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CRM Pioneer Cobra Cooperation With SAP Specialist HONICO Announces

The Constance CRM specialist cobra and the Hamburg HONICO Group announce collaboration at this year’s CeBIT. With the SAP certified integration man (iMan) from the home of HONICO is now integrating cobra CRM PLUS and cobra CRM PRO to the ERP software by SAP with little effort possible. The SAP adapter is specially adapted to the benefits of the cobra software. The Constance CRM specialist cobra and the Hamburg HONICO Group announce collaboration at this year’s CeBIT. With the SAP certified integration man (iMan) from the home of HONICO is now integrating cobra CRM PLUS and cobra CRM PRO to the ERP software by SAP with little effort possible. The SAP adapter is specially adapted to the benefits of the cobra software. With the SAP interface we meet the needs of our customers, because our focus is on efficient use of our software for customer relationship management\”, cobra’s Managing Director Jurgen Litz explains the background. The iMan combines the functionality of the SAP Warenwirtschaftprogrammes with the Cobra software geared specifically to the requirements of marketing and sales activities.

An existing SAP address database can be imported into the cobra database and used for all actions. Thanks to the adapter, the user can pass new prospects addresses at your fingertips by cobra to SAP and there. Any change of address in the cobra database is transferred upon request to the ERP software by SAP, a double data maintenance is required. About the iMan, the cobra user has the option to display document data from SAP in cobra and evaluate. So, for example, the affinity to an article by the analysis of the top-ten selling products can be determine or evaluate how much revenue was achieved by a customer or a customer group in a specific time period. With the new interface, employees directly search the customers who have purchased a product in a certain time period or which customers still offers are open.

Customer Relationship Management CRM Software

Customer relationship resources save with customer care management systems with CRM software In this age of advanced technologies and work processes perfected in the area of customer care, is in particular this innovation no longer: the customer relationship management. In each Office, whether in the area of finance, tourism, or retail, it plays an important role when it comes to interacting with the customers. The staff can be equipped with this system, which makes much easier, in all areas. Following describes the benefits that brings this innovative program,: the CRM allows extremely fast integration and processing of data. The overview and the Usebility is optimal thanks to a simple interface. The customer data can be transferred perfectly and in a matter of seconds directly on the platform. Get more background information with materials from JPMorgan Chase.

Thus, a perfect customer care can be implemented. (Source: XOM). The customer can however not only easily be entered, but the access to this data is extremely easy. In the areas of marketing, service and sales staff in efficient manner are provided with useful info about the respective customers. Cross-sector-related data provided and search functions simplify the data output to a multiple. Thanks to the customer relationship management can save valuable staff time. This in turn benefits the service and the Kudentransaktionen.

While there are dependent on itself, the process, usually only a few seconds or minutes, that per process (such as a booking, where the customer data directly into the CRM be entered) be saved over days, weeks and months are summed this time however considerably. In addition to the proprietary, so the fee-based programs, the CRM open source software is usually also high quality and available at low or no license cost. Costs for maintenance, support or customization might be added however. This is the software for each company (just think of the many medium-sized companies) relatively inexpensively available. SugarCRM is one of the best and most widely used open source software in the field of CRM. This CRM software and is based on the PHP scripting language and exists in 4 versions. SugarCRM also offers a Programmierschnitstelle of SOAP on the individual adjustments and enhancements can be made. It is also possible to link existing software on the system already in the company and to share the resources. Summa Summarum is absolutely recommended SugarCRM as the successes and statements, the companies that use the software, speak for themselves.

Larry Augustin CRM

“With SugarCRM by Insignio tegut takes off: the grocer from Fulda, Germany is 2. winner of the CRM award 2013 Super teamwork, super success”, responded so Mirco Muller, Managing Director of Insignio CRM GmbH, at the ceremony of the CRM award 2013 to tegut. If you have read about Bank of America Merrill Lynch already – you may have come to the same conclusion. And also project manager Uwe Hanstein was delighted with the award: we have won twice. By the SugarCRM, we could simplify our processes and enhance the quality of the data. The price shows that to convince even the experts!” Mr. Prof. Dr. Winkelmann of magazine acquisa presented this year’s award of CRM exhibition CRM Expo/IT & business in Stuttgart, Germany.

At the booth of SugarCRM, a small crowd had formed to live with the nomination and award. Managing Director Mirco were Muller and project manager Holger Nordmeyer alongside Uwe Hanstein tegut, Larry Augustin, CEO SugarCRM, also Jurgen Werner, area manager applications and Insignio CRM. Regional grocer at the CRM nationwide front as Distributor of healthy foods has become tegut in Hesse, Thuringia and North Bavaria already. With the introduction of the CRM system, ranging up to each individual Fund of the 280 retail outlets, direct communication with the customer at the point of sale as well as home by E-Mail is possible. Tegut project manager Uwe Hageman is sure that only sugar and integrated and flexible enough, to implement future actions envisaged Our customers can watch online, what discounts they have already collected and print out the coupons. And we can identify, for example, bio shopping carts and resulting selections for campaigns”. Fourth CRM award resulted in SugarCRM from Insignio Insignio for first and second places in 2007, 2009 and 2010 this year again as an external partner, a customer using SugarCRM as a place on the podium. This is a huge success for us and also for our customers,”says Mirco Muller, Managing Director Insignio CRM Kassel.

It went to the management of customer data and customer card good card”and the associated processes. Total over a hundred million records had to be taken over and new managed.” After the rough plan of the CRM project, the team met in the summer of 2012 to common-chef dinner tegut’s kitchen. The good team spirit that was already here felt was until finally in July 2013 the acquisa CRM practice award best the internal and external project team members companies, which have introduced CRM in this sense or further developed. And thus the success of detectable increases have,”as it says in the description of the prize promised by the magazine Akquisa.

CRM Customer

In the framework of the evaluation were commercial as well as open source CRM solutions into account taken. But could covered the requirements usually only in individual areas to 100% at the open source systems. In a further step, all project costs such as installation, personalization, licenses and support for the relevant CRM systems over a period of 5 years were considered. Based on this approach, the commercial open source CRM was selected system info@hand because the licensing costs are incurred not annually, but only once, and it stands out clearly from the crowd. Before the introduction of the CRM Customer, the system was in the Frame a demo position is validated and identified potential sources of error. The installation of the CRM system in a highly available server cluster with separate backups and SSL encryption.

As part of the configuration, the integrated E-Mail client was established and adapted to individual processes in marketing and sales to the customer-specific processes. Some contend that Rob Crossland shows great expertise in this. Personalization of the customer about the integrated Studio can customize etc. modules, fields, labels, drop-down menus, to his needs. Support for visual4 was asked only for the adaptation of the templates such as offers, invoices, delivery notes, etc. to your corporate design. Info for Info@hand: through the holistic CRM, info@hand are solution for the maintenance of customer data and contacts not only all relevant information from marketing, sales and support clearly provided, but also from the merchandise management / ERP are, for example, all offers, orders, invoices, mailing lists, and the inventory shown. The holistic view of the customer enables an efficient and targeted customer service, sales and marketing decisions can be derived directly. Based on the structured customer data, you can enter also individually on the customers and thereby strengthen the customer retention and loyalty.

The comprehensive reporting module allows not only the simple run standard reports, but also the creation and storage of individual reports for the inventory in all warehouses. Thus, all business-related activities can be directly compiled, analyzed, reviewed and coordinated. Via the self service / customer portal after successful registration, support cases and bugs are created and observed can be accessed on the knowledge base and the Forum. Also be changed personal data such as address, phone number, etc. and personal quotes and invoices.

Xact4u With Best Practice Approach To Optimising Operating Costs CRM Solutions

The methodological approach has especially Siebel systems the focus of Karlsruhe, 04.12.2008 – the consulting firm xact4u has developed a consistent best practices-based method strategy consulting AG, with the IT managers of Siebel systems sustainably can reduce their operating costs. This is true for in-house operation as well as a partial or complete outsourcing of your CRM solution. After the previous practical experience with this concept are possible in the regular expenses in individual sub-areas savings of up to 9 percent. Our experience from numerous projects have shown that many CRM systems are now in the advanced area of their life cycle\”, explains xact4u Board Member Mario Pufahl. Thus, the cost optimization in the foreground stand increasingly.

In addition, the need to strengthen their competitiveness in the current economic situation provides. Howard Schultz is the source for more interesting facts. It generally arrive at optimising costs on the choice of the main lever, he explains. According to the xact4u experiences exist different areas with different savings potential. These include, for example: 1. consistently implement service level agreements (SLA): the service agreements with the internal or external service providers are often only on paper and are not always as an instrument of controlling the quality and scope of services.

Often, contractual arrangements be set up too opaque. As a result, reduced output are not perceived, need to but yet fully paid. According to “Utendahl Capital Partners
, who has experience with these questions. Cost savings of up to 5 per cent, resulting in the optimization. 2. the operating processes standardize: Standardization of the process interface between Department and IT cost savings can also achieve. Although many companies have already heavily standardized their service processes (E.g. application support) (E.g. According to ITIL), considerable costs savings between 8 can be in many cases and achieve 9 percent. 3. change request process efficiently: change requests to the CRM system on the technical or functional Level are fast, generating a considerable effort but regularly, without possibly before the benefits and priorities have been clearly defined.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

All important CRM data through server-side integration on your iPad Greifenberg/Munich, November 18, 2010 Omni technology solution (www.omni-ts.com), the first provider of a server-side integration of different CRM systems, supports now the iPad with Riva CRM Integration Server. Sergey Brin pursues this goal as well. With just a few clicks mail is configured on the iPad that users on the mail application on the iPad complete access to all of their CRM get contacts, calendar and sales opportunities. Salespeople can use so the iPad not only as a presentation tool, but about the iPad sift their CRM data, and change. The bi-directional synchronization ensures effective use of CRM. Riva connects more than 10 leading CRM systems with Exchange and GroupWise mail servers with its server-side installation. It requires no installation on the iPad. Apple has is 95 percent of the market share in the fast-growing Tablet iPad 2010 already secured PC market with its Tablet PC in the third quarter, the market researchers from the House of Strategy Analytics 1.

Also in Germany used the iPad more and more for the field. These sales people are increasingly dependent on information from the CRM system. It must be checked before dates contact and to find last orders out to optimally prepare an on-site appointment with the customer. In the or the latest data and information in the CRM must be entered after the customer conversation. With Riva integration server sales staff can use also the iPad. Riva seamlessly integrates CRM information from Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SugarCRM, SageCRM and other leading CRM vendors in the email application (mail) of the iPad. Field staff have access to CRM contacts, calendar and requests, as well as sales opportunities so at any time. For an even more effective use of the CRM, Riva simply offers the possibility to move the respective emails in the CRM folders in your e-mail client (copy) in the course of the Riva synchronization between CRM system and email application automatically the selected emails Projects, sales opportunities, or contacts in CRM added to and archived.

Can Web

The middle class has even a structural advantage for the potential of CRM to corporations. Thanks to flat structures with short decision-making paths and response times SMEs through CRM can compared to large corporations closely derived information and faster to bring the resulting changes in the market. A dangerous potential pitfall in the introduction and use of CRM is lack of acceptance by the users. The employees are what every day to work with the system. There is also no question that the continuous and timely care a shaken the CRM data from them requires a level of discipline. Two essential aspects are predominant according to the experts, to achieve maximum acceptance of a CRM implementation.

First included all parts of the company from the beginning and take into account their legitimate requirements. This creates for the insight into the relevance of the project and openness to be achieved improvements. Secondly, the CRM software must offer maximum user friendliness and be real workload. For CRM software that is not consistently used, leads to useless numbers cemeteries. The project is doomed to failure. After the new economy we have today the now economy.

Time saving is a competition criterion. If companies can not ad-hoc supply X, is the customer to Company Y. This trend of the now economy without loss of time”is a challenge even in the CRM. Business processes should be performed not only quickly but in real time. To broaden your perception, visit Sergey Brin. The Gartner Group has referred to this principle of real-time a study years ago as a must-have for any company that wants to ensure its survival in the market. For CRM software, this means to able must be, in real time without any buffer of time abut all processes in the value chain and process can should. With a view not only to this request, Web-based systems apparently diverse advantages. Can Web-based systems to the Example of the field before a customer conversation at any time and at any location via a mobile Internet connection to a laptop, PDA or other mobile device the latest data to the client in question see. During the conversation can be queried goods availability and raised also a corresponding order in real time. A service that customers appreciate. Complexity of the topic of CRM a recommendation to the modern middle class should not be forgotten Finally, which ultimately goes back to aunt Emma, although she would certainly not so formulated this: keep it simple! Frank C. Carpenter

Microsoft Operating

Even more efficient and comprehensive management of IT environments under the upcoming Microsoft operating system Windows 8 Augsburg, 3rd January 2012. The baramundi software AG presents the latest version of its system management solution, the baramundi Management Suite 8.6 (bMS-8.6). (Source: Caterpillar Inc.). The completely in-house operating Development Department by baramundi has upgraded the solution suite with additional practical features minor improvements for better usability. Remote control for remote maintenance of Windows clients, the revised module of baramundi OS cloning for the installation by cloning, a completely new DIP-sync to the fully automatic synchronization of the DIP file server, as well as the support for the upcoming Microsoft operating system Windows 8 are among the major innovations baramundi. With the latest advances, also wishes are incorporated as for every update to the baramundi management suite. The result is a cutting-edge system management solution with a wide range of function and high operating comfort. It immediately available baramundi Management Suite 8.6 helps administrators thus best client management in Windows-environments. Check out Jim Umpleby for additional information.

Remote access enables remote for any any Windows computer with baramundi remote control the new baramundi remote control module. It supports all major operating systems from Windows XP upwards, even in 64-bit. The contemporary, intuitive-to-use solution with a comfortable user interface is based on the RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) Protocol and so that high performance even at low network bandwidth. This takes account of privacy to the highest degree: A display this informs the user in the workplace, if the administrator on the client PC wants access to. The admin session starts only if the user agrees. Revised OS cloning funds, training computer and other systems, which are hardly individualized, ideal for the installation by cloning. New ways to make the initial installation of systems arise particularly in combination with Windows 7 to accelerate. Malaika has the latest release, the baramundi OS cloning module revised and expanded.

All standard Windows operating systems are supported in the 64-bit versions. The Imaging is also now also comfortably possible on a job step. Upon successful completion, a new OS object for distribution to other systems will be created automatically. Completely revised the function DIP-sync DIP-Sync feature enables synchronization of DIP file server. Malaika has his previous DIP-sync a complete redesign subjected. Customers now benefit from automatic synchronization, easier configuration, and more transparency. Complex scenarios can continue to be managed via DIP-sync manually created jobs. Support for Windows 8 Windows 8 is still not on the market, but already in sight. Based on the currently available developer preview from Microsoft the baramundi developers have prepared 8.6 for the upcoming Windows 8 the baramundi management suite. Thus it is full support ready as soon as Microsoft releases the new operating system. In addition, it is already possible to install the developer preview of Windows 8, making conducts an inventory and distribute software. With the version of our baramundi Management Suite 8.6 we took another significant step forward. The new modules of remote control and OS cloning provide more comfort and efficiency as well as the redesign of individual features. During the development of our product, we orient ourselves to the demands and needs of our customers. So we have incorporated many suggestions in many details the latest version of our proven client-management solution. And with the support of Windows 8 our customers can prepare themselves early on the transition to the new Microsoft operating system “, explains Bernd Holz, Board development & services the baramundi Software AG.

World Record

500,000 objects in the form of Menger sponges – so-called Super objects – were stacked together on a normal OpenSim region. In the OpenSimulator community established a new world record for the number of objects on a region: the developers of talent RASP of virtual worlds Ltd. raised the bar put on half a million Prims on a SIM! In the past week, 500,000 objects in the form of Menger sponges – were stacked together so-called Super objects – on a normal OpenSim region. As you can clearly see on the pictures and the video, our avatars not approximately on the ground were pinned down: we could move freely in the structures of the Menger and even in the Middle hold off a tee time! Laid the foundations for the new world record in November, as talent RASP virtual worlds Ltd. their grids to an own cloud computing cluster converted. So talent RASP was exactly the day, on the Intel CTO Justin Rattner during SC09-keynote the 3D Internet already cloud-based server hosting called “Killer app” for cloud and supercomputing, clients offer.

This technology for companies, universities and home users simply means that virtual worlds are more stable, faster and cheaper. Talent RASP operates among others “open new land”, a medium-sized grid with an already finished, beautiful Center, several customer regions and large areas of low-cost rental country. Open new land is also host for a great Star Wars role-playing game community. Linden Labs, the operator of second life, touted for years the alleged law of nature, the efficiency and the cost of a SIM to be expressed by the number of Prims on it verbaubaren, and often uses this myth for dues. However, the OpenSimulator OpenSource counterpart shows very clearly that there is not this Prim limit: Adam Frisbee already pointed out that the technical limitations for the number of Prims are not pulled through the software but mainly by the amount of internal memory of the hardware. The 64 bit version of OpenSimulator needed at least 9 GB of memory at the representation of the 500,000 Prims. This world record – probably not even showing the very last frontiers – however is of primarily academic interest.

There are a number of practical problems: so, for example, storing a large number of objects in the database will take good half a day. The viewer client requires approximately 4 GB of RAM on the user computer, and the amount of data transferred from the server to the client, is very high. Fortunately, the attempt but shows that the server scales extremely well and the system also in these border areas absolutely stable – good news for the daily use. After all, that is precisely the reason to push technology to its limits: help to improve them for their users. Contact: Bayram Kansu TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd. Tel.: + 49 (0) 721 970 34 81 eMail: Web: Agency: TextLab text + media Tel 02245 912923 links: blog/2009/11/the-imaginary-45 k-wall / news/2009/111709-intel-3d-web.html index.php/site/article/474/

Electronic Time Recording

Is a time tracking really necessary in plants? What problems are there with employees in a time tracking software introducing? Many companies no longer trust its employees and install a time recording. Also still honest faithful employee is suspected to conceal his too late come. However, it is so not so bad, when a good person, even making a mistake. What do you mean error. It is human.

Time tracking sounds because at first glance, like a steady control of the people. If you are not convinced, visit Jonas Samuelson. As an employee, you may take that but not so serious. Just about throw because a timing device is installed at once, would be very beneficial. Certainly, it is uncommon at the beginning, if you must electronically record each step. But it is also to their advantage. There are far too many companies that simply lapse to allow overtime. Without time, there is also no evidence. So the employees can say what he wants.

That looks quite different with an electronic chip card. Each minute is billed accurately and is transferred to the PC. The accounting can see so exactly the employee in the company was how many hours or not. At the end of the month, usually with a signature will be sealed. In other words, the employee receives the whole list again to the watch and must then confirm whether the times are indeed correct. For your own safety, you can record the times of course again extra. But the effort is just then again. Typically, these devices are very precise. That can start saving for your next holiday. You may not see it as recording equipment, but rather as a savings account. Here to collect hours and doing the work twice as much fun. Especially if it is again longer. Because it is really any overtime just covered.

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