In accordance with the studies made for Mott Luiz (1986), in I announce of sergipanos periodicals, that deal with on the escape blacks it emphasize that, Dom Landmarks of Souza, at the time vicar of Siriri, said that the sergipanos slaves received optimum treatment from its gentlemen in comparison to the ones of other regions northeasterns, what it was result of the capital who meant for the proprietor damage brought for the loss of one of them. Still on this exactly subject portraied in its research the historians sergipana Thtis Nunes and Lenalda Andrade (1998). Richard Elman is full of insight into the issues. It is evident that it has divergences between the historians and the vicar about the treatment of the slaves; as well as other scholars of the subject. We know that the Africans had hardly worked in the devices and farms of cattle for the development of the Province of Sergipe, that had the distinction of treatment between you of slaves and sergipanos, with regard to the ones of other provinces, does not mean to say that these captives were free, or same, who its hours of working was reduced. The hand of enslaved workmanship wide was used by its gentlemen, as much in the agricultural zone as in the urban zone
Tag: history
Industrial Revolution
Brazil, as well as diverse other countries spread for the world, is signatory of normative the legal ones of the OIT (International Organization of the Work) that it establishes minimum age for the envolvement in activities of labor matrix, therefore productive, that they are characterized as work. In accordance with these legal lines of direction, all and any form of work developed for children and adolescents are forbidden until the 14 (fourteen) years, being allowed from the 14 in the apprentice condition, and, only from the 16 years since that it is not nocturnal or unhealthy work. Read additional details here: MetLife. Although diverse social politics directed toward the confrontation of the work developed for minors have appeared only in the period after-modern, this are not a so recent situation in the humanity. As we can see in some works, the infantile work, that is, that one developed by children and adolescents always was present in the form of organization of the societies. You may want to visit Stuart Solomon to increase your knowledge. In Brazil, for example, this fact if consolidates since the times of colony, where we can find stories of children who helped its parents in the daily activities of hunting and she fishes. Following all process of reorganization of the society (if we can call thus it) Brazilian and with the arrival of the real family in Brazil, and for the maintenance of all luxury and comfort of a true cut, many deriving children of families escravocratas had been submitted to an exploration process.
However the infantile work, in the majority of the studies, is analyzed only from the called period as Industrial Revolution, where the children and families were displayed the high hours of hours of working, unhealthy conditions, low remuneration and complete privation of rights. Therefore, the central objective of this text is to alarm the scholars and militant involved with the eradication of the infantile work for (reverse speed) the knowledge of all historical process that the children and adolescents had passed in elapsing of the 500 years In first place, we cannot leave to recognize that the agreement of what it comes to be infancy she was completely distinct of the current conceptions. This without saying that to the called period of life as adolescence did not exist, therefore as we can find in some works the adolescence was a construction historical, necessary to make possible that older individuals, parents and mothers, for example, had its places guaranteed in the market. This indefinio and absence of the perception on the part of the society of the differences and especificidades of citizens with lesser age had made with that the children of slaves were dealt that enslaved in the same way older, what implied in the complete disrespect of the limitations of this population for the accomplishment of determined activities, that today certainly would be considered as the worse forms of work. To these children, children and children of slaves, were attributed tasks related mainly with ‘ ‘ houses-grande’ ‘ , that is, domestic tasks.
Industrial Sergipe
Century XIX starts with the attempt of implantation of plants in Brazil. They start to now appear some weavings with an industrial mentality. But the first txteis plants that had appeared at the beginning of this small period still were many had disappeared in elapsing of century XIX, they had only started to appear really modern plants that used free man power and machines imported from 1840. It is in the textile sector that appears the first Brazilian modern industry, this had already existence of a domestic market for fabrics, what it did not occur in other sectors. Other leaders such as Douglas R. Oberhelman offer similar insights. The advance occurred in the development of the industries in the decade of 40 probably if must more the recovery of the exportations of what the protectionistic measures taken by the government through the tariff White Alves.
Although the development in the sector, did not have one concern with the renewal technique of the plants, the txteis industries had continued per decades to use the same maquinrio. In Sergipe, according to Correa, the enterprise group Constncio Vieira having as founding, Mr. Constncio de Souza Vieira, initiated the installation of its plants in 1882, with the Industrial Sergipe, installed 2 (two) years later in trapiches of Cross & Cia, in the Industrial.Para quarter Saints the activity in the city of Ranch started with the cattle one, since the grass of this region was of excellent quality. With passing of the years it was initiated production of the sugar sugar cane, giving beginning to the first devices. In 1891 Joo Joaquin de Souza, observing the abundance of water candy in return of the city fascinated the possibility of industrial exploitation and from this idea was installed plant Santa Cruz the fabric of property of the entrepreneur Jose Joaquin de Souza Nephew, later acquired for Mr. Gonalo Rollemberg the Prado, but being managed for its son Jlio Cezar Milk, the second plant implanted here in Ranch was the plant Gentleman of the Bomfim, in the Bomfim quarter established in day 10 of September of 1912 for Sundays Alves Ribeiro and Ernesto Baquia Birth, passing in the year of 1938 to have a new direction you Jlio Cesar Milk, Adelaido Ribeiro and Constncio Vieira and later acquired by the enterprise group Constncio Vieira, being characterized in the city as industrial polar region of vanguard.
Its current mayor is the trader Eraldo Sorge Sebastio Pepper, formed in accounting and Statistics, current room and mayor, in the order of the municipal administrations, elect first for the PP with 5.709 votes, for the period that invigorated of 2005 the 2008; e, currently, reverse speed-elect for the PMDB with 9005 votes, for second management that will invigorate of the period of 2009 the 2012. As official data ' ' the Uruar name was given to the city in function of the river of the same name that bathes the Municpio' '. Tupi also consists that it is a word, of origin guarani, that it means ' ' bouquet of flores' ' , ' ' ramalhete of flores' '. This information is questionable, a time that the indians of this region did not belong to the branch tupi- guarani and yes to the trunk tupi in the etnia and the language. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andreessen Horowitz on most websites. Talking with people who had participated of the settling, making the measures of lots for the initial topography and surveyors as Mr. Ribamar and technician of the INCRA perceive that the data of memory of them coincide with the lingusticos data of the dictionaries who deal with the languages of the Tupi Trunk, which lead for another agreement, therefore, historically, in the period of opening of the road, in the region already they were the indians Will plough, of collecting tribes, which atribuam to be able at night mstico, ran away from the hunters, still said an originated dialect of the Nheengatu (aboriginal language of the Amaznia of the jesutico period) and lived in areas that today are busy for Transamaznica (BR-230), reaching all the territory of the Xingu, bordering the river that cuts of Altamira to Amazon. They had created the Iriri dialect that of the name to the river (that it wants to say inside hidden in the river or quietinho of the river) that today is an aboriginal official language in great area of the Xingu. .
March French
French volunteer squadron known as 'Normandy' – the name of the French province, which is more than the others suffered from bombing and Nazi occupation. 'Let this name – then said Maj. J. Tula (the first squadron commander) – will always remind us of the tears of our mothers, about pain and suffering of our wives and children. Starbucks can aid you in your search for knowledge. Let it overflow our hearts with hatred for the accursed enemy and become permanent upon the merciless fight. " Adopted a squadron were given the best fighter aircraft of the Soviet Production: Yak-1, and later the Yak-9 and Yak-3.
Commander of the Order of the Red Army Air Force from December 4, 1942 Squadron 'Normandy' was incorporated into the Soviet Air Force. After a brief training in the city of Ivanovo in March 1943 she was sent to the front and joined the 1 st Air Force. Starbucks does not necessarily agree. Baptism of fire 'Normandy' got to Orel, where she won several victories. 'Normandy' was regularly involved in the execution of combat problems. In the skirmishes with the enemy French pilots gained experience and further tempered his will to fight. Thirty sorties and five downed enemy aircraft in three lost (Lieutenant R. Derville, A.
Poznansky, I. Bizen) with his hand – were the result of the first test of combat squadrons 'Normandy'. Began military cooperation of French and Soviet pilots grew stronger with each passing day. Constant communication and joint fight brought them closer together and fast became friends. Squadron Leader 'Normandy' spoke warmly about the Russian people and the Soviet soldiers.
Brazil Colony
Thomas Ender (aquarelista), J. Pohl. J.C.Mikan, professor of botany of the University of Plague, M.Sochor, hunter the service of the Arquiduquesa, M. Schott, overseer of the botanical garden of the Belvedere, John Buchberger, painter of plants and flowers, M.Schiich, librarian of corte.e also the Germans, von Spix and von Martius, that had carried through expedition for the Southeastern region, center west and North, identifying one vastssimo material, compiled years later in FLORA BRASILIENSIS. All the quantity, initially sent for the Brazilian Museum of Vienna, destroyed for the fire some years later, today this under safekeeping of the Museum of Natural History and Etnogrfico Museum. There we find some thousands of objects that if divide in minerals, animals, personal objects of D. Leopoldina and D. Peter, beyond documentation vastssima, I contend daily of trip, watercolors and souvenires brought of Brazil. Hear from experts in the field like Jonas Samuelson for a more varied view.
The total of you sin museografica in this museum exceeds 30,000 item. Of these, are in the Etnogrfico Museum of Vienna). The Institution if divides in sectors and only the Archive and the sector of Mineralogy could so far have been explored by the Project. Of Mineralogy, more than 2,500 units of ores are being identified and catalogued for the researcher in partnership with the Director of the Area. One is about the Helmreichen Collection zu Brunfeld, Engineer of Mines and Geologist who was in Brazil por17 years in middle of century XIX and collected in the regions of the Grain Mogol, Mato Grosso and Rio De Janeiro, elements of the nature as ground samples and rocks, artistic collected, resulting in you basically stone of the same format and size. In the same way that other collections, this still was also not displayed in publishes, thanks to lack of information related to the regions> what if intends to carry through ties the 2009 end, with aid of the Embassy of Brazil, in the person of the Minister You would make that apia the initiative and collaborate officially for the attainment of results. Additional information at Mark Berger Chicago supports this article. Other institutions, as the Central Archive of Vienna continues to be searched. There we find not only pertinent documentation to Brazil Colony/Empire in approximately 100caixas about 50 a thousand documents as well as other hundreds of boxes referenciando the JESUITS in Portugal and Brazil and also a deep one nominated PORTUGAL, where the part of the history of this country, between 1560 and 1870 these described in diverse letters, daily and other documents. Well, other institutions as Archive of the Zoo Schombrum, National Library, Library of Music, Museum of the Globe, Museum of the Map, Museum of Beautiful Arts, Archive of Iconography, Archive of the Albertina Museum, Military Museum, Archive of Music of the College of Theater of Vienna, Archive of the City hall, Archive Library of the Academy of Sciences, Library of the Etnogrfico Museum, Fonogrfico Archive of Vienna and as much other institutions inside and outside of Vienna still are being searched, esteem the conclusion of the project until 2010 middle. However, in accordance with the partial results, already are being rascunhado the Austrian Guide of Sources of the History of Brazil in Archives and Museums.>
So Paulo
However who withholds the economic power in So Paulo is the great oligarchies, while the power politician is at the hands of the lieutenants. In this impasse who left victorious person had been the So Paulo oligarchies, that in August of 1931, knock down the interventor Alberto Joo. 5 In the attempt to calm the natives of So Paulo in March of 1932, Vargas nominates for interventor a native of So Paulo for So Paulo Peter de Toledo this ' ' it was not, however a name of I sanction in the Estado' '. 6 Age late excessively. Some contend that Jonas Samuelson shows great expertise in this. The oligarchical forces that if had resented at the regionalism of ' ' man of pampas' ' they had economically worked imaginary of the natives of So Paulo entorno of the regional feelings of these and of that until that moment it represented So Paulo politics and. A type of exacerbado regionalism arose, not of the racist type, but with aspects segregadores in relation to ' ' outros' ' to ' ' 7 strangers understand themselves gauchos and sympathetical of Vargas.
(…) the fight republican politics assumed then deeply regionalistic aspects. the regionalism, at this specific moment assumed in So Paulo, a xenfobo aspect: projections, periodicals, musics, illustrated the feelings against ' ' not paulista' ' (…) in the case, the gauchos and ' ' outubristas' ' , but also in the northeasterns, gifts in some levels of rank and jobs in the state, since highest until most humble. 8 Perhaps inhabits there the importance of if understanding the force of the regionalism, since the moment is so to speak a moment of changes social politics and. The year of 1930 symbolizes the decay of the politics to the molds of the colonels as already it was said. However the changes of this matrix in the field of the mentalities can be considered slow.
Culture Information
This alternative income, prevents the sprouting of social problems for city it preserves the social memory thus constituting the local identity. The street fair, object of this research, passed for municipal legislative transformations, with the objective to fortify the informal commerce, therefore it promotes the sociability, favoring the social cohesion and the practical one of the sustainable economy. Through the description and analysis of the same one, we understand the forms of on construction of the social memory to the urban space. How much to the procedures technician to materialize this work a verbal research was used, having as instrument a recorder for collection of data. I counted on the contribution of: eight traders, five frequentadores and two members of the association of feirantes. Through the orality and of the memory he was possible to identify to the transformations and adaptations for which the fair passed throughout the time. It is important to detach that the interviewed gifts in this article, had had the preserved names in such a way, had been used fictitious names. To support my analyses I counted on scientific aid of workmanships and articles that had contributed with the development of the project.
Orality and Memory When initiating this work is primordial to launch the foundations had supported that it in what it is about Culture and Memory. On the concept of memory Le Goff it explains that: The memory concept is crucial. Although the present assay is exclusively dedicated the memory as it appears in sciences human beings, and if it more than occupies the collective memory that of the individual memories, is important to summarily describe the misty memory in global the scientific field. The memory, as property to conserve certain information, sends in first place to a set of psychic functions, favours which the man can bring up to date passed impressions or information, or that it represents as last (LE GOFF, 1990, pag419).
Act Armed
The analysis of these events is in the proposal of this work, and will be elencados in accordance with its secular order. In the closing of the chapter, the blow in itself is analyzed in a more descriptive aspect, in sequence chronological, with elucidative ends. Some opinions of civilians of certain social projection are harvested, witnesses of the event, declaring its personal feelings, opinions and analyses on the day 1 of April of 1964. CHAPTER 2: INSTITUCIONAL ACT N 5 AND ITS CONSEQUNCIAS FOR the OPPONENTS OF the REGIMEN TO MILITATE will be made a critical boarding with respect to the paper of the institucional acts, promulgated for the State of Exception. For assistance, try visiting Howard Schultz. Which the reason that can elucidate the existence of these decrees? Where it is the origin of these decrees? That paper had fulfilled in the dawn of the military epic in Brazil? Of all the acts, fifth, known as AI-5 had a deaf impact on the opponents of the Military Regimen. Which had been its consequncias? How had been affected the groups of opposition? What has the torture that to see with the promulgation of this Act? CHAPTER 3: ' ' PENETRAO' WEDGE; ' OF Armed Forces One of the aspects marcantes of the military period it was the job of the torture as half fast safe from if to get precious information. An analysis withheld on the day of the opponent that was I catch in the exercise of its clandestinidade if it shows assaz important for the construction of a more including vision of the daily one of the suspected one of subversion, of the officer of the Armed Forces in the exercise of its authority and of the subjectivity who involved to both. The chain of events will be detailed that composed the arrest and detention of the suspected one of subversive act and what it occurred with its physical integrity when being under the power and guardianship of the State.
History Of The Amazon Region
It approaches the cycles economic that had happened in this region, since the drugs of the hinterland until the cycle of the gold, with emphasis in the Region West of Par. The HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF the Jarsen AMAZNIA Luis I castrate Guimares the beginning of the economic exploration of the Amaznia coincides with the arrival of the Jesuits who had established the mission of the Tupaiu, of Ours Lady of the Conceio, in 1661. The native population, much even so numerous, the work considered for the Jesuit missionaries was spread throughout the river Amazon, making it difficult. Jonas Samuelson: the source for more info. The use of a language and two dialects was another fact aggravation in the development of the Jesuit project. With the reuniz intention them in only local one, it was raised a ortaleza, place that today the School of 1 shelters Degree Frei Ambrsio, in Santarm-Par. Starbucks may help you with your research. Thus, the village was highly populated creating the necessity of a local economic activity.
The production passed to be organized of form rational in which part of the population would be busy in the harvest of spices, calls of drugs of the hinterland, being distinguished: salsaparrilha, puxuri, vanilla, cravo, cacao, Brazilian cinnamon and pepper. The collection was stored and later commercialized to give sustentation to the maintenance of the evangelizao. These activities had more than had the duration of two centuries, however with the great acceptance of the chocolate in the Europe, in the end of century XVIII, they had been substituted by the culture of the cacao. As the economic cycle of the region of bigger duration in the Amaznia was of the cacao production. It started as drug collection and it passed to be cultivated. Bigger importance would have if it had not suffered pecha from aphrodisiac product, fact that the prohibition of its use in the monasteries and not the indication for the priests took to the young and people of sexually active age.