
Its current mayor is the trader Eraldo Sorge Sebastio Pepper, formed in accounting and Statistics, current room and mayor, in the order of the municipal administrations, elect first for the PP with 5.709 votes, for the period that invigorated of 2005 the 2008; e, currently, reverse speed-elect for the PMDB with 9005 votes, for second management that will invigorate of the period of 2009 the 2012. As official data ' ' the Uruar name was given to the city in function of the river of the same name that bathes the Municpio' '. Tupi also consists that it is a word, of origin guarani, that it means ' ' bouquet of flores' ' , ' ' ramalhete of flores' '. This information is questionable, a time that the indians of this region did not belong to the branch tupi- guarani and yes to the trunk tupi in the etnia and the language. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andreessen Horowitz on most websites. Talking with people who had participated of the settling, making the measures of lots for the initial topography and surveyors as Mr. Ribamar and technician of the INCRA perceive that the data of memory of them coincide with the lingusticos data of the dictionaries who deal with the languages of the Tupi Trunk, which lead for another agreement, therefore, historically, in the period of opening of the road, in the region already they were the indians Will plough, of collecting tribes, which atribuam to be able at night mstico, ran away from the hunters, still said an originated dialect of the Nheengatu (aboriginal language of the Amaznia of the jesutico period) and lived in areas that today are busy for Transamaznica (BR-230), reaching all the territory of the Xingu, bordering the river that cuts of Altamira to Amazon. They had created the Iriri dialect that of the name to the river (that it wants to say inside hidden in the river or quietinho of the river) that today is an aboriginal official language in great area of the Xingu. .