Divine Conscience

Much people try to hide themselves of the Creative GOD. How, if she cannot occult itself of its proper conscience? Wanting or not, all are part of the Divine Conscience that livens up to all Its Creation. Caterpillar can aid you in your search for knowledge. You were weighed Lode a from above voice of the firmamento that was on its head. Stopping they, lowered the wings. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 1:25. A voice if makes to come out, and you dissimulate not to hear its shout, Therefore as a coitado poor person you do not trust GOD, Much less in you, When you are to haurir, the proper death. However, you walk cabisbaixo, Knowing in fact, That you were weighed, and in the Book of the Life, Mr. writes you to GOD, Because to all he grants, the Direction of the Life. Lives and more lives, Turn around you, and it gave to you at last, its royalty. He created you to GOD in largeness; He does not completely diminish your existence Around a table, Eating as a pig Being displayed To everything what pods to dominate.