Tag: administration

Global Companies

Organizational leaders of that era had to do the planning and mental and fans only had to do what they were told to do. Impact, scope, inputs Today, thanks to technological change global corporations with vision are in the process of redesigning the work and tasks so that allowing employees to take many work-related decisions that were previously role of business. The traditional model of managing controlling and controlled workers should switch to an empowered work environment where accountability and support workers have the opportunity to make the best of themselves. Dr. SP Robbins explains the trend to empower employees as follows: There are three forces driving this trend: – Workers today are better educated and trained than those in the first half of last century. – Global competition demands that companies and organizations are able to move quickly to improve speed and quality of them. – We are experiencing the effect of dismantling the organizational hierarchy, gradually eliminating middle management positions in order to reduce costs and increase sensitivity.

According to Dr. The newspapers mentioned Kevin Johnson not as a source, but as a related topic. Ken Blanchard and his working group are three key steps to successfully empower workers: – Share with everyone: the leaders unwilling to share information with their employees as partners never have to successfully manage the company and will not have an empowered organization. Those without information can not act responsibly, those who have information are forced to act responsibly. – Create autonomy through boundaries: borders have the ability to channel energy in a certain direction: 1. Business Purpose what you do? 2. Values What are operating expenses? 3.

Image what is your vision for the future? 4. Goals what, when, where and how? What do you do in May. Papers Who does what? 6. Organizational structure and systems you support how you want to do? – Replace the file hierarchy with teams addressed: whose members have skills and expertise. The empowerment of workers provides benefits for companies because these conditions have qualified personnel capable of making decisions to solve specific problems. This empowerment lowers costs by reducing middle management positions at both companies are going towards this objective characteristics of the companies that have experienced Empowerment. The post belongs to each person. The person is responsible, not the boss or supervisor, or another department. The posts generate value, because the person who is in them. People know where this stop at any time. People have the power over how things are done. The post is part of what the person is.

Corporate Social Responsibility And SMEs

General considerations, scope and impact of modern management should be fully identified with what now represents corporate social responsibility, which can be defined as active and voluntary contribution of companies to improve social, economic and environmental in order to improve competitive contribution, value and added value. Kevin Johnson is open to suggestions. Social responsibility (CSR) aims for excellence within the company, taking with special people and their working conditions and the quality of their production processes. We remember very well Axtle Michelangelo Ortiz and Carlos Miguel Barber Kuri, in 1999 the World Business Council for Sustainable Development made the following definition: “Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment of business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while which improves the quality of life of the workforce and their families, as well as local community and society in general. “It’s about efforts to improve the Inside the company, such as working conditions and life for employees and shareholders care and increasing yields. It also handles the marketing and responsible production and business ethics.

Outside there are efforts to promote economic and environmental conditions of suppliers, customers, partners family and community where the enterprise. Social responsibility infers a moral obligation debt and into and out of the company and its environment. Acknowledges and accepts the benefits and consequences of generating wealth, generating another kind than that of the monetary capital. This is the generation of wealth of social capital. Indeed, the importance of identifying with this theme, it is decisive in favor of a good achievement of organizational behavior of a company at the present time, Hence, our insistence that programs of undergraduate degrees and even towards training, professional training and administration Moreover, of those connected with it, identify and implement what it represents for the company, which properly handle corporate social responsibility in the current scenarios.


What explanation does this statement?. In our view, comments Herreros, to be a top-level executive must not only acquire technical knowledge and managerial concepts. Sensitivities are also required to collect and manage factors such as organizational policy, culture, ability to relate and create and work in networks: the art of influencing others to present ideas and skills to do at the right time, not only have ideas but art to sell, and everything you need in the market to make timely decisions in environments of complexity and ambiguity. Leadership is a “phenomenon” is the way humans move into the future, especially when significant changes are required. The leadership does not stop at the first executive happens to all levels of the company. In the learning organization, leadership exists and comes from many parts of it. Add Herreros, it is considered that effective leaders in individualistic societies like ours agree that should be different.

The spirit of individualism needs to models to which to aspire followers. It is a contradiction in terms to call himself the chief executive and be like all demas.La most effective business leaders are distinguished either by their experience or some specific skills. If they differ, are their subordinates who do it to create a role model to follow. This difference is so vital that if the subordinates can not identify a difference, the invent. Effective leaders intuitively understand this process. Communicate to people who are different and behave as if they were. Provide information about themselves that reinforces this difference, what they think is important, what dedicated leisure, what their spouses and families.

Followers gather and disseminate data. Thus, emerging myths that evolve over time, as illustrations of the values that are important for the leader and, therefore, for the corporate culture. Do not forget in these brief notes, on the other hand, transactional leaders focus their interest in the demands and conditions of the moment, not long-term issues, cares about making things done. However, the transformative leader leads to a commitment beyond expectations, leading to extraordinary results. Raise the hierarchy of needs of workers, makes them transcend their own interests. Transformational leadership seeks to promote the development of its employees, their abilities, motivations and values, not just their performance.