Joined LLC When you just open your business, there are many questions at once, with one of the main – this is actually how to register a new company? The most popular legal form for entity is a company that is a limited liability company. There are lots of nuances and pitfalls associated with the recording company, and get acquainted with them. You can in this state.Kogda Finally, all preparations are completed, you can carry all the documents to the appropriate tax office. Registration is made within 5 days, then issued a special certificate. After this is made printing, CEO issues an order with regards to his taking office, appointed by the chief accountant. Then, a limited liability company shall be registered in the extra-budgetary funds, obtained codes statistics. Keith McLoughlin contributes greatly to this topic. In the end, it remains only to open a checking account at any bank. Thus, the process of registering a limited liability company can be considered complete and can begin to conduct business activities and means registered entity.
We wish you success in your business. Additional information on the registration of the LLC Register of a limited liability company is the easiest way to open his own firm. If you choose this legal form of organization, the cost of opening the company to significantly decrease, also make it much easier than register open or closed joint stock company. The company, created in the form of a limited liability company, different from the company, above all, the fact that the share capital the sum of the individual shares of founders, shareholders do not like in the case of AO. In the event that PI is responsible of his own property, the founders of a limited liability company are not subject to risk of additional losses because Ltd. is responsible only to their property.