
In determining the quality of raw materials it can be identified a variety of defects, which, depending on their causes can be grouped into the following groups: emerging during plant growth, depending on the timing and time collecting plants, arising from the failure to comply with the rules of collection of raw materials, resulting from the processing of raw materials, formed during drying, resulting in the packaging and storage, as an opportunity to clean the pads on Equipment for cleaning pads. Various kinds of raw materials can have all these vices, but in amounts not exceeding the norms of the standard. Raw material heavily contaminated with crude defects and impurities are not toxic plants take. If defects are minor and can be easily remedied, the inspector instructs the deliverer of workarounds: additional drying at high humidity, ventilation with low refractive smell removal impurities, sifting a sieve with holes of appropriate diameter to remove the crushed parts of earth, sand, etc., needed cleaning pads. If the quality of raw materials during the inspection meets the standards of his accept and pay the price list for prices. Individual loggers pay for raw materials directly in their delivery.

Quality control of wild fruits, berries and mushrooms are also carried out in accordance with requirements of existing regulations. For example, the quality of hips evaluated further criteria: appearance, size and structure of the fruit color, smell, taste, moisture content in the restoration, total ash, ascorbic acid, organic acids content of rosehip parts (stems, branches, sepals and peduncles), the content of blackened, burnt, damaged by pests and diseases of fruit and parts thereof; content crushed particles of fruit, including nuts, passing through the sieve content of unripe fruits, the content of impurities (organic and mineral). Exception of poisonous plants and their parts, molds and rot-resistant of any foreign smell, contamination of raw granary pests..