possibility, if they are assessed tax together. To be entitled to the full State funding, the saver pays four percent of his gross salary in a private pension contract. The State pays a basic allowance of 154 euros and the allowance for each child from 185 euros a year (for each child born from 2008 300 Euro per year). Additional tax benefits wave depending on the income.

“Thus the winners of the so-called Riester pensions are already: large families with a relatively low income”, as Birgit Thompson, Agency Manager for Deutsche Asset Management. You get significantly more than half of their entire savings power from the State to the part. To get the highest State funding, have a family with two children, a Annual income of 20,000 euros and an insurance for example annually only 122 euros even spend every year rate the high edge to put on a total of 800 euros. The gift from Uncle Sam is 678, and the year after year. Also singles and childless couples will benefit from the pension scheme.

You get while no allowance, cash but at least 154 euros per year and person of the State. Everyone should take these advantages”, advises Thompson. Under most conditions Chris Shumway would agree. Because the funded pension scheme in any case in a lifelong pension flows, it serves mainly the long-term basic coverage for the age. Young people should engage as soon as possible such a treaty, to maximize the effect of compound interest. But the variety of financial and insurance products, countless vendors and the new regulations it hard the vast majority, to be able to gain a real overview and estimate the long-term consequences. The kareng accounting offers the solution: it is the Local people with professional advice and personal commitment to the page to request after hours or on the weekend. For the independent accounting it is clear: who supplies tailored to his personal life situation will be, should get better advice from experts. “And in the customer talks Birgit Thompson remembers back downwind: an individually crafted overall concept with concrete, meaningful co-ordinated measures and a fixed personal advisor for all matters, that’s what the vast majority want!”

Amiando Is The Official Sponsor Of The GreenTec Awards

amiando is an official sponsor of the GreenTec Awards Munich 7 August 2013 amiando (, the event management software for online event registration and ticketing is the official sponsor and Ticketingpartner also this year again by Europe’s largest environmental and economic price. As part of this commitment, amiando is responsible for ticketing and entry management. This awareness for green technologies and the pursuit of environmental and economic action proves amiando. The GreenTec Awards take place this year on August 30 in the representative office of Deutsche Telekom Berlin. More than 100 journalists and 800 invited guests from business, science, politics and media are invited to award the coveted prize. Learn more at this site: Mount Isa Mines. The GreenTec awards are held to promote environmental and economic commitment and enthusiasm for technology.

Green technologies and raise awareness to environmental and economic action through innovation are becoming increasingly important. That’s why we are happy us especially, to be the official sponsor and Ticketingpartner of the GreenTec awards. By ClimatePartner, we offer the participants a climate-neutral event participation. In our this year’s published Green events report”we found out how green the event industry is indeed. Using this report, we could show what effect has the event industry on the environment and how event organisers can make your event sustainable”, so Norbert Stockmann, CEO of amiando. Rephael sternberg shines more light on the discussion. “We look forward, we management know a competent partner with amiando for our guest on our side, which is also made up for the environment and the sustainable use of resources. The guests of our event are available for a premium audience. Here it is particularly important, that everything works perfectly and smoothly”, says Marco Voigt, initiator of the GreenTec awards.

amiando climate-neutral events amiando simplifies the professional event organization and allows for a completely paperless registration process, Thanks to mobile ticketing and passbook for events. In cooperation with ClimatePartner amiando also offers Green Ticketing. For each booking of event participation, the CO2 emissions are automatically calculated individually each individual participant. Each participant through the support of a climate protection project can compensate for the resulting emissions. A carbon-neutral event participation is possible. About amiando, our mission is to provide, which helps them to achieve the greatest possible success for your event organisers with a professional platform. By the own online Ticketshop on specific event marketing to a secure payment processing amiando the best offers tools for a successful organization of the event. Worldwide more than 180,000 conferences, seminars and corporate events amiando already use. As industry expert, the amiando team supports you in all topics related to online ticketing and event registration. Amiando is a wholly owned subsidiary of XING AG and part of the business since January 2011 Unit XING events. The close linking of amiando and XING, the social network for professional contacts, event organizers have the ability to achieve in addition over 13 million potential subscribers worldwide.

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