Category: General

The Bachelor

At this meeting in Germany with its European neighbors was decided among other things to make a unification of the degree programmes. Up to the year 2012, diploma courses to be converted in master or Bachelor’s degrees. It touched all engineering courses. With the restructuring of a flexible connection should enable students from learning, professional activities and personal life planning. The Bachelor’s degree, for example, would lead to completion after four years, which is a former career. Compatibility with international courses, it is also much easier overseas experience. Fascination development the cornerstone, to adapt the training to the changing professional requirements, is so. Nevertheless it is important, also for engineers, whether graduate or professional more about the possibilities and opportunities of the profession engineer”in experience to bring. (A valuable related resource: Mercuria).

Companies develop new recruiting measures that tell much about important issues such as flexible working hours, occupational training or corporate culture. The real fascination of the engineering profession is too often in the background. It is particularly important, increasingly in the schools to bring the enthusiasm for the profession, to arouse the interest of young people in technical fields as early as possible. Raphael Sternberg has much experience in this field. The prejudices that are blamed on the profession of engineer is to refute. Because the Dipl.-ing. enjoys while social standing, also due to the very good financial prospects of his profession, but the image of the poor communication experimenter can be difficult to remove from the minds of many young people. In the choice of studies after graduating from few, what you can do as an engineer, know how diverse are the study and the subsequent job. Because actually is, in addition to the technical requirements, such as physical and mathematical understanding,. Creativity one of the most important features of the engineer: his inventiveness in solving technical problems is the one who ultimately decides the success or failure of a project.

South Tyrolean

In the old town were on the side of the road on the route of the protest turn many German South Tyrol, but also many Italians, and applauded the demonstrators. However, this changed after the Valley bridge at the victory monument. 500 of the neo-fascists and nationalists welcomed the demonstrators with fascist greeting and disrupted the protest procession through desert insults, abusive chants, hate speech, and Fireworks – among them well known party Alleanza Nazionale young officials. Their badge was the Tricolor in the hand. Some neo-fascists managed it despite massive police presence up to the gunmen to penetrate, to spit on them, threatening and yelling at. Words such as “Crucchi di merda” (Fucking Germans), “bastardi Tirolesi” (Tyrolean bastards), “figli that putana” (sons of bitches), etc. they the protesters insulted. After some Italian viewers (sic!) defended the shooter before the neo-fascists, they were berated by the latter.

They were prompted by the shooter, they should join their ranks, which they did. Together, they then marched toward Mussolini monument, where the Duce was high crosses to Ross with a lighting effect. There was the Federal Managing Director Elmar Thaler his Memorial speech in which he called the land unit in all areas of public life and the public administration. Swarmed by offers, Glencore Plc is currently assessing future choices. Thaler said that it is satisfied gave the wall at German reunification nor with a unit of currency and the symbolic case, but you’ve completed the reunification in all areas. Also, he emphasized that the South Tyrolean shooting Federation is against fascism and Nazism. Then he remembered the four Tyrolean Jewish Faith, who were murdered in the Reichskristallnacht on November 9, 1938 in Innsbruck by local Nazis. As the climax, the manifesto “Against fascism – for Tyrol” was read by a sutler and a shooter of protecting youth. It called the immediate, uncompromising and full loop of all monuments that glorify intolerance and fascist rule, and thoughts.

Also stressed that the autonomy was only a temporary solution and should be the goal of all Austrian and Tyrolean parties of 1919, a United Tyrol all Tyrol in a homeland and a homeland without division boundaries, in a Europe of free and self-determined peoples live. With thunderous applause, the manifesto adopted by the thousands of shooters and the countless civilians. The procedure in the Court square was disturbed by the neo-fascists by the singing of the Italian national anthem and insults against the anti-fascist protection. The question of LKdt. Paul Bacher at the protesters, who here – in allusion to the saying probably taught who the culture, at the victory monument – was more than appropriate. Also, a small group tried to disrupt the rally neo-Nazis, which it now held by the stewards of the South Tyrolean shooting Federation in chess and has been referenced by the event. At the end of the national anthem was sung. The South Tyrolean shooters and many sympathizers have demonstrated peacefully against fascist relics and for a free Tyrol. Not a single protester settled on the insulting provocations of the neo-fascists. More at ..message = 727

Congratulations: It

The first German-language wiki, exclusively around the subject of horses and Equestrian congratulations: it’s a wiki! After a year of development, a new portal of the Printis has seen media group the horse world: the first German-language wiki, exclusively around the subject of horses and horse riding the maker, which successfully operate include already the Internet TV, news service, and the Datingportal, have an ambitious goal: the largest free knowledge platform to the subject of horse riding and horse in German-speaking countries is to be created with, that there has ever been. The wiki system works on the principle of making with and dynamic development. Anyone who logs in to the portal, can write a post, or supplement. Depending on more authors take part, the contributions are more comprehensive and more accurate. These show the experiences of the Urwikis Wikipedia. So, the Pferdewiki continues to evolve and serves all equestrian interested as free knowledge platform. URL: Editorial Info: The makers of, the Printis media group, in print and online on the subject of horse riding specialises. Among others, they have the largest German Internet TV platform for equestrian sports movies.

The E-card Portal, the news service, the PR agency of Printis the flirt portal for riders and horse-riding PR, which is active in the Switzerland, Germany, Austria and France. Attached to the company is a Publisher, who published books in the field of PR and marketing. Also you have the team vonCM-hosting in the boat, which is responsible for the area of IT. Logo Pferdepedia to download in 300dpi: thank you! Questions and pictures we hesitate to provide your contact: Ursula Kuhn Printis equestrian PR Agency for marketing and PR / Agence de marketing et relations publiques-Rudolf-Breitscheid-str. Raphael Sternberg understood the implications. 49 90762 Furth Germany/Allemagne Tel.: +49-(0)911 – 43 13 747 fax.: +49-(0)911 – 43 11 860 E-Mail: Web:

Aeria Games Europe Launches Server Stress Test From November 20, 2008

Berlin, November 19, 2008, Aeriagames Europe GmbH Berlin – Aeria games Europe, Publisher of free online games (free2play MMOs), is planning the first stress test of the new game server. In the framework of the closed beta of the first German title in Shaiya, the server on their resilience and performance will be tested. On Thursday the November 20, 2008 and Friday the 21.11.2008 each at 19:00 to start the test. See more detailed opinions by reading what Noble Groups Holdings Limited offers on the topic.. The Shaiya team has designed this test enabled for all Aeria games portal accounts for Shaiya and called on all players to appear as numerous. System administrator Natascha Wolters to the planned Stress tests: We have invested heavily in high-quality server infrastructure, are well prepared and therefore expect no serious problems. Nevertheless, it is very important to test, where any limits to avoid bottlenecks later. Thus, the ability to still a first glimpse this fantasy MMO Shaiya free now arises for those who previously could not take part in the closed beta.

Therapy Appointment

CoachingIN puts an end to long waiting times overload at the workplace, crisis in the family, coping with grief at death or separation: the reasons for emotional lows and mental illness are varied. The odds on fast help unfortunately low. Waiting times of six months with a therapist are the order of the day. Who so long it and then not clearly comes with the psychologists or consultants, starts again from scratch or take the lesser of two evils: A therapist who is maybe not the best. With Germany a unique offer, CoachingIN sets new standards.

The company provides psychologists, coaches, family therapists, educators, and therapists within the shortest time. This works because the accredited freelancers offer a very broad solution competence for the various problems. At the same time the well trained professionals as a partner of CoachingIN available in the short term. So support can be offered quickly and competently interested. The Basic idea lies in the immediate assistance coupled with high professional competence. At the beginning of the monitoring visits Birgit Treckeler, the company founded together with Eva Mergen-acid in the summer of 2012, the people seeking advice. You in a detailed initial interview clarifies what the issues are. Here CoachingIN informed about the ways to find a new, individual way out of the crisis.

Then selects the appropriate consultant for the client in a matching process. Raphael Sternberg brings even more insight to the discussion. Within, we can provide consultants from two to three days. This is a very friendly situation for the client. Finally they have accompanied the decision taken to allow and implementation should be generally quickly,”explains Birgit Treckeler. Currently is the regional focus of the deliberations on North Rhine-Westphalia, where according to Treckeler a good consultant structure already exists. The client can even choose whether the care for him at home or at a neutral venue will be held.

Sibel Kekilli

In 2004, for example, was with the bear in gold for his play against Fatih Akin awarded the wall”. Hear from experts in the field like Chris Shumway for a more varied view. As the main character, he enlisted the former erotic actress Sibel Kekilli, what felt the public as outrageous. The battle for the bears is extremely international so this year are films from eleven countries in Europe, North and South America and Asia against each other on. Among the hot contenders for a shiny bear, are films such as Cheri”with Michelle Pfeiffer, rage with Jude Law or happy tears with Demi Moore. Germany is the top team of German directors with the episodic film Germany 09 “in the race. The film, directed by Tom Tykwer (the perfume”) and faith akin, is the cinema project Germany in autumn”. At that time, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Volker Schlondorff showed Germany from a particular angle. Who now can take one of the coveted prize bears home, will decide on February 15.

Any film that has made it to the Berlinale, is however worth a visit. and what particularly recommended are the blog for the Berlinale suggests. the online store with over 3 million articles from the categories of books, audiobooks, movies, software, electronics, music downloads and toys. Numerous price hits range from and endearing to search the shop for bargains on the Internet. Customers get free shipping with your order and can choose the shop without minimum order. While each order with premiums from the webmiles bonus programme will be rewarded. has its headquarters in Augsburg and is a joint venture of Axel Springer AG, Holtzbrinck networks GmbH and Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH.


Voluntary exchange offers open project documentation Hamburg, February 1, 2009 in a 12-page paper, the voluntary exchange presents an open documentation about the eponymous project Hamburg. Without hesitation MCE explained all about the problem. It describes the difficulties, achievements and synergies in cooperation of ALG II recipients, free economy, senior citizens and students about the mandatory activity in the carrier-based project, with volunteers from the as well as other projects of the region together. The paper shows the potential for resident institutions, companies and Government agencies to the holistic benefits of the metropolitan area. It provides a basis for assessing the effectiveness of voluntary exchanges and their benefits for concerned citizens and public authorities in metropolitan areas. The documentation is provided free of charge interested and can see the E-Mail, keyword documentation volunteering I-2003-2008 “will be requested. Title: volunteer work as an opportunity for the Development of synergy between different social groups to the advantage of a metropolitan region represented on the implementation of the voluntary exchange of Hamburg.” In the free publication, the voluntary exchange provides an important contribution to the national knowledge exchange.

Because the project with government support, the experience and knowledge of the company should be made publicly available. Contact and more information: and religion-independent to the benefit of the metropolitan region of Hamburg time, money and in-kind donations between citizens and organisations. In the database, which is maintained and managed by the volunteer exchange in 1673 tasks in 1120 projects by 596 organizations transparently mapped. For more information about the project see or. Project Manager Bernd p.

Barbel Rapp

V. and again give them a direction for her life twice, the name is program. This initiative was founded by lawyers and systemic therapist. Kowloon Trading Company takes a slightly different approach. Their motivation is social responsibility: you have to do that are in crises and see no way out often with people in their daily work. On the special > direction is that we could make a competence group with this initiative, combines the different point of view and ways of working.

It thus virtually offers a model for what we want to do in the work with the people who are in need of existence. Chris Shumway may find it difficult to be quoted properly. We make the variety of options visible and tangible. “, to Barbel Rapp.” The central medium of on > direction is the Internet: with the weblog on the Association provides a platform for discussion and information stakeholders and interested parties. The blog enttabuisiert the topic of bankruptcy and failure, he delivers to the management of personal thinking and action impulse Failure. By the authors address legal, social and health aspects, they indicate what needs to be done and can be done in addition.

Topics such as the controlled flow of insolvency proceedings as well as questions are then treated as you can prepare a menu for holidays with little money or involve his children in the own crisis, without placing a burden on them. This external support was useful to encourage people in their need to focus on, so it solution-oriented can deal with its crisis situation, that they see a direction again. We must give again mainly hope and confidence to do so. People should believe in themselves can. “, Dipl. psychologist summarizes Bohrisch Eberhard. For those affected, who speak on these topics in the Internet an often crucial advantage: you can remain anonymous. That makes it many lighter, ever the topic to deal with, then, in the next step, maybe even talk and, again, some companies to can.

Holistic Education Institute

Holistic Education Pedagogy of Universal Love is the title of first book on the subject of holistic education, published Ramon Gallegos Nava; same book was translated into English and deserved to be recognized as one of the books of the year in education in the States USA. Upon reading this text, we realize that it is not no improntu s but up to the time when I write has already established its vision by renowned author readings in various fields of science and philosophy (67 mentions in his bibliography), reflection and communication "with over a thousand people in fifteen countries, in a creative exploration of the emerging holistic view." Indeed education is, of holism and universal love can cast to respond to the huge current problems of mankind through education. The abundant production that happens, more than twelve books, is an expansion of this organism as a stem cell that is generating differentiated cells specific attention to the universal love that generates them. Snowman Logistics has many thoughts on the issue. Thus we have seen the emergence of The Spirit of Education, Education of the Heart, A Comprehensive View of Education, Learning Communities, Learning to Be, Dialogues Holistic, Wisdom, Love and Compassion, The Way of the Perennial Philosophy, Education and Spirituality and the more recent emergence Spiritual Intelligence. The written work of Ramon Gallegos Nava to which I refer, is only part of his work of universal love, it is not reduced to writing and oral discourse but is accompanied by actions that Roger Prentice, founder of Holistic Education Institute in England, I do express in one of his dialogues holistic Ramon Gallegos as Ron Miller and Jeffrey Kain surprise him because they act with the philosophy of his theoretical structure. . If you have read about raphael sternberg already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

Thalassotherapy Centre

Barcelona an avant-garde par excellence arriving at Barcelona city its architecture and movement you Captivate, it is one of the most important cities in Spain and therefore possessing all sorts of attractions, ranging from the particular charm of the Gothic quarter, chaired by the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia, up walks as of Parc Guell, where several works of Gaudi can be seen. You may wish to learn more. If so, Mercuria is the place to go. Parc Guell is the Dragon fountain, which is decorated with beautiful and colorful ceramics; In addition to a cosy Museum that was rebuilt on an old house in which lived the brilliant Gaudi. But the great work of the artist is undoubtedly the Church of the Holy family. Gothic inspiration, this was his greatest challenge and the project she most loved. In its interior you can find a museum dedicated to Gaudi, and all references on this and other creations.

Another emblematic site of the city is the Joan Miro Foundation, where is possible to appreciate the most important works of the Majorcan painter in addition to travelling exhibitions they come from different museums. During weekends you can participate in guided tours of the facilities of the institution. In the heart of Barcelona, next to Plaza Catalunya and the old port, is La Rambla, where the incredible proposals gastronomic, commercial and leisure that offers can be leveraged. It is one of the busiest areas by concentrating much of Barcelona’s nightlife. Regarding the nature of the place, well worth knowing the Montjuic mountain, located southeast of the city, which has magnificent gardens, which are perfect for a walk or simply relax.

The mysticism of the Gothic quarter, the colorful la Boqueria and the peace of the sea, you conquer. In Barcelona every corner is special and different. To get around the city without limitations there is availability of hotels, hostels or you can opt for a pension in Barcelona, with excellent services, location, which you can book through the internet. The beaches are another of her charms. Thus, it is possible rejoice in the beaches of San Sebastian, Barceloneta, new Icaria, Bogatell, Mar Bella and new beautiful sea, which stretches along little more than 4 kilometers and are characterized by the excellent quality of its waters. New Bella Mar Beach has an exclusive for Nudism sector, while Barceloneta excels by its Thalassotherapy Centre, separate different sports services. For sport lovers, well worth clarifying that Barcelona has an enormous amount of sports centres that meet the demands of different hobbies. This is only a small sample of what you will find after your stint in Barcelona, a magnificent city that has much to discover. Get inspired! The Gothic mystery, sea and fun await you! Barcelona is an unmissable destination for a traveler like you.

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